The live broadcast room was still discussing how good this new song was.

Ye Fang looked at the three little ones with red eyes and the particularly silent Yaoyao, squatted down, patted the four little ones on the head, and asked with concern:

"Why are the little ones crying?"

Guan Tiantian's tears were still falling, and she sobbed as she replied:

"I thought of my mother. I was disobedient and made her worried."

"It's okay, if Tiantian's mother sees it, she will definitely forgive you." Ye Fang comforted softly, and then looked at Liu Youyou and Yang Anan

"Why are you crying?"

Yang Anan said with red eyes:"I am like Tiantian, I miss my mother...."

Liu Youyou choked up and replied:"I'm so naughty...I failed to be a child who protected my mother, and I also hurt her heart."

When I said this, tears fell.

The identities of these four children are very special. One is a child star who has been able to hide all his emotions with acting since he was a child.

One is a musical prodigy who has been raised in a secluded place since he was a child and has almost no contact with outsiders.

One has a temperament like a female man, and his mother is a strong woman.���, taught her to rely on herself for everything since she was a child.

One grew up in a wealthy family, mature at a young age, and bears pressure that even adults may not be able to bear at a young age.

They are all very special, each with their own strengths, beyond ordinary people.

And they all come from single-parent families, and the special environment in which they grew up causes their mothers to only want to give them the best.

But at the same time, their mothers are many times more tired than other mothers.

Thinking of how much their mothers have given to them, spoiled and cherished them, but they were not obedient and suddenly disappeared.

Growing up in this kind of environment, they are destined to have a hard time as mothers.

Therefore, when the four children heard this song, they were more touched, and their four young hearts were filled with guilt.

However, the four little ones did not give the specific reasons. After all, it is not easy to tell others about such things as running out privately.

Youyou and Tiantian are public figures after all.

Ye Fang understood the reason why the four little ones cried, and knew that this song had touched the hearts of the four little ones, and a warm look appeared on their faces.

Pat the four little ones with their drooping eyes

"It’s a good thing to understand how difficult it is for mothers"

"Just be good and listen to your mother. Don't cry."

"Your mother will be very pleased."

Ye Fang's gentle words carried an inexplicable power, causing the four children to raise their heads and stare blankly at their father. Will their mother really be pleased?

But their father would definitely not lie to them!

The four children thought for sure in their hearts, and instantly put down the big stone in their hearts.

They smiled as they explained, and their chubby faces showed innocent and romantic smiles.

"Okay, An An will listen to Dad and Mom from now on!"Yang An An raised her chubby little hand and said obediently、

"Tiantian also listens to her father!"

"Youyou too!" Liu Youyou rarely showed a childish smile.

Yaoyao seemed quieter, but there was also a relieved smile on her face.

In the future, she would repay her mother well, but she hoped to have her father's company more....

I have to work harder to trick my dad back home as soon as possible!

Yaoyao was thinking silently in her heart.......

The night gradually deepened, but the stars were still shining, and the moon was still bright. After appreciating the moonlight and tasting the wine, Mr. Huang looked at the time. It was already half past ten in the evening.

"It’s already this late, we should go back to bed, we have guests coming tomorrow!"

"Yes, go back to bed early!"Teacher He yawned, and a slightly cold wind blew past. He was still wearing a thin shirt and shivered.

Not to mention, the night in Manyuan Village is a bit cold.

As they were talking, the two teachers stood up, and Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng also stood up.

Redina also stood up and prepared to go back to the mushroom house with everyone. Ye Fang followed and sent her to the gate of the courtyard, standing there with a smile.

The live broadcast room was about to close, but the audience in the live broadcast room was reluctant to leave:

"How come the day goes by so quickly!"

"Ahhh! It's already half past ten. The live broadcast room has to close at half past ten every day!"

"Good night, Boss Ye. I hope to see you every day in the future."

"Wow! I really hope to see Mr. Ye in the future!"

"Don't go! Mr. Huang, please stay a little longer. I want to see more of my idol!"

"I can't bear to leave, and I don't know if I can see Mr. Ye again in the future."

"Today is such a lucky day, I go to bed happily!"

"time flies!"

"Good night Mr. Ye, hope to dream about you hehe!"

"The guy above, stop dreaming!! Mr. Ye only appears in my dreams!"

"What the hell? Are you jealous of this?".......

Teacher Huang and others were walking out. Suddenly, Zhang Zifeng noticed something was wrong. He looked back and was in a dilemma.

""An'an, let's go." Zhang Zifeng said to Yang An'an, who was still standing beside Ye Fang, as if she was seeing off a guest.

Teacher Huang and others also noticed something strange and looked back.

They saw that the four little ones had no intention of following their steps out of the small courtyard.

Instead, they stood behind Mr. Ye and waved to them.

It was as if they had lived here originally.

How could this be possible?

""Wherever Daddy is, there we are!" Yang Anan said confidently.

This made everyone laugh and cry.

They still don't understand why the four little girls insist on believing that Ye Fang is their dad.

But in their hearts, Ye Fang is not their real dad. How can these little girls live with a stranger?

""Good boy, An'an, come back with us. Mr. Ye should rest too." Teacher He coaxed gently.

But Yang An'an and the other four shook their heads, looking determined.

They finally found their father, so they must live in his yard!

They don't want to record any programs!

They want to be with their father!

Seeing this, Teacher He also felt a headache, because these four little girls were really stubborn.

They came to Ye Fang's yard to appease the emotions of the four little girls.

But now, the four little girls are unwilling to leave Ye Fang's side, which gives them a headache.

They already know the identities of Guan Tiantian and Liu Youyou, and the other two children don't look like ordinary children.

Since they have met the four little ones, they also have the responsibility to take care of them and protect their safety.

What's more, Mr. Ye has helped them a lot and generously shared the expensive monkey wine.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He are really embarrassed to continue to trouble him.

But the four children are very stubborn, and they really have no other way.

Do they have to take the four children away forcefully?

Teacher He and Teacher Huang have a headache.

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