The childish voice was filled with a resolute attitude and a fierce killing intent.

The black-clothed man's pupils shrank sharply. He was sure that this five-year-old child was really a killer and was not joking. He could tell from his temperament, words and deeds at a glance.

But how could this little kid be so strong?

And when did he hurt her father?

Could it be that.......

The man in black turned his head and looked at Ye Fang:"Are you her father?"

"Ah?" Ye Fang looked really clueless, tilting his head and asking,"I'm her father?"

The others were even more confused.

"What? Why is there another child? ? ?"Peng Peng's voice broke.

Zhang Zifeng was even more confused:"This is also...?"

Five children appeared one after another, all claiming to be Mr. Ye's daughters, which was surprising.

Now another powerful child appeared, saying categorically that her father must not be harmed.

This is really hard to believe!

Liu Tianxian looked at this five-year-old little Lolita who was so cute, but exuded murderous intent.

"Could it be...Is it hers?"

It was just a guess in her heart. This child who suddenly appeared had her temperament.

But after the party six years ago, she never appeared again, but occasionally sent some messages from all over the world.

These messages were transmitted to their besties in an encrypted way.

Because of the nature of her unique work, her identity was always changing.

In order not to cause trouble to these true friends, she was almost out of contact, and occasionally she would bring them some messages when her identity allowed.

In the past few years, Liu Tianxian only knew that she also gave birth to a daughter, and she didn't know much about other things.

Seeing this child who was somewhat similar to her, she had a vague guess in her heart.

The audience in the live broadcast room heard some voices and guessed blindly:

"Why is there another child?"

"Why is there a child’s voice? Who is it?"

"This voice, don't hurt my dad? Such a cute voice !"

"Did Mr. Ye have another daughter?"


"I'm so curious!"

"Is there no danger?".........

They were anxious and curious because they couldn't see the scene.

The man in black was speechless at Ye Fang's words. You don't know your own child?

So, he suspected that Ye Fang was teasing him. As a killer, could he accept such teasing?

With a sneer, he snorted:"Try it and you will know if it's you?"

While speaking, his uninjured left hand pulled out a gun from his body. This gun was not a gun on the market, but was made illegally.

The lethality is not strong enough, but it is enough to kill people!

The pistol was pointed at Ye Fang's chest and was about to shoot!


Peng Peng screamed in fear. It was the first time he saw a real gun in reality.

If it was usual, he would not believe it was a gun, but the man in black with a pierced palm still bleeding let him know that he really wanted to kill someone!

Peng Peng was still standing in front of Ye Fang. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Ye Fang, and it could also hurt Peng Peng!

Ye Fang did not expect that the other party could pull out a gun. He frowned and pushed Peng Peng away.

"Be careful. '

This man in black is serious!

He used a dagger at first because he thought that he didn't need to use a gun to kill a group of ordinary people.

This thing is efficient, but it will also bring unnecessary trouble.

But now he is angry and angry. He doesn't want to think too much and just wants to kill the person in front of him quickly.

Seeing his finger pulling the trigger....


There was another sound of breaking through the air, and the arrow in the hand of the white horse loli had already shot out.

She was completely enraged. She had already warned this person, but he still wanted to continue to hurt her father!

Her temper would not allow it!

It was not easy to find her father!

This time the man in black was on guard, and he dodged the arrow by turning sideways, but his clothes were also scratched by the arrow, leaving another wound.


The man in black took a breath of cold air.

Even if he was on guard, he was still injured. This little girl's archery skills are really strong! She stared at him with her big eyes, her chest rising and falling slightly, and she was angry.

The child has a really bad temper!

The man in black became more vigilant about the little Lolita and began to retreat.

If it was just dealing with these ordinary people, it would not be difficult.

But this little Lolita who exudes murderous intent and explodes at any time is very troublesome to deal with.

Similarly, her behavior has confirmed that the father she mentioned is Ye Fang!

"You still say it's not?"The man in black looked at Ye Fang and sneered.

Ye Fang shrugged slightly:"I said I don't know, but I didn't say it's not!"

"You!" The man in black was furious. He was actually mocked by an ordinary person??

Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng widened their eyes.

Is this really Mr. Ye's daughter?

Mr. Ye, how many children do you have?

Liu Tianxian's eyes lit up, and she looked at Guan Youlan who thought of her long-lost best friend.

Sure enough, it should be her.

This little Lolita is also their niece!

Their daughter's biological sister!

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but worry. Although they knew of her existence, they didn't know if she was also an extraordinary child.

Her archery skills are good, but this man in black is a killer after all.....

Just when the two girlfriends were worried, she shook the reins, and the white horse galloped over and directly crashed into the man in black.

The white horse was very fast, and if it hit him, he would be seriously injured if not killed.

The man in black's face changed and he immediately dodged. When he passed by the white horse, the small black figure flashed and rolled off the horse's back.

With a flash of cold light, the little Lolita pulled out a soft knife from her waist, and used her small body to fight with the man in black!

The close combat pistol was not suitable, and the man in black immediately picked up the dagger on the ground.

The blades faced each other, and the cold light was sharp.、���

The sound of the blades touching and the sound of the two fighting were so real.

A five-year-old child fighting an adult killer was not at all inferior!

Peng Peng and others were already stunned. Similarly, Liu Tianxian urged Guan Youlan

"You take the children away from here, I will stay."

"No, it's too dangerous!"Guan Youlan shook her head. They were good friends, and she didn't want Liu Tianxian to be in any danger. As a weak woman, she couldn't help Mr. Ye, but at least she couldn't let Liu Tianxian get into danger.

"Hurry up, the children are not suitable to see bloody scenes!"

Liu Tianxian urged again, using the five children as an excuse. There was no other way, children were a woman's biggest weakness.

Guan Youlan looked at Guan Tiantian who was trembling with fear, and there was really nothing she could do. She gave a few instructions and left with the five children.

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