The sudden aroma aroused everyone's strong curiosity.

No one present was a wine lover, and only Teacher Huang would occasionally drink a little wine, which was also his own wine.

But the faint aroma of wine that smelled very comfortable made them interested.

Zhang Zifeng, who had the least interest in wine, blinked his big black eyes, tiptoed curiously, and looked past everyone to the small earth pit.

You can smell the aroma from such a distance, I wonder what it looks like when it is opened?

Redina's eyes, full of exotic beauty, also stared quietly and curiously.

""Dad, let me get it!" Yang Anan raised her hand enthusiastically, Ye Fang nodded with a smile and turned aside.

Yang Anan's excited little hand carefully reached for the small wine jar, and Ye Fang stood behind her, watching carefully to prevent the child from slipping.

But because she cherished her father's wine, Yang Anan was very careful and took out the wine jar carefully.

Everyone's eyes followed the small wine jar, holding it high nervously. They were really afraid that if little Anan was not careful, they would have no wine to drink.

After the wine was taken out, the faint aroma of the wine became stronger, and you could smell it clearly.

It hasn't been opened yet, but just smelling it makes people feel intoxicated.

""Gudong!" A sound of swallowing saliva was heard, and everyone looked at Peng Peng, whose eyeballs were about to fall into the wine jar.

Teacher Huang shook his head with a smile:"Peng Peng, don't you dislike drinking? I've never seen you care so much about the wine I brewed!"

The almighty Teacher Huang has brewed wine in previous issues of Yearning.

But Peng Peng said at the time that he was not an alcoholic and was a good man!

Even if he had praised him, he had never swallowed his saliva over his wine!

Peng Peng was afraid that Teacher Huang would hate him, so he hurriedly explained:"I just wanted to appear calm! There were guests at the time!"

Redina, who was standing behind him, pointed at himself and asked:"Am I not a guest?"

"Well...."Peng Peng completely forgot about Redina's presence and coughed awkwardly.

He didn't even dare to look directly at Teacher Huang.

This made everyone laugh and the atmosphere became a little softer.

At this moment, Xiao Anan took the wine to the marble table in the small pavilion, and everyone's attention was immediately drawn to it.

The pair of white, tender and chubby little hands fell on the table together with everyone's raised hearts.

""Huh!" Zhang Zifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this the wine brewed by Mr. Ye?"Teacher Huang was already a little impatient and rubbed his hands secretly, but he still had to ask politely.

Ye Fang nodded and said,"Yes, I found this accidentally in a tree hole. After collecting it, I processed it and brewed it for a while. Now is the best time to drink it."

"Found it in a tree hole?" Teacher Huang's eyes were filled with doubt, and even his eyes were wide open.

"Yes." Ye Fang nodded and replied.

At this time, Teacher Huang was silent.

Teacher He was puzzled by Teacher Huang's surprised look.

"What's wrong, Mr. Huang? Is there anything strange?"

Mr. Huang didn't say anything, but looked at the wine jar, smelled the smell, and observed carefully.

This whetted everyone's appetite, and the audience in the live broadcast room also became curious:

"Teacher Huang’s expression is so strange!’

"Is there anything strange?"

"Why are they collected from tree holes?"

"I don't quite understand, is there anything strange about this wine? ?"

"Wait! Collected from tree holes? Could it be...That legendary, extremely rare wine?"

"The guy above, do you know something? Come on, tell me!"

"I'm pointing a gun at you, tell me the truth!"


"Children, do you have a lot of questions?"......

After a long time, Mr. Huang looked at Ye Fang, his expression was very serious, and he was trembling slightly.

This reaction made everyone curious and confused.

What does Mr. Huang know?

Is there any knowledge about wine?

Mr. Huang asked Ye Fang:"Is this wine....The legendary monkey wine?"

Ye Fang looked at Teacher Huang with an approving smile on his face, nodded slowly, and said in a low voice:

"Teacher Huang has good taste. This is the authentic Monkey Wine."

Upon hearing this answer, Teacher Huang's face was filled with shock. He looked at the small jar of wine in disbelief.

Then, his eyes blossomed with crazy joy, and his tone rose:

"It turned out to be monkey wine, I am so lucky!"

"What is Monkey Wine?"Zhang Zifeng, who didn't know the reason for Mr. Huang's joy and had never heard of Monkey Wine, asked curiously with his face tilted.

Others also had big question marks in their minds.

They had heard of many names of wine, but this was the first time they had heard of Monkey Wine.

But judging from Mr. Huang's reaction, this wine must be extraordinary!

"Not many people know about Monkey Wine, but those who know about it will not be calm at this moment!"

Teacher Huang's voice sounded, with a trembling voice, and began to answer everyone's questions.

"Monkey wine is made by monkeys in the mountains who gather hundreds of fruits in a cave to store food for the winter.

However, if there is no shortage of food for the winter, the monkeys will forget that they have stored hundreds of fruits in the cave.

Then the fruits in the cave will gradually ferment and become wine."

"So, this is the wine fermented from the fruits stored by the monkeys?" Peng Peng probably understood and asked.

"Yes." Teacher Huang immediately nodded in affirmative answer.

"Even so, Mr. Huang, you don't have to be so excited!"Peng Peng said with an innocent smile.

It seems that he still doesn't understand the true value of Monkey Wine!

Mr. Huang shook his head, his eyes never leaving the jar of wine.

"This kind of wild brew is very rare, and it takes a lot of luck to collect it."

"The monkey wine on the market now is artificially brewed, not real monkey wine, so its value is naturally not that precious."

"This is priceless and hard to come by!"

"The real monkey wine only lasts for one season, and as time goes by, the wine becomes less and less, making it extremely difficult to obtain monkey wine!"

"If you have a chance to drink it, it is the dream of wine lovers!"

At this point, everyone realized that the real value of Monkey Wine is that it is very rare and can only be encountered by chance.

These are all legendary things, and almost no one has ever tasted the real Monkey Wine.

If it really exists, it is also a priceless treasure!

Isn't it extremely lucky to be able to drink a priceless treasure!

No wonder Teacher Huang is so excited!

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