"Hee hee~" Guan Tiantian's cheeks were flushed with excitement, and she danced with joy.

Grandpa Guan, who was watching this scene, shook his head.

Tiantian looked a little delicate, but in terms of music, no matter how much he, the grandfather, praised her, he had never seen her so happy.

According to his daughter Youlan, Tiantian's musical talent was too strong, and a small improvement was expected for her.

There was no surprise, and naturally no joy after being praised.

But this child, facing the praise of a strange father, showed unprecedented joy.

Grandpa Guan felt a little sour in his heart. After all, this was a child he had personally raised, taught, and watched grow up since childhood.

She was so intimate with a father who had only met once and was only related by blood.

But Grandpa Guan's mind was much more transparent than Guan Youlan's.

People should harvest a variety of emotions in their lives, family affection, friendship, and love.

Fatherly love and grandfather-grandson love are completely different things, and they are not contradictory.

A healthy growth environment must be inseparable from the presence of a father, and there should be no lack of fatherly love.

Redina gazed at them tenderly. It was the first time she saw Guan Tiantian so happy.

Looking at Yang Anan beside her, her face was full of envy. This child also wanted to be as intimate as her father. Praise her!

Liu Youyou hummed softly:"Tiantian is just good at acting like a spoiled child, hum!"

Seeing her stinky sister being praised by her father, how could Liu Youyou not envy her?

But after all, they are blood sisters. Seeing her happy, Liu Youyou's envy and jealousy faded a little, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

She is really arrogant!

Redina watched the reactions of the three little ones and shook her head and laughed.

What kind of compliments has Liu Youyou, this little girl, not heard? But she felt sour about Mr. Ye praising Tiantian.

This is the existence of a father!

In comparison, Yaoyao seemed very calm, with her arms around her chest, staring at everything.

This girl still sees things more thoroughly!

Redina commented in her heart, but she didn't notice that Yaoyao's pink little hands were clenched into fists, and she gritted her teeth secretly.

I'm not sour, I'm not sour at all! Woo woo woo!

Yaoyao wiped her tears silently, and her little heart turned into a lemon!

""Pa pa pa pa!"

After a while, the applause rang out.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He stood up, with appreciative smiles on their faces and affirmation in their eyes.

Facing the applause, Ye Fang stood up and walked towards the crowd with a faint smile.

Guan Tiantian held her father's thick palm, her heart was warm, and her smile was sweet.

The applause did not make her excited, she was happy only because of her father's praise.

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly broke out:

"The chorus was great!"

"Tiantian is indeed a musical prodigy, so amazing!"

"I am so excited to see the anonymous master in person."

"The above person, I can't confirm if it's him! Maybe it's just the singing voice that's similar!"

"It doesn't exist! His skills cannot be imitated by others!"

"Anyway, I am sure it is an anonymous master!"

" It would be nice if they were father and daughter"

"This tacit understanding is amazing!"........

"You wrote this song, didn't you?" Teacher Huang asked suddenly, smiling and pretending to be mysterious while looking at Ye Fang.

Ye Fang paused, then he remembered that he had missed this shortcoming.

He kept his information confidential on the Internet, and his computer was even more impenetrable to hackers, and no one could hack into it.

It can be said that he was a top hacker who was even more powerful than hackers.

Therefore, he was sure that no one in the world knew that he was an anonymous singer except himself.

Obviously, it was his singing that revealed this secret.

However, the reason for hiding his identity was that he was not short of money and did not need to make money by selling songs or being a singer.

As for those awards and bonuses, they were nothing to him, and he would not expose himself because of them.

Another reason was that there were too many singers who wanted to cooperate with him. Ye Fang liked quietness, not to mention that he was still immersed in the pain of losing Yu Ge at that time, so how could he develop his career?

Therefore, no one knew this identity.

But it was no big deal if he couldn't hide it today.

After a brief thought, Ye Fang smiled and nodded, and admitted generously:

"Yes, this is the song I posted on Qingyin Music Network in 2019"

"It's Mr. Ye!" Peng Peng couldn't control himself anymore, he stood up immediately and quickly shook Ye Fang's hand.

His thick eyebrows and big eyes seemed to be shining with stars.

This is the look of fans when they see their idol!

But Ye Fang was not quite used to it, and his expression was a little embarrassed:"Yes, it's me."

Peng Peng was excited at first, but then he blushed with embarrassment, and even felt shy!

Peng Peng is a grown man after all, and this shy look really gave Mr. Huang and others goose bumps.

He pulled Peng Peng's hand away and said disdainfully:"Peng Peng, be normal, it's creepy."

Peng Peng shouted, and looked disappointedly at Ye Fang who subconsciously put his hands behind his back

"Why are you so scared? I am a super fan of Mr. Ye! I listen to every song of yours!"

Peng Peng looked very aggrieved, and that expression gave Teacher He goose bumps.

Peng Peng usually looks like a rough man, why did he change his appearance when he met Mr. Ye and feel aggrieved?

Maybe it's not....

"Thank you." Ye Fang thanked with a natural and polite smile.

Zhang Zifeng, who had been quiet all the time, lowered her eyes and said softly,"Mr. Ye, I like your songs and hope to hear more of your good songs in the future."

Her words also represent the inner thoughts of the fans in front of the live broadcast room.

""Okay." Ye Fang smiled at Zhang Zifeng, and this look made Zhang Zifeng's ears red, and she lowered her head even deeper. The simple one-word answer made Zhang Zifeng involuntarily curl her lips, and her heart was filled with sweetness.

Mr. Ye talked to her!

The audience in the live broadcast room was excited:

"Admit it! Admit it! It’s really the anonymous master!"

"Ahhh! I never thought I would be able to see the anonymous master in person in my lifetime!"

"Great! I finally got to see my idol!"

"My idol is so handsome! I'm so excited!"

"What Zi Feng said is exactly what I think!"

"I want to cry. I hope Mr. Ye can have a bright future!"

"I am a fan of Mr. Ye and have liked his songs for more than 700 days!"

"I like every song of Mr. Ye and look forward to better works!"

"I have liked Mr. Ye for five years. I have been your fan since the first song. I love you!!!"

"Mr. Ye, you must go out!"

"I hope Mr. Ye can have a bright future.~".......

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