The audience in the live broadcast room felt strange:

"I still don’t understand why the four little ones think Mr. Ye is their father?"

"This is quite interesting!"

"What is going on?"

"Could it be that Mr. Ye is really the father of the four little ones?"

"This situation is a bit difficult!"

"Teacher Huang and Teacher He should not continue to trouble Mr. Ye!"

"Alas, even the smartest children will have rebellious moments!".......

Just when Mr. Huang and Mr. He were having a headache, Redina slowly squatted down, leaned close to Yang Anan's ear, and whispered a few words.

Yang Anan glanced at Redina, and the firmness on her soft and cute face showed hesitation.

She frowned, lowered her head and whispered to the three children.

When Mr. Huang and others were wondering why Yang Anan suddenly changed his attitude, they saw the four children hugging Ye Fang's legs one after another.

"Dad, let's go to the mushroom house today." Yaoyao said obediently.

"I will miss my dad very much, I hope I can see him tomorrow~" Liu Youyou was reluctant to leave.

"We can’t make things difficult for Teacher Huang and Teacher He." Guan Tiantian said in a baby voice.

"Dad, we will come to see you tomorrow!" Yang Anan changed his attitude and became very obedient.

What did Redina say to the children? Did she change her stubborn attitude in an instant?

However, after hearing Yang Anan's words and looking at the cute and well-behaved appearance of the four little ones, Teacher Huang and Teacher He breathed a sigh of relief, with a gratified smile on their faces.

In any case, this problem is solved.

""Okay, welcome." Ye Fang slowly squatted down, his eyes were gentle and doting, and he smiled gently.

He patted the four little ones on the head, and a warmth flowed in his bones.

Although he had just met the four little ones today, Ye Fang liked these four smart children from the bottom of his heart.

If Yu Ge was still alive, how happy would it be for him and Yu Ge to have one or more such well-behaved children?

A trace of sadness passed through Ye Fang's heart, and then he stood up, holding the four little hands with his two hands, and handed the four children to Teacher Huang and Teacher He.

"Good night, Mr. Ye, sorry to bother you." Mr. Huang thanked him politely.、

"It doesn't matter. This is the first time that this small courtyard is so lively."Ye Fang side-glanced and looked at the small courtyard where the moonlight fell.

There was a faint smile on his face.

For five years, he was the only one living here. He used to sit in every corner.

Playing the piano, cooking, and living.

He didn't hate the liveliness tonight. On the contrary, it brought back memories of college.

At that time, after he and Yu Ge had been together since the third year of high school, he followed Yu Ge into the same university and gradually began to love life. There were more and more friends around him, and his life became more and more complete.

In the past five years, he closed himself in a world that refused to forget Yu Ge, and was unwilling to lead the voices of the outside world and contact outsiders.

Even the people in the village rarely saw him appear in the village.

Tonight's chat, wine tasting, and lively atmosphere made his calm mood much clearer.

Perhaps today is a good day for him who has been immersed in the same emotion. But as for going out and starting to forget Yu Ge, this is what he fears.

Thoughts floated by, and Ye Fang returned to reality.

After waving goodbye to Teacher Huang, Teacher He and others, the yard returned to its former tranquility.

He looked up at the bright crescent moon and let out a faint, almost inaudible sigh.

Loneliness seemed to shroud him again.

He lowered his eyes, raised his feet, and prepared to close the door of the yard to rest.

But from behind came the clear voice of Redina:"Mr. Ye, there are something I want to explain to you."

"You didn't leave?"Ye Fang turned around and saw Redina standing a few meters behind him. Why didn't she leave with Teacher Huang and the others?

Ye Fang had once stepped into the entertainment industry, but that was five years ago.

At that time, there was no top actress Redina in the entertainment industry.

He didn't remember knowing this Miss Redina, but she didn't mean any harm to him. Ye Fang was not too surprised except for a little doubt.

""Okay, come in." Ye Fang nodded slightly, turned sideways, and let Redina walk into the yard.

At this moment, Zhang Zifeng, who was walking at the back of the group, suddenly found that Sister Xiaodi had not caught up. Looking back, she actually walked into Mr. Ye's yard alone!

What's going on?

Does Sister Xiaodi know Mr. Ye privately?

Zhang Zifeng, who was just beginning to fall in love, suddenly felt alarmed.

A strong sense of curiosity and crisis prompted her to stop.

She looked back at Huang's father and the others, who seemed not to notice that she had stopped and were still walking towards the mushroom house.

No one noticed that she had fallen behind....

As if possessed by a ghost, Zhang Zifeng walked silently back to the outside of the small courtyard and hid in the sunflowers.

The sunflowers were more than half a meter high. Zhang Zifeng squatted down and hid herself among them. In addition, it was dark at night, so no one could detect her existence.

The moonlight was like water. Redina walked into the small pavilion again and sat down.

Ye Fang also walked to sit opposite her and smiled,"What does Miss Redina want to say?"

Redina looked at Ye Fang, with star-like eyebrows and sword-like eyes, tough features, and gentle like jade.

As Redina who watched An An grow up, she felt relieved to leave An An to him temporarily.

But in Zhang Zifeng's eyes, especially when she had a good impression of Mr. Ye, this scene actually showed a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere.

Sister Xiaodi, you don't like Mr. Ye, do you?....

This pair of...Is she going to confess at this time?

Zhang Zifeng's heart was in his throat, he was worried and afraid.

"Very important things." Redina said slowly, and continued:

""Does Mr. Ye like Xiao An'an?" She did not directly tell the purpose of her night talk, but asked Ye Fang a question.

What does this question mean?

Ye Fang was a little confused, but did not ask, just smiled and nodded:"An'an is very cute and kind-hearted, but she lacks fatherly love."

He is not Xiao An'an's father, but Xiao An'an always calls him dad, which is also very���

Ye Fang could see that Xiao An An, for some reason, really regarded him as her real father.

She seemed to be afraid that he would suddenly disappear or dislike her.

So her every move was meant to please him. She must have grown up in a single-parent family.

A little surprise appeared on Redina's exotic and calm expression.

Mr. Ye could see that Xiao An An lacked fatherly love....

This man may have seen something.

Seeing through Redina's subtle expression, Ye Fang smiled and said slowly:

"I can see that Miss Redina cares about An An very much. The relationship between the two seems to be familiar, right?"

This sentence reminded Zhang Zifeng, who was hiding in the sunflower bushes, of something and he covered his mouth in surprise.

Could it be that.....

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