The atmosphere at the scene was tense, and no one dared to speak.

Peng Peng opened his eyes wide, and sweat dripped down his forehead and cheeks.

It was too terrifying to look the murderer in the eye, an experience that he had never experienced before.

The man in black glanced at Ye Fang and the others, and saw the woman and child standing not far away.

On his ordinary face, he showed an unexpected and cold smile:

"You are lucky, kid...."

"Before I die, I can drag a few people down with me."

What does this mean?

Ye Fang's heart tightened instantly, and Peng Peng was also shocked. He was going to kill them!

Come to think of it, if they caught him killing someone, of course they would be killed to silence them.

Ye Fang had a bad feeling in his heart. The man in black put away his dagger, stood up, and walked towards them.

How many of them were going to be killed by the other party?

Peng Peng's subconscious reaction was to run away, but his feet seemed to be filled with lead and he couldn't move a step.

The others were also shocked. There was nothing they could do. The other party's momentum was too strong! Before they could react, the man in black suddenly turned and ran to the right.

""Not good!"

Ye Fang shouted, and immediately ran after him!

Before Peng Peng could breathe a sigh of relief, he realized that this man's target was not the men, but the women and children.

At this moment, he was running towards Liu Tianxian and others.

The five children who had just stood there and dared not move were so scared that their faces turned pale.

This change was too sudden that ordinary people could not react.

But perhaps it was the sudden burst of power as mothers, Liu Tianxian and Guan Youlan immediately pulled the children and ran away.

They must hide and not let the children get into danger!

The two mothers' brains were full of worries. Haili had only this one thought, and Zhang Zifeng followed immediately. However, she was soft-hearted and was frightened at the moment. Her legs and feet were weak, and she could not keep up with the two mothers.

She looked back and saw that the man in black was getting closer and closer.

Her heart was pounding and she ran hard.

But how could a girl like her be as fast as the man in black who was licking blood on the tip of the knife?


The man in black observed that the other side had a large number of people. If he started with a few men, it would take him a lot of time and effort.

But if he focused on the relatively weak women and children, he would be able to get a handle on the other side. Aren't his people also at his mercy?

As for the initial target, the young man who was already covered in wounds.

He was not in a hurry anyway.

His leg was broken and he couldn't escape.

It wouldn't be too late to kill him after he dealt with these people.

Although he was alone, his hands were stained with the blood of countless people, and killing was his job.

No matter how many people there were, he had to kill them to silence them.

So, in his eyes, this was not a dead person, but a lamb to be slaughtered, but there were too many lambs, so it would take some effort.

Make a judgment at the first time, then make a feint and run towards the weakest group of people.

His speed is very fast, which is a necessary condition for a killer.

But what surprised him was that someone could catch up with his speed.

The man in black turned his head and looked at the man who was following him and was about to surpass him.

The man looked gentle and refined, but he ran very fast and reacted even faster.

He knew who his target was at the first time.

Yes, such agility and reaction speed, if cultivated, would be enough to become a top killer.

But unfortunately, he was going to die in his own hands today

"Ah!"Zhang Zifeng looked at the man in black who was already close to her. He raised the dagger, and the tip of the knife with a cold light was about to stab her.

With a scream, Zhang Zifeng completely lost the power to dodge and sat stiffly on the ground.

Suddenly, a hand quickly grasped the dagger!

Zhang Zifeng opened her eyes wide, and she heard the sound of the blade cutting through the flesh!

Blood dripped from the tiger's mouth, and Ye Fang held the dagger with his bare hands.

"Mr. Ye..."Zhang Zifeng sat on the ground stupidly, but she saw the man who saved her from danger.

The pain from his palm made Ye Fang frown.

At this moment, he regretted not learning some self-defense skills.

His physical fitness is stronger than that of ordinary people, and it is no problem for him to catch up with the man in black.

But he has no way to use his fists and feet to subdue him.

He used to have nothing, and even if he died, he would have no regrets. He never considered his own safety.

But at this moment, he regretted it very much.

If it was the five little ones who were almost stabbed just now, his heart would be in pain for the rest of his life!

""Oh, there is something."

The man in black showed a look of surprise, looking at Ye Fang who was holding the dagger with his bare hands but remained calm.

This man has a strong will.

On his face, the man in black could not see the fear of death, but a kind of regret?

Regret for what?

The man in black could not understand, but did not want to understand, because he would be dead soon!

He pulled out the dagger in an instant, and the sound of cutting flesh rang out again.

Zhang Zifeng's heart was clenched fiercely, as if countless big hands were pinching it tightly.

She was so heartbroken that she couldn't breathe and began to gasp.

It hurts so much. It hurts so much.

Mr. Ye was injured just to save her.

How painful it must be!

Ye Fang didn't care about the pain of flesh, his eyes were fixed on the man in black.

Peng Peng saw that Ye Fang was injured, and his eyes turned red. Finally, his body became conscious, and he ran over immediately.

Protect your sister behind you!

"Mr. Ye, are you okay?"Peng Peng stood in front of Zhang Zifeng, not daring to take his eyes off the man in black for a moment, and asked Ye Fang loudly

"I'm fine."Ye Fang replied immediately.

Both of them were on guard, and the camera that fell to the side could not shoot, but the audience could hear the noise.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all excited.

"Oh my God, Mr. Ye is injured!"

"Why haven’t the police come yet?"

"This person really wants to kill someone!!!"

"What should I do?"

"Five little ones, run quickly!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, this is so horrible!".........

"Everything is being filmed now, I suggest you leave quickly. '

Ye Fang has calmed down, staring at him calmly, and said coldly

"I know." The man in black suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse and with a chilling smile

"Since you have been photographed, don't even think about leaving."

The man in black smiled, raised the dagger with murderous intent, and stabbed Ye Fang's chest again!

Zhang Zifeng and Peng Peng were both frightened, and could only watch the dagger stab down, but could not stop it.

They couldn't react!


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, coming from far away.

An arrow pierced the arm of the man in black.


A howl of pain echoed through the forest.

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