Liu Tianxian didn't know that Guan Youlan didn't come to Manyuan Village with her just because she was worried about the child.

The bigger reason was to complete the task assigned by Grandpa Guan.

As for what the specific task was and what the purpose was,

Guan Youlan herself didn't know.

Anyway, it was not completely her own will.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room realized that Guan Youlan and Ye Fang didn't seem to be strangers.

"Hiss, I’ve always been curious, who is this beauty?"

"This beauty is so beautiful, no worse than a star!"

"This gentle temperament is so lovely!"

"Why does it feel like she knows Mr. Ye?"

"Who is this goddess? She's not a star, is she?"

"Wow! Mr. Ye didn't even look at Tianxian for a second!".....

Liu Tianxian saw everything, and Peng Peng also noticed that the atmosphere was inexplicably awkward.

He couldn't figure out why it was awkward, but when he saw Ye Fang helping another goddess with her luggage, he immediately helped Liu Tianxian with her luggage.

""Thank you." Liu Tianxian thanked him politely.

However, she did not recognize the young man in front of her.

She could not help but sigh that she had retired for too long, and she did not know any of the young stars who had emerged in the entertainment industry in recent years.

The four of them walked into the courtyard of the mushroom house. Teacher Huang and Teacher He greeted Liu Tianxian one after another.

The three of them smiled and shook hands.

Zhang Zifeng looked at the beauty in front of him and the gentle goddess beside her without makeup in disbelief.

It was really Liu Tianxian herself!

Although they were all in the entertainment industry, Zhang Zifeng had not had the opportunity to meet this popular actress with a unique and outstanding temperament.

Apart from endorsing some advertisements, he had not seen the goddess appear in public for several years. In the public eye.

The sudden visit to the Mushroom House made everyone in the Mushroom House very confused.

Director Lao Wang was also confused. Yesterday, he received a call from Liu Tianxian's agent, saying that he wanted to participate in the Mushroom House.

Although he has good connections in the entertainment industry as a director, she can't invite someone of Liu Tianxian's level just because she wants to. Is the show so popular now that these retired top stars are willing to come as guests?

Director Lao Wang is not stupid. He still can't figure out the reason, and he is not even sure whether Liu Tianxian is really back.

When he saw Tianxian in person, he was happy in his heart but still confused.

The arrival of Tianxian really has a different aura!

"Who is this...?"After a few pleasantries, Mr. Huang looked at the gentle beauty beside Liu Tianxian. It was obvious that she was not from the entertainment industry and was not comfortable facing the camera.

But her beauty and gentle temperament were not ordinary!

"This is my best friend, Guan Youlan. I asked her to come with me."

"Teacher Huang, you won’t mind, right?"

Teacher Huang smiled and waved her hand:"Of course not, everyone who comes is a guest!"

"That's good, Youlan, let me introduce you"

"This is Mr. Huang, this is Mr. He, this is Zifeng, Pengpeng..."

Liu Tianxian smiled, and in order to make Guan Youlan adapt, she took the initiative to introduce the Mushroom House family members.

Guan Youlan greeted them one by one, and she felt a little relaxed.

Although all the people present were celebrities, they were very down-to-earth, without any celebrity airs, and they got along very well.

Guan Youlan put aside her worries.

On the contrary, Guan Tiantian, the daughter standing behind Ye Fang, had a gleam in her eyes and was very excited.

Mommy comes to the Mushroom House as a guest, can't she get along with Daddy openly!

Thinking of having both mom and dad to accompany her every day in the future.

Guan Tiantian felt as sweet and happy as if a honey pot had been overturned.

It was the first time that Liu Youyou hadn't seen her mother for more than ten days, and her mother suddenly came to the Mushroom House, and she was also nervous in her heart.

She received a text message from her mother, but it was her fault after all. She didn't know why her mother came this time....Do you want to see her and take her back.

But before her mother took the initiative to talk to her, she knew that she could not casually reveal her relationship with her mother.

There are too many things involved in this. Although Liu Youyou is young, she is very clear about the interests involved.

It's just that I feel complicated and worried at the moment.

Time passed bit by bit in uneasiness.

Liu Tianxian and Guan Youlan visited every corner of the Mushroom House and marveled at the beauty of the south of the colorful clouds.

The orchard is full of fruits and vegetables.

Standing in the yard, the blue sky and white clouds and the mountains and waters of Manyuan Village merge into a beautiful picture.

This is the vision of the painting that was sold at a sky-high price.

It is indeed beautiful.

Seeing the conspicuous sunflower yard not far away, Liu Tianxian asked with a smile:

"That yard is so beautiful."

"Hahaha, you have good taste, that's Ye Fang's yard."

Teacher He came out with a plate of fruit, glanced at the sunflower yard, and smiled at Ye Fang who was busy in the kitchen.

"Can I take a look around later?"

Liu Tianxian asked naturally and appropriately.

"this...I have to ask Ye Fang, it should be okay."

Thinking about Ye Fang's elegant personality, he probably won't mind.

But I don't dare to say it for sure.

""Okay," Liu Tianxian smiled and nodded, not in a hurry. She just wanted to see the small courtyard full of Mr. Ye's thoughts about his ex-girlfriend.

She has never experienced love, but it does not prevent her from appreciating Ye Fang's loyalty and obsession with love.

Looking at Ye Fang in the kitchen, who was wearing an apron and showing his high-end cooking skills at any time, Liu Tianxian felt sorry for the deceased Lan Yuge.

If she were still alive, she would be the envy of countless girls.

Lunch will be ready in an hour. When the delicious dishes were served, Ye Fang smiled helplessly in his heart.

No wonder he felt that the dishes ordered by the guests were familiar, weren't they the dishes that Guan Youlan had eaten that day?

But with the addition of a top-notch Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, the table of dishes is comparable to the level of a five-star chef.

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but brighten her beautiful eyes:"It smells so good, Mr. Ye and Teacher Huang's cooking skills are really good"

"Thank you for the compliment. Thank you for the compliment. My cooking skills are not as good as Ye Fang's."Teacher Huang waved his hand and smiled.

In terms of qualifications in the entertainment industry, many people have to call him teacher.

But when it comes to cooking skills, he really can't compare himself with Ye Fang.

Liu Tianxian smiled, and everyone started eating after being invited by the teacher.

The five little ones all sat beside Ye Fang. Liu Youyou wanted to eat Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, but her hands were too short, and she was embarrassed to stand up to pick up the food. Her big eyes stared at Buddha Jumps Over the Wall from time to time.

Liu Tianxian noticed this, she was too familiar with her daughter's eyes.

She smiled and picked up a chopstick of food and put it in Liu Youyou's bowl.

This was a subconscious action of the mother to her daughter, but this action made others feel confused.

Liu Tianxian realized that her action was inappropriate, and hurriedly explained with a smile:

"I saw Youyou wanted to eat Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, but couldn’t get any, so I helped her pick some dishes."

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