The comments in the live broadcast room became even more crazy:

"Holy shit! This is the legendary monkey wine!"

"I once heard my grandfather say that he used to live in the mountains and was lucky enough to get some. The taste was unforgettable for decades!"

"Wow! It’s actually monkey wine! It’s a priceless treasure!"

"If I had this stuff, I wouldn't even drink it! Mr. Ye actually shared it with others!"

"Is this Mr. Ye? He treats money like dirt!"

"Holy shit! I'll fly to Manyuan Village right now and grab this jar of wine!’

"I'm so envious of Mr. Huang and the others! I want to try it, too!"

"Please, give me a sip! Even a drop will do!"

"Oh my god!!! Monkey wine!!! The legendary monkey wine!!!"

"Mr. Ye is actually a hidden rich man, right? ? ?"......

This legendary monkey wine is a priceless treasure, and it is something that is rarely found in reality.

If such a jar of real monkey wine really appeared, it would be sold at a sky-high price and would be snatched up by those wealthy wine lovers in minutes!

Ye Fang used such a valuable wine to entertain these ordinary friends who met for the first time.

Originally, everyone's main purpose was to come and appreciate Ye Fang's small courtyard.

Now, as soon as this monkey wine appeared, it shocked everyone. They couldn't afford this!

Seeing Ye Fang about to open the jar of wine, Teacher Huang swallowed his throat and swallowed back the saliva that was overflowing in his mouth.

His eyes were almost glued to the jar of wine, but he still raised his hand and refused,"Don't! Don't open it!"

"This wine cannot be preserved once it is opened!"

Although Teacher Huang was very greedy, what was the value of this wine? They and Mr. Ye had just met for the first time, and drinking such an expensive wine would mean they would owe him a huge favor!

Teacher He was also very tempted, but after hearing Teacher Huang's explanation, he did not dare to act even though he was tempted.

Peng Peng's greed was all aroused by the wine, and he was about to pick up the wine glass and wait for the wine to be filled. When he heard what Teacher Huang said, the action in his hand paused.

He took it back awkwardly, his eyes lingering in his mind.

Hey, why didn't I meet Mr. Ye earlier?

It's really annoying!

Ye Fang smiled at Teacher Huang's refusal to drink and said,"It's okay, I still have this wine."

"Still have? ? Teacher Huang couldn't believe his ears and widened his eyes.

A small jar like this would be worth at least six figures!

Mr. Ye actually has more!

This luck is too good!

As he spoke, Ye Fang's slender fingers opened the seal, and suddenly, the aroma of wine in the small pavilion became extremely strong.

The refreshing aroma of wine accompanied by the scent of fruit filled the nostrils.

This aroma of wine made everyone intoxicated



A series of swallowing sounds were heard, and everyone couldn't help but start to swallow their saliva. At this moment, no one dared to laugh at Peng Peng's impatience, because the aroma was so tempting!

Zhang Zifeng never liked to drink, but when he smelled the aroma of wine, his heart felt as uncomfortable as a cat's paw. He really wanted to taste it! The smell of this wine gave him a refreshing and comfortable feeling.

It was indeed not comparable to ordinary wine!

Redina was completely tempted, she covered her mouth, and tried to prevent her saliva from flowing out of her mouth.

"smell good~~"Liu Youyou exclaimed, her eyes sparkling, and she was also tempted.

The other three little ones also had cute expressions that wanted to try it, which made the audience in the live broadcast room envious.

"Ahhhh! I want to drink it too!"

"Is it really so fragrant???"

"I like drinking, I want to try it too"

"Just now you tempted us with delicious food, and now you tempt us with fine wine!"

"Is this a pastoral program or a food program?"

"It’s hard for others to find a jar of wine, but Mr. Ye actually has so much?"

"If anyone is interested, let’s team up and go to Mr. Ye’s backyard to steal the bar!"

"Can you please let me have a taste! ? ?"

"This is the legendary monkey wine! How can it not taste good?"......

Director Lao Wang, who was sitting in the monitoring room, swallowed hard.

Lao Huang and his friends were so lucky! First they had delicious food, and now they drank the legendary monkey wine.

The original core of the program was to make them self-sufficient and suffer.

Are they here to enjoy themselves or to suffer?

Director Lao Wang was so jealous that he was thinking about getting along well with Mr. Ye, so that he might have a chance to drink monkey wine in the future.

A jar of monkey wine made countless viewers envious.

Ye Fang brought a glass wine glass and poured a glass for everyone, but because there were too many people, each person could not drink much.

Although it was only a small glass, it also satisfied them.

Zhang Zifeng picked up the wine glass and sniffed the aroma, and her fair face had a little more pink.

Just smelling this wine made her a little drunk.

There was no way, she didn't like to drink, so her alcohol tolerance was naturally not good. The alcohol concentration of this monkey wine was not low, and she could get confused by smelling the alcohol.

Redina's beautiful eyes were fixed on the light yellow wine in the glass. The aroma of the wine blended with fruits was refreshing.

Teacher Huang looked straight at her and picked up the glass carefully, fearing that the wine would spill.

Even if a drop was spilled, it would be a waste!

Teacher He looked at the wine in the glass and exclaimed,"Is this the wine of sky-high price?"

The four little ones were also given a small cup each. After all, it was a wine of a hundred fruits, and even children could drink it.

This wine is not bad for children to drink, and it can also warm the stomach and the body.

Peng Yuchang raised his hand impatiently and was about to drink the glass of wine and taste it, but Teacher Huang hurriedly shouted

""Drink slowly, drink slowly, you are wasting food!"

However, it was too late for Mr. Huang to shout. Peng Yuchang had already drunk a glass of wine and only felt a burst of warmth.

Then the aroma of various fruits blended together burst into his mouth.

"This wine tastes really good!"Peng Peng praised, and then said regretfully:"It's just too little."

If the wine was not too expensive, he would have wanted to shout and ask for another glass!

Teacher Huang saw Peng Peng drinking in a hurry, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood:"Peng Peng, if you don't know how to drink, don't drink! What a waste!"

After saying that, he took a small sip, and the refreshing taste lingered between his lips and teeth, and then slowly swallowed it into his stomach.

A warm feeling filled his stomach.

Originally, he was a little bloated and uncomfortable after eating just now, but now that he drank a glass of wine, he felt a lot more comfortable.

This wine is really good!

Teacher Huang closed his eyes and his face was full of aftertaste and intoxication, and his expression was a little rippling.

Others also tasted the wine.

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