"So that's how it is. I haven't paid attention to the circle for too long. I don't know a lot of things."

Ye Fang nodded in understanding. He felt that time was passing by in a trance. He had been shutting himself in the small courtyard for five years.

He hardly paid attention to the outside world.

The entertainment industry is full of fresh meat. Yang Mier, who was a star at the time, is now the CEO of a company with a net worth of tens of billions. He secretly sighed in his heart that the circle has changed too fast in the past five years. He has completely drifted away from it.

However, he didn't care too much about these things, but expressed his doubts.

"Why does Yang Mier want to borrow sperm to have a child?"

This question got to the point. Redina thought of something, her expression dimmed, she sighed, and said slowly

"Sister Mi doesn’t want to get married, she is a workaholic strong woman!"

"I remember one year she signed a huge bet agreement. In order to complete the agreement, she worked very hard and only rested for a few hours a day."

"Finally, after a year, the required amount was met, which attracted investment for Fengtian."

"My career is getting better and better, but I always feel that there is something missing in my life."

"You know her personality. It's hard to find a man in the world who is willing to give up her job, get married, have children, and devote herself to the family."

"So, she spent money to borrow sperm to have a child, and she had a daughter named An An."

Ye Fang nodded slightly, this is reasonable.

The more successful a woman is, the harder it is for her to find a man who makes her heart beat and is willing to give up everything.

Many successful women never get married, but most women want to be mothers.

But as a five-year-old child, An An has been raised in a single-parent family with a strong mother since birth, and must have lacked fatherly love.

From this point of view, everything is reasonable.

Seeing the understanding on Ye Fang's face, Redina struck while the iron was hot and continued to sell misery mode.

"But poor An An, who has been very strong and independent since childhood, still wants to have a father...."

"So, this time, An An hid the secret from Sister Mi and ran to the remote Manyuan Village to find you, her real father."

"Sister Mi was so anxious that she asked me to come and look after An An as soon as she found out where An An was.、"

"It is not convenient for her to show up, after all, her identity is different...."

Ye Fang nodded in understanding what Redina said:"Yes, it is indeed inconvenient."

"But I have two questions: How did An An know where I was? And why did You You and the other two kids also call me dad?"

These two questions hit the point, making Redina pull a helpless smile at the corner of her mouth.

Alas, at this point, she can only tell Ye Fang, the person involved, this huge secret thoroughly.

Thinking of this, Redina explained the whole process again.

It turned out that An An showed hacker-like abilities since she was a child.

As time went on, An An actually became a hacker ranked among the best in the world.

There is almost no system she can't hack into.

Redina didn't know how An An hacked into the system of that private institution.

In short, An An knew the ins and outs of her life experience, and she didn't know how she got Ye Fang's address.

Hearing this, Ye Fang could already guess the general reason.

It's just that I didn't expect that An An was only five years old, and he could hack into Da Ma Ge's group system. This is not simple!

But thinking about his own hacking ability, Ye Fang smiled with relief again.

A tiger father will have a dog son. It seems that An An inherited his genes in this area.

Then Redina told another secret that surprised Ye Fang.

"Tiantian, Youyou, Yaoyao...They are all your children"

"Quadruplets?"Ye Fang was stunned and asked in confusion.

"No!"Redina shook her head, looking a little embarrassed. This is not just a secret about Sister Mi.

It also involves other people....

But there was no way, things had come to this point, and she couldn't hide it anymore!

She shook her silver teeth, closed her eyes, and answered quickly:

"In fact, it was not only Sister Mi who used your seeds, but also Yaoyao, Tiantian, Youyou and their mothers, all of whom were Sister Mi’s best friends."

"You have seven daughters in total!"

This answer made Ye Fang stunned on the spot. This time he really couldn't remain calm.


Seven different women chose his seeds at the same time, and these seven women were good friends.

Anyone who knew about this would find it difficult to understand and surprised, right?

Especially Ye Fang, who had a deep skill in nourishing qi, couldn't remain calm. He even felt it was a bit absurd.

What were these seven women thinking?

"I know, Mr. Ye, it's hard for you to understand."Redina was also a little embarrassed. This matter had nothing to do with her, but she had to tell Mr. Ye from her mouth.

I remember that when I first learned about this matter, I couldn't believe it.

Sister Mi is mature and has always been meticulous at work. Such an elegant, successful woman with a high IQ would actually do such a ridiculous thing.

But now that she has seen Ye Fang himself and is impressed by his temperament and talent, Redina even feels that if she must choose someone to borrow sperm to have a child, she will definitely choose Mr. Ye's genes without hesitation.

Because this man is really too perfect, just like the male protagonist in those romance novels.

What's more rare is that he is also affectionate and takes good care of children who are not his own.

Where can you find such a man!

Even Redina feels that if there is a man who can make her give up her career and current status and devote herself to the family, it must be a man like Mr. Ye.

No wonder, An An and several children have been different from ordinary people since they became conscious, and each has his own strengths.

Such a man is unique in the world!

"But, your profile is too perfect, any woman who sees it will choose you."

Redina's beautiful face flushed a little, and she said this shyly. This is actually a disguised expression of her own view on mate selection, which is very consistent with Ye Fang....

"Things have come to this point, I can't understand it, and it has already happened."

Ye Fang smiled helplessly, raised his eyes and looked at Redina. In her deep black and white pupils, there was wisdom beyond ordinary people.

Even if he was surprised, it was only a moment.

But now, the four children have appeared in front of him, and he also knows that they are his blood. What can he do if he can't understand?

"So Miss Redina, what do you want me to do by telling me these secrets?"

Ye Fang did not continue to delve into the reasons why the seven women chose his genes.

Instead, he returned to the root of the topic and asked Redina.

Being stared at by Ye Fang's calm eyes, Redina looked away a little, not daring to look at him.

Her heart beat faster.

Her eyes moved, and she squeezed out a smile.

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