017Everyone saw the face of this little cutie clearly.

Her facial features were tender and delicate, and crystal tears rolled down from her beautiful big eyes, and her eye sockets were red. The tip of her straight nose was slightly red, and she opened her little mouth and cried loudly.

Her shoulders were shaking, and she cried very sadly. The cry was pitiful and heartbreaking, as if she had finally found her relatives after being abandoned.

She was born beautiful to the extreme. Although she looked only five or six years old, she exuded a kind of spiritual energy that children of the same age did not have.

Similarly, her appearance made most people at the scene feel familiar.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt even more familiar, but the child was crying so sadly that people did not notice her appearance at first, and they just looked at her with pity.

"What's going on?"Peng Peng was a little slow to react. Three children hugged Mr. Ye's legs and cried during the day, and now another child came, crying even more sadly than the three children.

Zhang Zifeng was very confused, but his bright eyes were full of heartache.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He had already faced this scene for the second time, and they seemed much more familiar with it.

They all looked at Ye Fang:"Mr. Ye, this...……"

Ye Fang was helpless. If he said he didn't know this child, no one would believe him, right?

He could only shrug helplessly and shake his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know what was going on.

Three children called for dad during the day, and now another child came crying and calling for dad.

This made him wonder if his memory was confused and he and Yu Ge had a child. If this was the case, he hoped it was true and these four children were really his daughters.

At least that would prove that Yu Ge was not gone and still existed in this world.

But unfortunately, all of this was just Ye Fang's unrealistic hopes.

Looking at the little cutie who was hugging him and crying loudly.

Ye Fang put his palm on her weak back, patting and coaxing her gently, just like he used to comfort Yu Ge.

A different feeling spread in his heart.

It was the same special feeling he had when facing the three little ones.

"You can talk to uncle, what's wrong?"

The little cutie cried and shook her head,"It's not uncle, it's dad!"

Ye Fang had a helpless smile on his face, and the other party's persistence made him stop talking. He just patted her back, which seemed weak at the moment.

There was no impatience on his face. He coaxed her and let the little cutie gradually calm down.

The process was not short, but he was not in a hurry at all. He really had the patience of a father coaxing his daughter.

This scene was seen by Teacher Huang and Teacher He, and their hearts were filled with warmth.

Mr. Ye is such a gentle person. Yang

Anan's little face was full of envy and self-blame. If she hadn't forgotten, how could Youyou get lost?

But she envied Youyou for being comforted by her father at this moment.

The camera was aimed at this scene, making the live broadcast room quiet.

"Mr. Ye is so gentle?"

"Ahhhh, this scene looks so heartwarming"

"Love love"

"I have imagined the daily life of me and Mr. Ye having a baby"

"Mr. Ye is very suitable to be a nanny!"

"I am so moved by what I saw. Mr. Ye, I will give you a daughter."

"By the way, don’t you think this little Lolita looks familiar?"

"Awoo!!! Mr. Ye, I can do it!"

"If this is really Mr. Ye’s child, I will be her stepmother!"

"You may be dreaming!"


At the same time, in the beach villa, several people stood in front of a beautiful woman who looked like a fairy.

""Have you found it?" Her eyes were slightly red and swollen, obviously she had just cried.

She stared at the person in front of her, hoping to get the answer she wanted from him.

Several people shook their heads and gave negative answers.

She looked disappointed, and the panic in her heart continued to grow.

Youyou was her only daughter. If Youyou was gone, she didn't want to live.

The film and television roles played by Liu Tianxian in her teens made her stunning in China, and later she became one of the top actresses.

But after her peak period, it seemed difficult for her to break through her former self.

This made her flustered and confused, and then she made a bold decision to borrow sperm to have a child!

In order to give birth to Youyou, she almost died on the operating table due to heavy bleeding. Later, she treated Youyou as a baby and loved her.

Later, Youyou gradually showed a talent for acting that seemed to come from her blood, which surprised her. To make up for her regret in acting, she was determined to train her daughter to be a future queen of the screen.

But her daughter suddenly disappeared, which made Liu Tianxian very flustered.

At this time, the text message alert sounded She took a look and immediately opened the Xiangwang live broadcast room.

The scene in front of her made her happy at first, and then she was stunned.

Youyou... found Ye Fang?

From crying to sobbing, the little cutie gradually calmed down.

A low hum formed a melody, the melody was gentle and light, as if there was a kind of magic, which made the little cutie gradually quiet down.

Zhang Zifeng was a little dazed when she heard it, looking at Ye Fang who was humming a melody with a comfortable smile on his face.

This melody sounded so comfortable, especially suitable for the quiet summer night at this moment.

But she had never heard this Melody, is it a local folk song?

Redina closed her eyes. She was far away from the bustling city at this moment. The chirping of insects and frogs at night seemed to accompany the moon.

Gradually, everyone quieted down.

Guan Tiantian was very excited. She liked the songs her father sang and the tunes he hummed.

This was music she had never heard before, but it amazed her.

Gradually, the little cutie quieted down.

She blinked her big eyes and stared at Ye Fang, as if she was sizing up his appearance. There was a tear in the corner of her eye.

Then, she tilted her head.���He asked,"Dad, what song is this?"

The other party still called him dad, which made Ye Fang laugh helplessly.

Ye Fang was about to speak when Peng Peng exclaimed,"Is it Youyou?"

Liu Youyou raised her tearful little face to look at Peng Peng, sniffed her nose and said,"Uncle Peng Peng, you are exaggerating."


Redina laughed, Youyou’s words made Peng Peng cough awkwardly.

It’s true, he has been a star since he was young, and it’s a bit too much to be so surprised to see a child star.

Peng Peng scratched his hair awkwardly:"I like you very much, it seems a bit exaggerated."

Teacher Huang then recognized that the little guy was the child star Liu Youyou, and asked puzzledly:"Youyou, why did you come here alone, where are your mother and agent?"

Teacher Huang’s questioning made Liu Youyou feel guilty, but he looked calm, and immediately used the excuse he had just thought of:"I came here to film, and suddenly I got lost. Can I stay?"

"Of course!" Before anyone else could answer, Zhang Zifeng answered excitedly.

""Thank you, sister Zifeng!" Liu Youyou ran over and kissed Zhang Zifeng on the face.

This time, she really captured Zhang Zifeng's heart and was very happy.

Liu Tianxian looked at this scene and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Her daughter's acting skills were so good that no one could tell that she was lying.

She saw Yang Anan and the other little girls standing by and immediately understood the reason.

But she began to be afraid...

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