The song in the garden continued:

"The warm recipe is in her heart.

Hold her hand more often when you are free. Hold her hand and sleepwalk together.

Listen to her mother and don't let her get hurt.

I want to grow up quickly to protect her.

Beautiful white hair sprouts in happiness.

The magic of angels is warm and kind."

Ye Fang's singing voice is special. It not only sings out the childlike feeling in the song, but also evokes other people's memories of their mother.

Zhang Zifeng thought of her mother whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Because she became a child star since she was a child, she had to travel around the world in addition to completing her studies.

Naturally, she has less time to meet her parents than other people.

Looking back now, the last time she met her mother was a few months ago.

And when she met that time, she seemed to see a few strands of silver on her mother's temples, which were the marks left by the years on her body.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zifeng felt a little guilty. Thinking about going home to see her mother after the recording of this episode is over.

Redina also thought of her mother whom she had not seen for a long time, and the time when she snuggled up to her mother in her childhood.

She should take some time to take her mother out for a trip.

Redina thought to herself that after this matter is over, she can ask Sister Mi for a leave.

Teacher Huang wanted to let her daughter listen to this song to remind this growing and somewhat rebellious child.

It is a sacrifice in itself for a wife to stay at home and take care of the children full-time.

Yaoyao suddenly heard the sound of sniffing next to her. She turned her head in confusion and saw Guan Tiantian with red eyes.

"Why are you crying? Yaoyao was shocked. Isn't this song a happy one?

Guan Tiantian's eyes were red, her nose was also a little red, and her little face was filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Guan Tiantian wiped away her pearly tears with her lotus-like white hands and replied in a baby voice.

This made the other three little ones a little confused.

"I was naughty and sneaked to such a far place to find my dad. Mom must be worried about me."

She sobbed and looked at her dad who was playing and singing.

It turned out that Ye Fang's song reminded her of her guilt towards her mom, and she remembered that she sneaked out and worried her mom.

This made the other three kids think of their moms.

The three kids were silent for a while.

Yaoyao is the oldest among them. Because she was not born full-term, she is considered their sister.

She also has the most mature and calm personality.

She didn't cry, but she felt guilty when she thought of her mother who raised her under the pressure of the family.

Yang Anan's nose was sour and her eyes were a little red.

Thinking of how she was disobedient and sneaked out without telling her mom, and her mother, who was always resolute, learned about this and did not let someone take her back directly as she imagined.

Instead... It is to let sister Xiaodi come in person to test the character of dad.

If dad passes the test, mom will give her time to stay with dad.

Yang Anan felt a little regretful when her strong mom thought so for herself.

She must have hurt mom's heart, right?

Liu Youyou's crystal clear eyes were filled with mist. She thought of her mother who had done her best to cultivate her.

This was the most rebellious time in her life.

The lyrics sung by her father were to listen to her mother and not let her get hurt.

But this was not her original intention. She just wanted to find her father and be loved by her father like other children.

I don't know if her mother noticed that she also felt a little regretful at this moment.

Tears fell down, and this time she could no longer hide her emotions and control her expression.

The three little ones cried very sadly.......

Liu Tianxian saw her daughter's tears falling like broken beads, and her heart ached.

The most helpless thing for parents is to see their children sad and upset, but they have no way to help.

If her daughter was in front of her, she would definitely hug her and comfort her.

But now she is thousands of miles away, and she is at a loss.

Her eyes were red, and her beautiful eyes were full of heartache. She raised her hand and gently stroked the screen, hoping to comfort her daughter through the screen!

Youyou, this child, has always used acting skills to hide her emotions.

For example, this time, her daughter planned such a big thing, but she didn't notice it at all.

But this time, her daughter faced the camera and revealed the most real feelings.

Youyou has never cried so hard in front of the camera like this.

Liu Tianxian's worried heart was comforted a little, and her daughter knew that she cared about her feelings.

This is growth, and it is a good thing.

Liu Tianxian's watery eyes stayed on Ye Fang and fell into thought.

Perhaps the decision to let her daughter stay with her father for a while is right.

A father can give her what her mother cannot.

Although it is only the first time they meet, when the daughter faces Ye Fang's singing, she will reveal her true feelings that she has never shown before. And she can also care more about the feelings of those around her....

There was a faint sigh in the room, and Liu Tianxian turned off the screen of the live broadcast room.

Just pretend that she didn't know about this matter, hoping that Youyou could be happier with Ye Fang.

Similarly, she also acknowledged in her heart that Ye Fang was Youyou's father.

His character, talent, and attitude towards children were all very competent.

What's more, he was able to love and pamper Youyou even though he didn't know that Youyou was his biological daughter. If he knew, he wouldn't treat Youyou too badly, right?......

The singing slowly calmed down here, and the last piano sound also ended.

Teacher Huang's eyes were full of appreciation, and he raised his hands and clapped.

Teacher He and others also followed suit and clapped, and the applause awakened the three little ones who were still crying.

Yaoyao also stood up with Teacher Huang, clapping her hands, and the guilt on her face faded, replaced by happiness.

The three little ones came back to their senses, and Yang Anan wiped away her tears and clapped her chubby little hands.

Guan Tiantian couldn't stop crying, and her crying little body trembled slightly. Redina patted her weak shoulders and comforted her.

Zhang Zifeng's happy eyes smiled into crescents, sparkling in the moonlight, and he and Redina clapped one after another.

Liu Youyou also stopped crying and clapped her hands with red and swollen eyes.

What she didn't know was that because of the tears just now, her mother decided to let her stay in Manyuan Village, next to Ye Fang for a while.

The live broadcast room was barrage:

"This song is nice too!"

"This song has a different style and is very suitable for kids like Tiantian!"

"Children, do you have a lot of question marks? ?"

"I like this song, it reminds me of my childhood"

‘I miss my mother. I must go home to visit her during this holiday!"

"Love it, it’s really Mr. Ye’s voice!"

"When will this song be released? I want it to be my ringtone!"

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