Now everyone is looking at her, especially Mr. Ye, with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth.

This man, he is trying not to laugh!!!

Redina was embarrassed, her ears were as red as pink gemstones.

Her cheeks were also slightly hot, but as an actor, she could naturally hide her emotions freely.

She tried hard not to show her embarrassment at the moment, coughed lightly, and adjusted her expression.

Her face showed appropriate and just the right amount of praise.

She wiped the corner of her mouth with a tissue, raised her eyebrows slightly, and commented with a smile in a very professional tone.

"The chicken feet tendons made by Mr. Ye were tender and chewy, and the lemon juice added to it made the taste even better. Mr. Ye's cooking skills were comparable to those of a Michelin three-star restaurant."

That's right, she wanted to praise Ye Fang, but she also had to praise him very calmly.

This was the only way to perfectly explain her previous gaffe, while still being elegant and generous enough to admit that the other person's cooking skills were good.

Humph, it was a perfect way to save the situation.

Her sudden serious words made Teacher Huang and Teacher He laugh and cry, and Peng Peng was also trying to hold back his laughter and making faces.

""Hahaha." A hearty laugh suddenly rang out.

Redina's cheeks paused, and she looked at Mr. Ye, who was smiling brightly and handsomely. She was dazzled for a moment.

Damn this man, he looks too good when he smiles.

No! This man is laughing at himself!

Following Ye Fang's laughter, everyone else also laughed, and the Mushroom House was filled with joy.

However, Redina's cheeks turned red, she lowered her eyes, and her heart became flustered.

"Xiaodi, you are so cute, hahahaha!" Teacher Huang smiled and ruthlessly broke through the last stubbornness of Redina.

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed.

"Hahahaha! Xiaodi is so cute"

"Xiaodi's face turned red!"


"Why is Xiaodi so stubborn?"

"This professional tone almost made me think I was on a food show."

"Xiaodi, everyone has seen through your cover-up!"

"Cover-up is explanation, and explanation is fact!"

"I laughed so hard"

"Xiaodi is indeed a foodie!"

"It seems that Mr. Ye’s cooking skills are really amazing!"

"Give me a dozen of these men!".........

Redina was too embarrassed to speak, so she turned her head and asked Yang Anan for help.

But this girl covered her face and acted as if she didn't know her, as if to say,"Sister Xiaodi, you are too embarrassing!"

This stinky girl, she came to the Mushroom House specifically for her, but now she pretended not to know her in this embarrassing moment.

Redina's fair cheeks turned even redder, and she could only lower her eyes and pretend she knew nothing.

"Speaking of which."Teacher He saw that Redina was embarrassed, changed the subject, and smiled at Ye Fang

"Mr. Ye, I am very curious, why are you so good at cooking?"

Young people nowadays, who doesn't order takeout or eat out every day?

Even among girls, not many can cook, not to mention that Ye Fang is a grown man.

A grown man can cook, unless he is like Mr. Huang who has a wife and daughter and cooks for his family.

Why can a single man cook all year round to such a good level of cooking skills?

This is also puzzling to others.

Redina and Zhang Zifeng couldn't help but prick up their ears, trying to find out the curiosity in their hearts.

The four little ones also blinked curiously and looked at their father.

Why does Dad cook?

Is it because of his hobby?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also confused and listened carefully.

Speaking of this, Ye Fang smiled, paused for a moment, and said slowly in a low voice

"Actually, I don’t like cooking."

This made everyone stunned and even more suspicious.

A person who doesn’t like cooking can cook dishes comparable to the level of first-class chefs and foreign chefs, but he said he doesn’t like cooking?

This inexplicably seems like bragging.

But with Mr. Ye’s calm and elegant personality, he doesn’t seem like a braggart!

Ye Fang continued:

"Because my girlfriend loves to eat, just like Miss Redina, she is a foodie."

When she said this, Redina couldn't help but look up and look at Ye Fang.

Her expression was full of denial. She was not a foodie, but a master of tasting food with a divine tongue!

But she didn't interrupt Ye Fang.

Mr. Ye has a girlfriend?

Redina couldn't help but look at Yang Anan. Sure enough, the four little ones looked nervous.

If Dad has a girlfriend, the possibility of accepting them is greatly reduced.

After all, Dad doesn't know they exist at all. If Dad has a girlfriend and wants to marry his girlfriend and live his own life, how can he accept a few girls from heaven?

Zhang Zifeng's eyes moved slightly, and her expression was a little lost, but no one noticed her expression and thoughts at this moment

"So, Mr. Ye learned to cook because of his girlfriend? How gentle!"

Teacher He said with a gentle expression and approval.

The barrage in the live broadcast room floated:

"Wow! Mr. Ye is so romantic!"

"Oh my God! Why are all the good men from other families?"

"I'm so envious of Mr. Ye’s girlfriend!"

"Why didn’t I see Mr. Ye’s girlfriend?"

"Wow, this is a good man."

"Too gentle!"

"I want to poach people!"

"Mr. Ye, do you mind living with three people?"

"Mr. Ye, do you mind having another boyfriend?"

"You upstairs are so disgusting 1".......

Teacher Huang asked in confusion:"But why didn't I see your girlfriend just now? Let her come to our Mushroom House as a guest."

In fact, he wanted to see what kind of girl could make Mr. Ye so fascinated?

These words made Ye Fang pause, and he did not answer.

Such a pause made the smart teachers Huang and He realize that something was wrong.

Have the two broken up?

Everyone's eyes became worried, and Mr. Ye's condition did not look good.

He raised his eyes and looked at the sunflower garden not far away, which seemed particularly quiet in the night, and the empty swing in the garden.

He slowly said:"She died five years ago and couldn't come to visit. I'm sorry."


Everyone's breath was choked.

Zhang Zifeng felt a slight pain in her heart, and she felt very sorry for Mr. Ye.

It was not because of her deceased girlfriend. After all, she had no connection with him and it was impossible for her to have too many emotions.

It was just that she could see the pain in Mr. Ye's heart from the subtle changes in his heart, and she felt distressed because of it.

Redina's expression froze. She didn't expect it to be like this.

The panic in Yang Anan's eyes dissipated, but she was not happy. The four little ones were in a normal mood.

Dad didn't have a girlfriend, they still had a chance, they should be happy, but Dad looked so sad.

If they could use this opportunity to exchange for Dad's happiness, they would definitely be willing to exchange!

"sorry, I do not know..."Teacher Huang's tone was apologetic. He really didn't expect to inadvertently reveal Mr. Ye's sad story.

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