Ye Fang saw all of Yaoyao's little movements.

He didn't quite know why these four kids found Manyuan Village and called him dad.

But Ye Fang keenly saw that these four children had different personalities, but they were not like the ordinary children in Manyuan Village.

They had a kind of aura and something different. But these things made Ye Fang feel very familiar. Why was it familiar? Ye Fang himself was also puzzled.

Liu Youyou had been hungry for a day and successfully captured the hearts of the people present with her soft and cute charm. Her big eyes looked at the food on the table.

The color, fragrance and taste were so good that she shed tears of envy, oh no, saliva, because she hadn't eaten for a day and her hungry belly was growling.

She had noticed the table of dishes with color, fragrance and taste a long time ago, especially the roasted chicken feet in the middle, which aroused her little greed.

But she didn't rush to eat, but got familiar with everyone.

After getting familiar with everyone, wouldn't the dishes on the table be hers?

Now, it's time to reap the rewards!

Liu Youyou put her hands on Ye Fang's shoulders and leaned against him, competing with Guan Tiantian, who was so delicate, on her left and right.

Then, she pointed at the table in confusion and said,"Dad, did you make these?"

Ye Fang seemed very calm when the other party called him"Dad" again, and said with a smile:

"This is what I did with Uncle Huang"

"Like This..."Liu Youyou muttered to herself, then turned to look at Teacher Huang, with hope in her eyes.、

‘Uncle Huang, can I eat it?"

"Sure, let's eat together."Teacher Huang nodded with a smile.

He is an old fox. No matter how good Liu Youyou's acting is, he is a teacher in the acting department. He is older and more experienced than Liu Youyou.

Naturally, he saw through Liu Youyou's initial thoughts, wasn't it on this table of delicious food?

But although this child is five years old, she is very smart!

First interacted with Peng Peng and Zi Feng, and then showed her cuteness and cuteness, which won the hearts of countless girls in the live broadcast room, and then revealed her little purpose.

This child's acting skills are amazing!

Even Teacher Huang, who has taught many top-notch acting apprentices, couldn't help but sigh.

Friends who have worked with the little guy praised him and were amazed.

He said that Liu Youyou is the most talented and youngest person he has ever seen, but his acting skills far surpass his peers, and even adult actors.

This child's acting skills are so strong that it is terrifying.

As soon as the camera is aimed at him, he starts to get into the play. In the last second, he could act coquettishly and ask for candy. , she entered the role in the next second, and it was easy for her to have red eyes in a second.

Her eyes are very smart and can accurately express various emotions.

Before meeting Liu Youyou, Mr. Huang didn't think much of it. He just thought she was a kid with good acting skills.

Now it seems that the little guy's acting skills are really amazing and powerful.

Is this talent?

This is something that many actors can't match even after shooting, improving, and studying day and night!

As an acting teacher, Mr. Huang knows better how powerful talent is, and it makes people jealous to the point of madness. ,

And this child, who is only five years old, has already shown it.

If she grows up in the future, her thinking, logic, and knowledge will develop with age. To what extent will her acting talent be developed?

Mr. Huang dare not imagine.

So he likes Liu Youyou, this smart child, from the bottom of his heart. Whatever she wants to eat, it's no problem

""Thank you, Uncle Huang~" Liu Youyou cheered, showing the joy of children of the same age.

In fact, she was very calm in her heart, and she had guessed that she would succeed.

In terms of acting, she has never failed!

Ye Fang watched, with just a faint smile on his lips, and a trace of doubt in his heart.

What Teacher Huang could see, he could also see, but in addition to being surprised, he felt that this was not a good thing.

She was only five years old, and she was good at using acting to achieve her goals.

Obviously, this was an over-reliance on acting skills.

In his previous life, Ye Fang had seen some examples of actors.

Because they were too deeply involved in the play, they could not get out of the role, but lost themselves.

The consequences were not ideal in the end. Some died of depression, or they were too deeply involved in the play, lost their reason, ruined their acting career, and even could not maintain a normal life.

All of them.

Youyou is so young, and she regards acting as a daily routine. 's means are not good.

Ye Fang's mind moved slightly, and then he didn't bother about it anymore.

Although the child called him dad, he was not his parent after all, and could not comment on his way of life.

After all, Ye Fang was just a guest in the Mushroom House today, just a guest.

Liu Youyou joined the table, and everyone began to taste it.

The aroma of chicken feet tendons mixed with the aroma of banana leaves, floating into everyone's nostrils.

With a greeting from Teacher Huang, everyone raised their teacups and clinked them, cheering.

Ye Fang looked at the scene in front of him with a smile. He had lived in seclusion in Manyuan Village for five years, and this was the first time in five years that he had seen such a lively scene.

Thinking of the past days, he missed them in his heart, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Liu Youyou first picked up a piece of chicken feet tendons with chopsticks and put it in her little mouth, chewing hard.

Those big eyes bloomed with surprise:"It's delicious!"

Guan Tiantian had been craving for a long time, and she took a bite, and the taste made her cute face reveal a surprise.

Yaoyao and Yang Anan started eating one after another. Yaoyao was quite a lady at first, but in the end, she didn't care about the etiquette she had learned before, and started eating immediately.

""Dad's cooking skills are amazing!" Yang Anan praised sincerely, already imagining the wonderful life of living with her dad.

She will have a good time in the future!

Redina looked at the exaggerated eating habits of the four little ones and shook her head in amusement.

"It’s obvious that these kids haven’t eaten very good food. But as for me, I’ve tried all kinds of delicacies from land and sea.、"

"I am a famous foodie in the circle!"

Redina was secretly proud of herself and decided to use her divine tongue to taste the chicken feet tendons made by Ye Fang. She also determined that she would never have such an exaggerated reaction.

Redina covered her mouth and laughed:"The children are too exaggerated, hahaha."

After that, she picked up a piece of chicken feet tendons and put it in her mouth.

She ate very elegantly and chewed slowly, so as not to destroy her goddess image.

But soon, her expression changed, frowned, closed her eyes, and enjoyed it!

After a long time, she swallowed the food in her mouth and looked at Ye Fang with a complicated expression.

Everyone could see her expression, and they knew whether the chicken feet tendons were delicious or not without evaluation, and whether they captured Redina.

Slap in the face, slap in the face!

Redina screamed in her heart in embarrassment.

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