The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked:

"What's going on? This conversation sounds so scary!"

"Is this a murder scene?"

"Fuck me fuck me fuck!!!"

"Is this a play or is it real?"

"I got goosebumps all over my body.、"

"Damn, is this scene real or fake?"

"Isn't this arranged by the program?"

"Damn, that’s a bit scary!"

"Get out of here quickly!".......

If it were any other place, Liu Tianxian and Zhang Zifeng's first reaction would be to wonder if this was a movie shoot.

After all, such a conversation is almost impossible to encounter in reality.

Only in movies and TV series, such conversations often occur.

But this is in Manyuan Village, in an uninhabited primeval forest.

Such a place is full of crises, and no crew would choose to shoot here. If they really shoot, they must have all kinds of instruments and staff.

They are so close, but there is no instrument or staff.

And this conversation is too real, one is shrill, terrifying, and the other is cold-blooded, which makes people cold to the bone.

This is a real murder scene!

The hearts of the three women tightened instantly, and they were very nervous.

The faces of the five little ones also turned pale. They could tell that there was a person in a very dangerous situation behind the bushes.

But at the same time, their situation was also a little dangerous.

Ye Fang didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Local villagers rarely come to this primeval forest. Only villagers who are familiar with the terrain come to pick some medicinal herbs.

Now, the most important thing is to protect the safety of the children and the three women.

"Don't make any noise."

Ye Fang made a quiet gesture to the people behind him, and then took the cameraman's portable camera.

He said to the people behind him:"Now. You slowly step back, don't make any noise, the farther the better."

Guan Youlan and Liu Tianxian protected their children at the first moment, and then protected the other two children in their arms.

They just want to stay away now.

If they didn't have the children, they would want to help each other, but now, if they encounter danger, they can't even protect themselves, how can they save others?

But Ye Fang's words made the two of them look up at him.

"Mr. Ye, what are you going to do?"

"Mr. Ye, please leave with us."

The two said at the same time in a very low voice.

Zhang Zifeng's chubby face was also full of fear and worry. She only hoped that Ye Fang could leave with her.

But she was also worried about the safety of the person being persecuted.

Ye Fang looked back and made sure that the other party had not discovered their presence, then he said:

"I'll go check out the situation first, you guys leave."

After saying that, he turned around, holding up the camera, and slowly and gently moved forward.

At the same time, he took out his cell phone and called the local police station.

"dad.."Tang Qianqian's scared cry was covered by Liu Tianxian's mouth. Liu Tianxian was also worried, but she couldn't let her worry hurt everyone.

She had to turn around and say to Guan Youlan, who was at a loss,"Let's send the child to a safe place first."

""Okay." Guan Youlan knew there was no other way. Seeing Peng Peng and the two photographers follow Mr. Ye, she felt a little relieved.

The three girls led the five children back the way they came. In panic, Zhang Zifeng stepped on a dead branch, and the sound of the branch breaking was crisp and loud.

In an instant, the conversation in the woods quieted down.

Everyone stopped.

Ye Fang, who had already approached the source of the sound, stopped abruptly.

His camera was aimed at the scene in the bushes.

At this moment, Zhang Zifeng's blood was flowing back, and his face was pale. Instantly, his face turned pale and his body trembled.

Liu Tianxian immediately grabbed the children and held his breath.

The forest became extremely quiet.

The comments in the live broadcast room also instantly quieted down, because they could see the real picture!

A young man covered in wounds, blood and dirt was lying on the ground beside a stream in the forest.

His face could not be seen clearly because it was covered with dirt and water stains, but his eyes were filled with fear.

In front of him stood a man in black with tattoos on his body, holding a dagger in his hand, pointing it at the chest of the young man on the ground.

And listening The moment he heard the movement, the man in black slowly turned his head. His facial features were ordinary, but the coldness and murderous intent in his eyes made people shudder.

The camera met his gaze, and all the audience in front of the camera also met his gaze.

In an instant, countless audiences' hair stood up, blood flowed back, and their hands and feet became cold.

It was too scary, the look in this man's eyes.

This was the look when he really wanted to kill someone!

And the eyes of this attempted murderer looked straight at Ye Fang who was holding the camera.

Ye Fang had a calm personality and had experienced a lot of things.

But he had never met such a desperate man who could cruelly kill lives.

He exuded an indifference to life and a bloodthirsty aura.

For ordinary people, everyone is a life, and even if they accidentally stepped on one, they had to express their apologies.

But the man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

He could take a life at any time.

This is the so-called killer.

The aura he exuded made ordinary people daunt him.

With a look in his eyes, Ye Fang knew that he had encountered a life-threatening crisis.

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room was scattered in dots:

"My god, this look"

"My body trembles when I see his eyes"

"It's so scary. I always thought killers only existed in TV dramas.、"

"This is too dangerous. What should I do now?"

"Police, come quickly!"

"This is the look of a desperado!"

"How to do how to do!!!!!!".......

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room panicked, but also Lao Wang, who was sitting in the monitoring room enjoying the air conditioning, panicked.

This happened too suddenly. By the time he reacted, Ye Fang had already met this person.

""Hurry, hurry, all the men in the crew, follow me!"

Director Lao Wang immediately stood up and called the male staff to rush into the forest.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He, who were sitting in the mushroom house enjoying the air conditioning, came out immediately after hearing the noise.

Seeing a group of people rushing out, they were stunned.

"What's going on? Where are you going?"

""Mr. Ye and his team are in danger! Let's go help!"

The staff member walking at the back shouted and hurriedly caught up.

The two people who didn't know what was going on immediately went into the monitoring room and saw the scene of this crisis.

They were scared and worried.

"How could this happen?"

"Ye Fang, don't get excited, call the police immediately!"......

And deep in the forest, the scene.

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