This shout, which contained anger, disbelief, and grievance, suddenly appeared and scared everyone.

Peng Peng almost jumped up on the spot, because everyone was speaking in a low voice, and such a sudden sound was really terrifying.

The smile on Redina's face paused, and she looked at Guan Tong'er, who had been standing quietly beside the voice.

From the beginning, Guan Tong'er had not spoken and had been very quiet.

Everyone was paying attention to Ye Fang and An An's affairs, and no one noticed her emotions.

But Guan Tiantian could clearly feel that her sister went from being quiet at the beginning, to being surprised, and finally to being angry.

This shout scared Guan Tiantian's petite body and trembled. She raised her little face and looked at her sister in fear.

No one noticed that when Ye Fang was talking to Teacher Huang just now, Liu Youyou and Yaoyao also looked a little strange.

They were very envious, envious that An An was the first one among them who could be publicly recognized as a biological daughter by their father.

But they also understood that it was only because An An's mother talked to her father through Redina.

Dad���Knowing that An'an was his biological daughter, he accepted the invitation of director Lao Wang and acknowledged it openly.

Seeing Tiantian's envious look, Guan Tong'er was very unhappy!

As his biological daughter, little An'an could be acknowledged by Ye Fang generously, which was unfair to other children!

Guan Tong'er is not a saint, she only loves her cousin. She flew to Manyuan Village alone, just wanting to find her father.

They found their father together, but why did only Yang An'an get such treatment?

Ye Fang agreed to the invitation of director Xiangwang for Yang An'an.

This made Guan Tong'er feel uncomfortable.

Her voice made everyone stunned, not understanding the reason.

Although Guan Tong'er's personality is more cheerful and lively, her angry and excited expression at this moment, everyone can feel that something is wrong.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all confused:

"What happened to Tong'er suddenly?"

"Is Tong'er talking to Mr. Ye?"

"Why is it unfair to Tiantian?"

"Tong'er looks very unhappy now!"

"??? Is there something happening that I don't know about?"

"What happened to Tiantian? ?"

"What does Guan Tong'er mean by this? I don't quite understand!"

"What happened to Tong'er? Don't be angry, don't be angry"

"I don't understand what's going on, but I feel like Guan Tong'er is not very happy".....

Everyone was silent, their eyes wandering between Guan Tong'er and Ye Fang.

But the few people who knew the truth knew what Guan Tong'er meant.

But they didn't expect Guan Tong'er to suddenly explode in front of the camera.

She also knew that it was wrong to act in such a way regardless of the occasion. Her mission in Manyuan Village was to bring Tiantian home safely.

But at this moment, she couldn't help but shout out her anger.

"elder sister..."Guan Tiantian's eyes were filled with fear and terror. She weakly called Guan Tong'er.

Her little head couldn't understand why her sister was so angry. Wasn't she here to take her home?

Ye Fang looked at Guan Tong'er calmly.

He knew what Guan Tong'er meant by this, but he did not do this out of partiality, but for his own reasons.

Yang Mi'er asked Dina to express that she hoped he could take care of Yang An'an temporarily and give her fatherly love.

He got Yang Mi'er's consent, so he announced to the public that An'an was his daughter.

As for the other three little ones, Ye Fang also liked these three well-behaved girls.

But he was not their guardian after all, and their mother did not entrust them to his care.

Ye Fang believed that he had no right and no position to announce the identities of the three little ones without authorization. Moreover, he did not understand their situation and could not do anything he wanted.

But this did not mean that he did not treat the four bowls of water equally.

Guan Tong'er was emotional at the moment and had completely forgotten the main purpose of her grandfather's entrustment to her. She wanted to question Ye Fang in public!

Teacher Huang saw that the atmosphere was not right, and smiled at Guan Tong'er in a gentle manner:"Tong'er, did you misunderstand something just now?"

This was to give Guan Tong'er a way out. As long as she explained casually, she could get away with this little episode.

There would be no trouble.

But Guan Tong'er shook her head slightly, staring straight at Ye Fang, her bright eyes were stubborn.

Ye Fang looked calm, without the slightest guilt, which made Guan Tong'er even more annoyed.

Then I'll tell you everything!

Redina was secretly surprised. Could it be that Guan Tong'er was going to.......

"I didn't misunderstand!" Guan Tong'er looked at Ye Fang confidently and said,"Tiantian, she is also Mr. Ye's daughter."

"Why did Mr. Ye announce the existence of An An, but did not mention Tian Tian at all?"

After she finished speaking, she straightened her back, wanting to see Ye Fang's embarrassed expression.

However, except for Ye Fang, everyone's expression changed.

Peng Peng opened his eyes wide, not daring to believe what he heard.

Just now, Mr. Ye broke the news that An An was his daughter, how come Tian Tian was also Mr. Ye's daughter?

An An and Tian Tian were obviously not born to the same mother. Although they looked somewhat similar, they were not the same after all, and they were the same age.

No mother could give birth to two children in one year, right?

If what Guan Tong'er said was true, it could only prove one thing.....

Mr. Ye had two daughters with two different women.

But this doesn't fit Mr. Ye's personality!

After all, everyone knows that he has a deep memory of his deceased ex-girlfriend, and wasn't Mr. Ye still with his deceased girlfriend five years ago?

According to the time calculation, it doesn't make sense!

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned:

"What's going on? Tiantian is also Mr. Ye's daughter?"

"You know what, Tiantian does look a bit similar to Mr. Ye!"

"Tong'er is not talking nonsense???"

"Oh my god, this news is too explosive!"

"Is this true? Why can’t I believe it?"

"If this is true, then Mr. Ye’s personality will completely collapse!"

"My little head is already dizzy"

"Wow, could it be that Mr. Ye is a romantic man!".........

Everyone at the scene was speechless, but their hearts were filled with emotions.

This gossip was so explosive that they could not accept it for a while!

"this....What a sham situation...."Peng Peng was so surprised that he spoke in dialect.

Redina held her forehead with her hand. It was just as she guessed. Guan Tong'er had completely forgotten common sense and logic.

This matter suddenly broke out. How would everyone guess the reason?

No one would have thought that it was because of borrowing sperm to have children, and Ye Fang himself didn't even know the existence of his two daughters!

Zhang Zifeng's heart trembled again. She was frightened by this sentence.

Looking at Guan Tong'er's indignant reaction, Zhang Zifeng didn't know why, but read a hint of resentment.

Could it be that........

Zhang Zifeng couldn't believe what he had guessed.

Could it be that Sister Tong'er also fell in love with Mr. Ye?...Planning to let Mr. Ye take over?

Or...An An and Tian Tian are really Mr. Ye's children, but the two children are Mr. Ye, Redina and...Tong Erjie gave birth to her.

If she remembered correctly, Tong Erjie was 23 years old this year. According to Tiantian's age, Tong Erjie would have been an adult at that time.

Besides, Guan Tiantian was a distant relative's child adopted by the Guan family.

But why did the Guan family adopt another child when they already had Tong Erjie? ?

This is very likely...It was Sister Tong'er's biological child!

And then she used this to hide this matter. After all, Sister Tong'er was the same age as herself when she gave birth to Tiantian!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zifeng fell into a bad state.

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