Five years ago, her career was in crisis again.

The peak of her youth shrouded her for six whole years, from the age of sixteen to twenty-two.

She gradually dared not appear in the public eye at will.

Her achievements in her youth were once her capital of pride, but later she realized that it was her peak and the mountain she could never cross.

Whether it was the comments of the outside world or herself.

She began to lose her will, rarely appeared in external activities, and was also cautious in choosing filming.

But despite this, she knew that it would be difficult for her to make a breakthrough in this life.

No one knows her inner world, her loneliness, her decadence.

She is still a goddess in the eyes of the public, because she is mysterious enough....

But how long can the past consume her? She didn't know.

The only happy moment was the gathering with her besties. It was during this gathering that she and her besties made a bold decision.

Borrowing seeds to have a child!

With the help of alcohol, she carried out this bold idea to the end.

According to Da Mimi, if the big one is useless, you can still practice the small one!

When she looked at the options for providing seeds, she fell in love with one of them at first sight. His resume was that he graduated from Kyoto Theater Academy and had won various awards.

The other party provided half of the genes, and she was very satisfied with this person's resume.

But who knows, several besties actually chose the same person.

With the help of alcohol, she agreed to the choice given by Da Mimi. Everyone went through the operation together, and whoever got pregnant would give birth!

The person who failed could no longer use his seeds.

When she successfully got pregnant, she learned that her besties were pregnant, and she regretted it a little.

This matter is a bit serious if it continues to develop!

But thinking of her own goal and the other party's excellent genes, she really didn't want to give up, and finally gritted her teeth and gave birth.

Facts have proved that her choice is right.

At the age of five, Youyou is already a child star with over 10 million fans. Her innate talent for acting allows her to show amazing strength in performance.

This also makes Liu Tianxian very glad that she made the right choice at the beginning.

In addition, her daughter inherited the high looks of both the other party and her, and when they are combined, they are beautiful and cute, which makes Liu Tianxian love her daughter even more.

She must train her daughter to become the future queen of the screen.

However, the choice five years ago itself has its pros and cons.

Now that things have developed to this state, Liu Tianxian knows that this matter may not be hidden.

But Youyou is her daughter, and she will never give up on this.

Looking at the camera, Ye Fang, who is gentle as jade and humming a song to comfort his daughter, and the crying and laughing daughter, Liu Tianxian's heart is sour. She raised her daughter from childhood, and it can be said that she has no relationship with the other party.

But I have to admit that blood is thicker than water, which can never be erased.

And the daughter needs a father and fatherly love, which cannot be replaced by what she does.

Liu Tianxian's heart is very complicated at the moment.

This was her first time being a mother. She used to think that giving her daughter the best education, life, and freedom was enough.

But now she realized that she was not qualified to be a mother. She didn't even know that her daughter was so attached to her and needed her father's love....

Wiping away the tears, Liu Tianxian stood up and went to her daughter's bedroom. Looking at everything familiar in the room, she suddenly noticed that behind the photo of mother and daughter hanging on the wall, a corner of paper was exposed. Her slender white fingers gently took out the paper, which turned out to be a crayon painting.

On it were simple doodles, which should have been the work of her daughter when she was three years old.

It was a simple sketch of a boy and a girl holding a little girl with a butterfly hairpin.

The little girl was carrying a schoolbag.

Obviously, this was a picture of a family of three picking up a child from school.

Youyou's popularity gradually increased from the first drama she filmed. After becoming a child star, in order to protect her safety, Liu Tianxian hired a top tutor in the country to teach her at home.

She hasn't been to school for a long time.

This painting, is what she really wants?...

The father went to school like an ordinary child, and the warm picture of the family of three.

But the silly child did not dare to let her see it, and secretly hid the picture on the back of the photo.



Drops of tears fell from the autumn water-like eyes, hitting the yellowed drawing paper.

""It's mom's fault." She murmured to herself in a low voice with a slight nasal tone.

Guilt, an immense guilt in her heart.

She was obsessed with training her daughter to become a movie queen, thinking that she had given her the best and was being good to her.

But her daughter's dream was just something that every ordinary child could have.

Wasn't she cruel to Youyou?

She deprived her of the right to live like an ordinary child....

Taking a deep breath, Liu Tianxian raised her eyes again, looked at the screen on her phone, and sighed softly.

This time, she decided to let her daughter go and let her pursue what she wanted.

No matter what, she would back Youyou up, and as a mother, she would take care of everything!..........

The appearance of Liu Youyou has made the atmosphere of the Mushroom House more lively.

Liu Youyou is known as the national daughter. Many people, whether ordinary people or celebrities, like her. This also includes the brother and sister Zhang Zifeng and Peng Peng.

When Zhang Zifeng saw Liu Youyou in person, she was instantly captured by her and became a big fan of Liu Youyou.

Seeing Liu Youyou getting familiar with the Mushroom House in an instant, Yang Anan felt a little envious and jealous.

"Youyou is so amazing!" Guan Tiantian praised with sparkling eyes like a fangirl.

"Silly Tiantian, Youyou is here to steal daddy!"Yaoyao poked Guan Tiantian's forehead and woke her up with one sentence!

Guan Tiantian was like facing a great enemy and became alert instantly.

Yes! Everyone is here to steal daddy, Youyou is so likable, then she will lose to her!

Thinking of this, Guan Tiantian immediately stuck to Ye Fang, determined to show her advantages.

Youyou's advantages are that she is well-behaved and cute, and she is very popular.

Then her own advantages must be brought out!

Guan Tiantian secretly made up her mind, and said in a baby voice and serious face:

"Dad, you are so good at playing the piano, can you teach me?"

Cheat! Act like a spoiled child!

"Okay, but piano is very complicated and you can’t learn it in a day or two."Ye Fang patted Guan Tiantian's little head and said with a gentle smile

"It doesn't matter, I can do it!" Guan Tiantian's eyes sparkled, this is what she is good at!

"Really? Then play it for me after dinner."

Ye Fang was surprised that such a young child could play the piano, and he smiled and nodded.

""Good!" Guan Tiantian was so happy to get the chance to perform. She turned her head and gave Liu Youyou a proud look.

Liu Youyou gritted her teeth secretly. When will Guan Tiantian, this soft and sticky little sister, compete for favor again?

Yaoyao, the instigator, watched this scene with a smile.

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