The live broadcast room exploded again:


"Is An An really Mr. Ye’s daughter?"

"How could this happen? Doesn’t Mr. Ye know that he has such a big daughter?》"

"My mind is a little confused!"

"I said it yesterday, An An and Mr. Ye really look alike!"

"No wonder An An kept hugging Mr. Ye and calling him dad, it turns out they are really father and daughter!"

"Wow! Is this true?"

"This is too shocking!"

"I cried. I also want to have a daughter with Mr. Ye!"

"Holy crap!!!!! ???".......

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Huang and Mr. He were stunned, sure that they had not heard wrongly.

Peng Peng widened his eyes and stopped clapping.

A flash of sadness and sorrow flashed across Zhang Zifeng's crystal eyes.

She had never known what love was before. She had just experienced the first blossoming of love, and now she had to endure the pain of a broken heart. It was really painful to not be able to love someone and to watch others being together.

But she didn't understand why Mr. Ye called An An his biological daughter.

Thinking about it, Zhang Zifeng's heart ached even more.

Probably......Mr. Ye accepted Xiao Di's confession and decided to be with her and to love An An well.

But considering that Xiao Di could not announce the news of having a child out of wedlock, Mr. Ye took her into consideration and said that An An was his biological daughter.

In this way, when Xiao Di chose the right time, she would announce to the public that she was actually An An's mother.

By then, the family of three with a handsome man, a beautiful woman and a cute and soft daughter would surely be the envy of others!

If Mr. Ye really did this, he would definitely keep his mouth shut when someone asked who An An's mother was.....

Teacher Huang came back to his senses, but even with his clever brain, he couldn't figure out the reason.

Judging from Ye Fang's reaction yesterday, he didn't know that he had a daughter named An An.

But the two of them do look somewhat similar, and An An, a five-year-old child, ran to the remote Manyuan Village, and cried and called for her dad the moment she saw Ye Fang. It's true that there is no coincidence in the world!

Now Ye Fang said in public that Yang An An is his daughter, and no one doubted whether it was true or not, but they just couldn't figure out the reason for this matter.

Teacher Huang asked doubtfully,"Who is little An An's mother?"

Ye Fang smiled and answered without hesitation,"It's not Yu Ge."

"I am not in a position to reveal the identity of her mother, but what I can be sure of is that An An is my daughter.

Although An An was not born with his knowledge and consent, he volunteered to donate the seeds.

So he should be responsible for An An. He is only taking care of An An temporarily for a while. Ye Fang also likes this strong and lovely daughter, so he is happy to do so.

Sure enough!

Zhang Zifeng lowered his eyes. Mr. Ye did not tell him about An An's mother.

It seems that his guesses are all right....

A very uncomfortable feeling spread from her heart to her whole body. She wanted to go back to the bedroom and bury herself in the quilt. She had clearly convinced herself in the morning to bless Sister Xiaodi.

But when the fact happened, she couldn't stop feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

No one noticed that her mood was wrong, and Teacher Huang, Teacher He and others were silent after hearing Ye Fang's answer.

But this is someone else's private matter after all, and he is unwilling to disclose it because it is indeed inconvenient.

After all, there are still many cameras broadcasting live in the Mushroom House.

Mr. Ye wants to protect Xiao Anan's biological mother, right?........

The top floor of Fengtian Building.

Two beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings are crossed, and the slender white arms are leaning on the sofa.

This woman has a perfect figure, and at this moment her beautiful and charming eyes are staring straight at the live broadcast room she longs for.

Ye Fang did not reveal any information about her, but he openly admitted that he was An An's father.

Yang Mier's beautiful face moved slightly, and there was surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Fang is protecting her privacy.

If this matter is known to other media, Yang Mier can imagine it with her feet, and it will definitely be on the hot search on Weibo within a day.

But Ye Fang neither hid such shocking news, said it openly, nor revealed it, but made people understand him.

Ye Fang's character is indeed good.

Yang Mier's mouth curled up a faint smile, and a subtle ripple appeared in her heart.、........

""I can understand," Teacher He was the first to break the awkwardness and agreed with Ye Fang's approach.

However, it can be guessed that An An's mother is neither Ye Fang's former lover nor an ordinary person.

How did she give birth to Ye Fang's daughter without being in love?

No one dared to ask this, it was a private matter. In the end, they were just ordinary friends who had just known Ye Fang for a day.

The audience in the live broadcast room left messages:

"That’s right, it’s me! I’m An An’s biological mother!"

"Husband, you are so cool for protecting other people’s privacy!"

"I don’t want to hide it anymore, actually I am An An’s mother!"

"Dear, I'm coming to Manyuan Village right now to reunite our family of three!"

"The people upstairs are all a bunch of perverts! They are willing to take over for a handsome guy!"

"What's the big deal about taking over? An An is so cute! I am willing to take over!"

"To be honest, I suddenly feel that Redina and An An are somewhat similar!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Redina has never been in a relationship!"

"That's right! Don't make random guesses. Ye Fang is actually my dear. It all started with a one-night stand five years ago...."

"I vomited!"

"Ahhh! My idol actually has a daughter, I'm so sad1".........

This news was so explosive that it took a while for the live broadcast room to quiet down.

Director Lao Wang did not expect that it would be because of this reason. It was simply a big explosive point!

Looking at the rising data, Director Lao Wang laughed happily.

Teacher Huang returned to his normal expression. After all, they were not the aunts and uncles at the entrance of the village, gossiping about other people's private affairs every day.

Teacher Huang smiled and said,"So, Mr. Ye hopes to be with An An, so he agreed to become a member of Xiangwang?"

"Although it is part of the reason, it is true."

In fact, he does not dislike the atmosphere of the Mushroom House.

"So that's how it is, Mr. Ye is a good father!"Teacher Huang feels the same way. For the sake of the children, a father can do anything.

"Is this fair to Tiantian?"

Suddenly, a questioning voice sounded, startling everyone to look in the direction of the sound.

Guan Tong'er didn't know when, her slender figure trembled slightly, and her pretty face was full of anger.

What's going on?

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