The audience in the live broadcast room listened to the fighting sounds as if they were hearing the dubbing of a martial arts movie:

"Oh my God, is this a fight?"

"This sound is like a fight scene in a movie"

"what's going on???"

"Is anyone here?"

"What is that sound?"

"I'm so anxious because I can't see the picture!"........

At the scene, Ye Fang was also nervous.

He was a calm person with no mood swings.

But now the one who was fighting with the man in black was his own daughter.

They had never met, but when he saw this little Loli for the first time, Ye Fang felt the inexplicable bond again.

It came from the blood.

Now it seems that the two are equal, but the child is a child after all, and Ye Fang is afraid that something will happen to her.

In the case of being unable to help, his brain was also running fast.

He looked at the arrow feathers that fell on the ground, his eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly to pick up the arrow feathers.

Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng were both sweating for the child.

Who would have thought that this child could not only shoot arrows, but also use a soft knife, and fight as well as this killer.

This child is so strong!

In terms of momentum, he is not inferior to the man in black, and he even knows how to use his petite advantage.

But after all, it was a real fight with real swords and guns. What if this little friend is hurt?

Peng Peng kept swallowing his saliva, anxious.

Zhang Zifeng's heart was in his throat, and his palms were clenched with cold sweat.

Liu Tianxian pinched her palms with her fingers. She didn't know how powerful this child was, but this was her best friend's daughter and Youyou's sister. She was afraid that something would happen to her.

But now, they, a group of adults, stood aside and could only watch a child fight for them.

With a feeling of powerlessness in their hearts, they just prayed that the child would not get hurt.

When the adults were at a loss, a sound of breaking through the air sounded!


An arrow shot towards the man in black, but it missed the vital point by a few centimeters.

The man in black glanced at it and dodged it immediately, looking a little embarrassed.

There was no way, he underestimated the girl's fighting ability. When fighting with her, he couldn't be distracted.

Even if he was distracted, he would still get hurt.

The soft knife cut his thigh, and a wound was bleeding.

The man in black felt pain and his face was a little painful. The little loli succeeded, turned her head, and gave her father a thumbs up.

"Dad is great!"

It was the first time Ye Fang met the little girl, but after such cooperation, he received praise from his daughter, and Ye Fang smiled naturally.

"You are great too."

This scene was just like the harmonious and beautiful mutual praise between father and daughter after playing piano music with Guan Tiantian.

But this is a life-or-death moment!

I am still here!

The black-clothed man's anger became more and more intense. He was very angry! Hated!

The other people who were so nervous that they were dying were instantly helpless and funny.

Brother, little friend, can you be serious and stop praising each other!

In an instant, the black-clothed man's face became more and more fierce, and his blood boiled because of anger.

As a killer, he has always played with other people's lives. He has a bad taste and often makes people before death make various requests, watching them put down their self-esteem in order to survive.

He enjoys this feeling.

Whether it is a rich person or a powerful person, at this moment, they are all under his feet.

But today, he has a feeling of being teased.

And the people who teased him are an ordinary man and a five-year-old kid!

There is no fear of death on their faces, but ridicule and joy.


""Ah!" The man in black roared, his left hand moved, and he attacked the little Loli fiercely!

Ye Fang frowned. A ruthless person would not care about anything. He would be willing to lose a thousand of his own lives and injure eight hundred of the enemy.

He didn't want to see his daughter in any danger. Looking at the remaining arrows, Ye Fang picked up two and put them on the bow.


Peng Peng widened his eyes:"Brother Ye didn't hit it just now, and now you want to hit two at once?"

"What if I continue to anger this person?"

Zhang Zifeng was very anxious. He didn't hurt the man in black just now, but made him more arrogant.

Mr. Ye obviously didn't know how to shoot arrows. What if he shot the wrong arrow and hurt the little girl?

Facing the panic and worry of others, Ye Fang was not afraid at all.

He narrowed his eyes, stared at the movements of the two people, pulled the bow to the full, and released it when the time was right!

"call out!"


Two arrows broke through the air. The ruthless man in black felt the danger and dodged.

The arrow passed by his eyes without hurting him at all.

Just as he was relaxing, another arrow followed, as if it knew the trajectory he would dodge and had been prepared long ago.

He was unable to dodge, and the cute little rabbit on the arrow was imprinted in his pupils, and then the arrow pierced his shoulder.


With a muffled groan, the arrow pierced his shoulder and hindered his movement.

The man in black couldn't believe it, and looked at Ye Fang who continued to put on the arrows with shocked eyes.

He was sure that this person was an ordinary person who had not received any martial arts training.

The accuracy of his first arrow was not good, and it could only be said to be better than that of a beginner.

But this time, his accuracy was much stronger with two arrows, but it didn't hurt him, but he didn't expect there would be a second one!

This was not intended to hit him, but a trick to force him to hit the direction of the second arrow.

His archery skills were average, but his IQ was very high!

This man is not ordinary!

The man in black silently evaluated in his heart. At this moment, he He had the idea of retreating.

He was a killer, he could play with other people's lives at will.

But when he felt that the situation was not right, he would be afraid of the crisis and would have the idea of retreating.

He didn't want to die here. After all, the original mission was to kill the kid, because it was not difficult and the bounty was not much.

It was not worth it to put himself in danger for that little money!

He looked at the little Lolita who was staring at him again, raised his hand, and stabbed the dagger to her right.

The little Lolita stepped back and dodged!

Taking advantage of this gap, the man in black flashed and ran away in the opposite direction.

He wanted to leave!

The little Lolita blew a whistle, and the four hooves of the white horse ran to catch up.

Ye Fang's three arrows shot out!


The man in black was hit by two arrows in the back! He was horrified to find that the archery skills of that ordinary man had reached a very high level!

After shooting three times, the level was stronger each time, ridiculously strong!!!

This man is too scary!

He must escape!

Supported by the will to live, his speed burst out again and he ran away wildly.

Ye Fang and others could no longer see his trace. Peng Peng said fearfully:"It's over, he is going to escape."

If he leaves today, maybe he will take the opportunity to retaliate tomorrow.

Peng Peng is very worried about this hidden fear.

At this moment, a tall black figure flashed over the heads of everyone!

"Why is mom here?" The little girl's face changed.

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