This news spread quickly in the live broadcast room, and it exploded!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was discussing this matter, and also dug up the identity of this anonymous and low-key singer-songwriter.

Five years ago, a song was posted on the most popular original music website in the country by an account with a blank name.

In just one week, this song went from obscurity to the entire website, directly squeezing the original gods of the website off the list and topping the popularity list.

Then the song spread on major websites and became the most popular and fastest-spreading online red song at the time.

At first, it was popular anchors and Internet celebrities who covered it on their own platforms.

In the end, even the top singers in the country began to cover it, and finally won many awards.

And this anonymous user only responded lightly on the platform to the award.

He did not take this opportunity to turn over and become a real singer-songwriter, nor did he take advantage of the popularity to show his face and make money.

He is still quiet and mysterious, except for occasionally uploading new works, there is nothing.

Obviously, he doesn't want to attract fans or make money, he just wants to share his songs on the platform.

What's amazing is that each of his songs can set off a hot trend.

It will top the charts of major music websites on the day of release, and become popular on the entire network at an extremely fast speed.

It is common for his songs to be covered by top singers.

Later, even the queen and the king expressed their desire to cooperate with him, but the other party remained mysterious and did not respond.

A singer-songwriter who is too lazy to even update his information, and even did not respond to the invitations from the queen and the king.

This makes netizens and fans curious about him.

Hackers even tried to find him through the account, but in the end they got nothing.

His account and system are like a solid wall, and there is no way to break through.

《"Fairy Tale Town" is one of his works that he has released, and it was also very popular for a while.

In the daytime, when Ye Fang sang the song"No Man's Island", no one could recognize his singing voice.

But now, when he sings"Fairy Tale Town" again, even if the tune is different, loyal fans can instantly recognize it.

There is no way, his voice is too recognizable, and his diehard fans have listened to each of his songs on loop thousands of times.

Maybe Ye Fang himself is not as familiar with his own voice as these diehard fans.

When Director Lao Wang saw the news, he immediately looked up the information of this great god mentioned by the audience, and then his face was filled with shock.

Not many people know this anonymous great god, but many people know his songs!

A total of more than a dozen songs, all of which were very popular!

And the anonymous great god is a peculiar existence who has won many awards but never goes to receive them.

Judging from this style...It really sounds a bit like Mr. Ye's style, doesn't it?

Director Lao Wang looked up at the handsome man who was singing in a low voice.

Damn, why do I feel so jealous?

He has such a talent, but he doesn't use it to attract fans and make money. It can be said that he regards money, fame and fortune as dirt.

If it were someone else, they would be eager to take the opportunity to debut and become famous from then on.

Hey, this is genius!

He, Lao Wang, is destined to have the thinking of an ordinary person!

As the others listened, they gradually heard something.

Peng Peng is a senior otaku. Apart from filming movies and TV shows, he stays at home, plays games, reads novels, and listens to songs.

The more he listens to this song, the more familiar it becomes.

Peng Peng gradually realized it and exclaimed,"I remember it! Mr. Ye is the anonymous master!"

"What anonymous master?" Teacher Huang was enjoying the moving chorus, and was a little displeased with Peng Peng's shouting, and looked at him with a frown.

Peng Peng said excitedly:"He! He! He is the original singer of this song! The anonymous master who never accepts awards!"

After being reminded by Peng Peng, Zhang Zifeng instantly widened his crystal eyes, closed his eyes and listened carefully.

That's right! It's him!

Teacher Huang and Teacher He looked at each other, and had no idea who they were talking about.

Mr. Ye is the original singer of this song? How did Zifeng and Peng Peng know?

Even though Teacher Huang and Teacher He have known people in the entertainment industry for more than half a month, they don't hang out in the online circles of young people, so naturally they can't keep up with their thinking.

Peng Peng gave a general explanation, and the two teachers realized how awesome this anonymous master was.

"No wonder no one has heard the song in the daytime. It seems to be Mr. Ye’s original song."

Teacher He looked at Ye Fang with a little more appreciation, thinking of the beautiful but sad song in the daytime.

"Ah! That's the new song of the anonymous god, and I'm the first one to hear it!"

Peng Peng was so excited when he thought of this. As a loyal fan, this was a great fortune for him. It was not for anything else, but because the anonymous god was too mysterious and no one had ever seen him.

Being able to see the idol's creative process is the dream of every fan.

Zhang Zifeng's round face, which still had some baby fat, was full of joy and happiness.

And Mr. Ye was the anonymous god!

Zhang Zifeng had always admired Ye Fang, and now it turned directly into respect and admiration.

This discovery made everyone excited. Redina's eyes moved, and she looked at Ye Fang's profile quietly.

Mr. Ye, an original singer-songwriter who has won many awards, is indeed not simple.

But compared to the secret she knew, Mr. Ye's identity did not surprise Redina too much.

The singing gradually faded, and the fingertips tapped out the last note, and Ye Fang and Guan Tiantian's fingers paused.

The two smiled at each other. Guan Tiantian was happy and excited at the moment.

She and her father completed the first chorus in her life.

She liked this feeling so much! I really hope that she can often play with her father in the future

��Although Tiantian has passed the ninth-grade piano exam this year, she has always believed that her performance level still has a long way to go. But this time, when playing with her father, she inadvertently got the answer to the performance problems that had troubled her.

Even when singing, she suddenly understood many things and reached a level she had never reached before.

The best state!

Dad has subtly changed her mistakes and guided her correctly, which has improved her.

This is a level that even her grandfather, the inheritor of folk art, cannot do!

Guan Tiantian was secretly surprised and excited about her gains today. At the same time, she respected and loved this father whom she met for the first time even more.

"Dad, am I playing well~" Guan Tiantian returned to her usual tender and gentle self, throwing herself into Ye Fang's arms and begging for praise.

""She plays very well, very talented." Ye Fang smiled and nodded, praising her generously.

He was telling the truth. Guan Tiantian could reach such a level at her age, which could already be described as a genius.

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