Ye Fang's words suddenly gave Zhang Zifeng a bold guess.

Looking back, Sister Xiaodi seemed to be particularly close to An An, and the two often whispered to each other.

And just now, no one could tell whether An An was with the three little ones, but Sister Xiaodi whispered a few words, and Xiao An An changed her mind.

Also, why did Sister Xiaodi want to chat with Mr. Ye privately at night after everyone left?

Sister Xiaodi is now a top actress in the entertainment industry, and so many eyes are staring at her!

If she accidentally makes some scandals, it can cause quite a stir and can directly become a hot search.

Waiting for everyone to leave privately, and secretly chatting with the opposite sex at night, if this matter is seen and published by someone with ulterior motives, the impact on Sister Xiaodi will definitely not be a little bit.

But even in this case, Sister Xiaodi still wants to chat with Mr. Ye alone.

And the one who opened her mouth was Xiao An An.....

Could it be....

Could it be that Xiao An'an is Xiao Di's illegitimate daughter?

Maybe because of her career and celebrity status, Xiao Di did not make this public.

It may also be because of her unhappy relationship and having a child out of wedlock, Xiao Di hid Xiao An'an's existence.

But today, Xiao An'an called Mr. Ye"Dad" all the time, obviously she likes Mr. Ye very much and even hopes that Mr. Ye will be her dad.

Could it be that Xiao Di is.......Want to find a stepfather for her daughter Xiao An'an!

Did she take a fancy to Mr. Ye?

After all, Mr. Ye is handsome and talented, and Xiao An'an likes him very much.

If Xiao Di is attracted to Mr. Ye, Zhang Zifeng has no doubt.

After all, such a man exudes charm anytime and anywhere, making this little girl, who has no idea what love is, fall in love for the first time.......

Zhang Zifeng was very shocked and covered her mouth in surprise, fearing that she would scream.

She felt guilty for accidentally peeping into Sister Xiaodi's private life and a huge secret. She regretted eavesdropping on this matter.

Besides, she didn't know what private words Sister Xiaodi and Mr. Ye would say.

She felt guilty and slipped away from the sunflowers in a panic, her heart beating wildly.

After returning to the mushroom house, she found that Teacher Huang and the others had fallen asleep, and then looked at Xiao An'an, one of the four little ones who was sleeping next to her.

Looking so carefully, she could see that Xiao An'an's eyebrows were somewhat similar to Redina. She was even more panicked in her heart. She was destined to not be able to sleep that night.

In addition to being panicked, she was still worried. Would Mr. Ye agree to Sister Xiaodi to be Xiao An'an's stepfather?.......

""No, no, no, no!" Redina paused at first, then realized that this misunderstanding was a big deal. She immediately waved her hands, and a touch of embarrassment blushed on her fair face.

This misunderstanding made her a little embarrassed.

Not to mention that she has never been in a relationship, she is still a virgin, so how could she have a daughter as old as An An!

If someone with ulterior motives heard this, it would directly become the number one hot search tomorrow!

Her embarrassed look made Ye Fang puzzled:"Then what does Miss Redina mean?"

"Cough, cough, cough." After two awkward coughs, Redina regained her composure and said solemnly

"If I tell Mr. Ye that An An is your biological daughter, do you believe it?"

After these words came out, the whole courtyard fell into silence.

Ye Fang said nothing, just looked at Redina, who suddenly became nervous. She told this secret, but in fact, she also had a little evil taste in her heart.

She just wanted to see if Mr. Ye, who was always calm, would have any exaggerated reaction.

As a result, the other party was very quiet, without any expression, which made her a little disappointed.

Sure enough, Mr. Ye is Mr. Ye, not an ordinary person!

If other people faced this situation, they would have reacted greatly, right?

Mr. Ye is a good actor!

Redina secretly evaluated in her heart, thinking secretly, could it be that Mr. Ye has already noticed something, so he is not surprised at all?

"Miss Redina, I don't want to be a scapegoat."

Suddenly, a deep voice whispered, the tone was relaxed, but with undeniable seriousness.

"Poof!!"Redina almost vomited blood and waved her hands hurriedly:"I'm not a scapegoat!! Xiao Anan is not my child!!!"

Mr. Ye has misunderstood her twice!

"Oh." Ye Fang nodded slightly, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile:"Then what does Miss Redina want to say?"

"I have only dated one girlfriend, Yu Ge, and she was not pregnant or had a child before she died."

The deep meaning of his words is that he has no children, let alone a daughter as old as An An.

He likes little An An and feels sorry for her sensitive heart, but it does not mean that he can accept a daughter out of thin air.

Redina wiped the sweat from her forehead nervously and cleared her throat.

Compared with the skill of nourishing qi, she is naturally not as good as Ye Fang, who has been resting quietly for five years. She still didn't want to tease Mr. Ye and told the truth.

"Mr. Ye, do you still remember that you once donated...Ahem, seeds."

Redina was too embarrassed to say those two words, so she replaced them with a word with a similar meaning.

These words made Ye Fang's expression change slightly, and his thoughts drifted away.

In his sophomore year, several buddies in the dormitory made a bet, and Ye Fang lost in the end. The bet was that the loser needed to donate his genes for free.

Ye Fang was willing to accept the loss and found a private institution to complete his punishment.

And that incident was just a little spice in his four years of college life, and Ye Fang had long forgotten about it.

Now that Redina mentioned this matter, he remembered what happened that year.

His eyes changed a little, and his expression became more serious:"You mean...An An is..."

Finally, it’s clear!

Redina patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, nodding vigorously:"Yes, that’s it!"

"Miss Redina, chose my...Gave birth to An An?"

"Puff puff puff!!!" Redina really wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Mr. Ye! You can't joke like that!

She shouted angrily:"It's not me! It's my boss, Sister Mi!"

"Sister Mi?" Ye Fang glanced sideways:"Is it Yang Mier who graduated from Peking Opera?"

"Do you know Sister Mi?"Redina asked in surprise with a look of surprise on her beautiful face.

"I don't know her, but she was my senior in the same school." Ye Fang explained.

When he entered the school, Yang Mi'er was already at the peak of her career. Although she was studying Peking Opera, she was busy with work and rarely appeared in school.

She was the idol of the younger generation of students.

Everyone hoped to be the next Yang Mi'er.

So Ye Fang had some impression of her.

"Sister Mi is now the president of Fengtian Group! She has been working behind the scenes for a long time!"

Related to Sister Mi, Redina said proudly.

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