Before they knew it, the barrage was full of the voices of Ye Fang's loyal fans.

Director Lao Wang looked at the words, which grew from dots to covering the entire screen, and he could hardly see the screen in the live broadcast room.

His heart was trembling!

This is the power of idols, singing songs into people's hearts!

He took a few screenshots of the barrage with his mobile phone, and then sent them to Mr. Huang's mobile phone.

Mr. Huang felt the vibration of his phone, and had no intention of clicking on the message, after all, he was still filming the show.

But when he saw the WeChat message reminding him that it was from the director, he clicked on it in confusion.

There were several pictures in the message, and he clicked on it curiously.

His eyes browsed the text on the pictures, and gradually, his eyes changed, and became very gentle.

Ye Fang was answering questions from two little fans, Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng. Mr. Huang glanced at Ye Fang and interrupted him.

"Excuse me, I have something I want to show Mr. Ye."

"What is it?"Teacher He came over curiously and took a quick look. His eyes became warm and his face was filled with an infected smile.

"Mr. Ye really needs to take a look."Teacher He nodded, approving of Teacher Huang's behavior.

Ye Fang took the phone from Teacher Huang, his eyes fixed on the pictures he had clicked on, and the dense text. Each of these messages was a blessing from loyal fans.

They expressed their love for him through the barrage, and their excitement also brought him beautiful expectations.

These words turned into dots of light, passed through the screen, crossed thousands of miles, penetrated into Ye Fang's heart, and formed a warm current.

The bottom of my heart was warm.

Ye Fang's eyes, which were always smiling but deep and bottomless, were stained with warm light.

His eyebrows softened a little, and he carefully browsed each one.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head and returned the phone to Teacher Huang.

He looked at the camera of the cameraman, smiled warmly and said:

"I have seen everyone's blessings. Thank you for accompanying me for five years."

"I hope you can continue to accompany me for the second five years and the third five years...."

""Thank you!"

After saying that, he bent down with his straight back, bowed at a standard 90-degree angle, and paused for a few seconds.

His action surprised both Mr. Huang and Mr. He. It is normal for such a talent to have fans, and Mr. Ye hardly interacts with his fans.

They thought Ye Fang didn't care about fans, fame, or money.

But his serious attitude and serious way of thanking at this moment were unexpected!

Even other stars who say thank you to their fans don't make such a big move.

Mr. Ye thanked his fans from the bottom of his heart!

This standard bow expressed his gratitude.

"Mr. Ye is really grateful to his fans!" Teacher Huang looked at him with a heavy gaze and sighed.

Teacher He nodded slightly:"There are not many idols who value their fans so much.、"

The current entertainment industry is full of fresh meat, but they are young, and many of them even rely on their handsome appearance to attract fans.

This has caused the overall professional quality of the entertainment industry to decline.

There are not many people who value fans as much as Mr. Ye.

This is also one of the reasons why the two teachers appreciate Ye Fang more and more.

This bow also moved the loyal fans in the live broadcast room

"I can proudly say that this is my idol!"

"This bow is quite standard! Idols must do better in the future!"

"I look forward to new works. I hope my idol won’t let me down!"

"My idol is talented and well-educated, he is worthy of being my favorite!"

"Love it, Mr. Ye is so elegant and knows when to advance and when to retreat!"

"This is the example that the young stars in the entertainment industry should learn from!"

"Think about some of the handsome young men in the entertainment industry. Compared with them, Mr. Ye is simply a god!"

"No thanks! We love your talent!!".......

The top floor of Fengtian Entertainment Building, the president's office.

Sitting on a leather sofa, a beautiful and charming woman leaning lazily on the sofa.

Her beautiful fox eyes stared quietly at the screen in the live broadcast room.

She had just finished a meeting, so she sent everyone away and returned to the office to open the live broadcast screen.

The elegance of Ye Fang and Guan Tiantian's ensemble made her look at each other with new eyes. And in response to the fans, this meticulous bow made Yang Mier look at Ye Fang completely changed.

As the president of a top entertainment company, there are many popular stars who have made her famous, but among the young stars she has handled, there are not many stars who value fans as much as Ye Fang.

When they reach a high popularity, they always forget a fundamental.

That is, water can carry a boat or overturn it.

They can lift you to your current position, and they can destroy everything you have.

But Ye Fang is different from those stars who have forgotten their roots.

He doesn't care about fame, money, or how many people like him.

But he also knew that he should be grateful, rather than taking it as his due, for people who had nothing to do with him to like his work and send him blessings.

One thing can be seen from this incident.

Ye Fang is a reliable person.

Being able to value and respect his fans so much, he naturally would not be too bad to his own blood daughter.

It was also because of this that Yang Mier felt more at ease. If he could accept An An, it would not be a bad thing to temporarily hand An An over to him to take care of.

In fact, An An could learn a lot from her father.

For example, how to behave in the world, and his humble character.

Although Yang Mier could give her daughter the best things, education and companionship were destined to be lacking because of her work.

It happened that Ye Fang, the uninformed father, could fill this gap.

Thinking of this, Yang Mier turned off the screen of the live broadcast room and continued to be busy with her work..........

Ye Fang dug a small hole in the land next to the pavilion with a small iron shovel.

The four children ran over curiously and gradually a small brown jar appeared in the land.

It was a small wine jar.

Before it was taken out, a faint aroma of wine wafted out and drifted into the noses of Teacher Huang and others.

"This is the aroma of wine!"Teacher Huang sniffed it and felt saliva secreted in his mouth, and he was surprised.

Logically speaking, the aroma of wine has already overflowed before the wine is opened. How strong will the aroma be after it is opened?

This made Teacher Huang, who almost forgot about drinking, more and more excited.

His eyes were fixed on the small wine jar that had just emerged.

‘"I almost forgot about drinking!"Teacher He then remembered the main point of their visit.

He didn't care much at first, but at this moment he smelled the fragrance, which aroused his curiosity.

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