Guan Youlan secretly observed her father's expression and found that there was no expression on his face.

After all, Grandpa Guan was old, so naturally he would not show everything on his face like young people.

Guan Youlan felt a little uneasy. This matter did not end as she expected.

Instead, it got worse and worse. She, a lady from a well-off family who never left the house, did not know what to do.

Grandpa Guan watched quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.......

After Guan Tiantian hugged Guan Tong'er's face and kissed her several times, she ran to Ye Fang's arms with joy.

Ye Fang held two equally delicate and lovely daughters in each hand.

The three of them smiled at each other, and Guan Tiantian put her fair forehead against Ye Fang's forehead.

The crisp giggles floated in the mushroom house.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but smile with emotion on their faces. Seeing everyone's reaction, Redina secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Although she came only for Yang Anan, Guan Tiantian was Anan's sister after all. It was a good thing that she could be recognized by her father.

I hope that other children will have the opportunity to be favored by Ye Fang.

She did not doubt that Ye Fang would give the same love to each child, but being able to become Ye Fang's daughter openly was an indispensable sense of ritual for the children.

Yang Anan and Guan Tiantian are lucky.

But if all seven children are given the right name...The entertainment and business circles are going to be in a big stir.

Liu Youyou and Yaoyao were envious.

They were looking forward to having such a day.

But they hoped that their father would accept them, even if they couldn't make it public.

At the scene, Mr. Huang was the first to react and said with a smile:

"Today is a good day! Mr. Ye joined the Mushroom House and recognized two more daughters."

He used"recognized" to cover today's events in a general way.

It was neither a denial nor an admission. Anyway, this matter could not continue to attract the attention of others, so he could only divert it.

He smiled and said,"Come in and have breakfast, it's almost cold, Tong'er should be hungry too!"

Guan Tong'er was slightly stunned, and realized that this was Teacher Huang giving her a way out. She smiled and touched her slender waist and said,

"Yes, I've been hungry for a long time, let's eat!"

Teacher He reacted quickly, and hurried to the yard, waving as he walked,"Come and eat, why are you standing at the door?"

Everyone walked into the yard one after another and sat down at the dining table.

Ye Fang held his two daughters in his arms, and put them down gently with a smile. They sat on Ye Fang's left and right sides.

This scene looked particularly warm.

Guan Tong'er and Redina were also very happy to see the smiles on the two children's faces.

Guan Tong'er was happy and worried, and now she was a little afraid to go home.

Everyone happily ate the cross-bridge rice noodles made by Teacher Huang. The side dishes alone filled the table.

Guan Tong'er had to catch a plane and take a car before dawn. She was already starving. At this moment, she forgot her worries when she saw the delicious food and ate happily.

Liu Youyou and Yaoyao seemed to have no appetite and were a little depressed.

A pair of hands holding dishes stretched out in front of the two little ones and put dishes that were placed farther away in their bowls.

The two little ones looked up and saw Ye Fang's gentle smile, and their hearts were instantly warmed.

"Tell me what you want to eat." Ye Fang said softly.


""Thank you, Daddy!"

The two little ones smiled sweetly and their appetite increased a lot.

Guan Tong'er looked at this scene and felt a little embarrassed. A faint pink appeared on her pretty cheeks.

She seemed to have misunderstood Mr. Ye....

I thought Mr. Ye was partial to Yang Anan, but now I think about it carefully, without their mother's consent, Mr. Ye would not recognize his daughter without authorization.

After all, there are many things involved.

And just now, my questioning inadvertently made Ye Fang mistakenly think that the Guan family expressed their intentions through her.


Guan Tonger sighed heavily. Sure enough, I didn't consider things comprehensively enough and misunderstood other people's good intentions....

Zhang Zifeng watched Guan Tong'er's eyes linger on Ye Fang, sighing for a while, and began to guess wildly in his heart.

Sister Tong'er must be very entangled...

She probably didn't expect Mr. Ye to openly acknowledge Tiantian's existence....

I don't know whether Mr. Ye will be with Sister Tong'er or Sister Xiaodi in the future....

Zhang Zifeng's little head was in a mess, and the food tasted tasteless.

The delicious food became tasteless in his mouth.

While eating, the phone in the mushroom house suddenly rang.

Teacher He put down his bowl and chopsticks, ran into the house and answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Mushroom House、"Teacher He greeted

"Hello, I will be at the Mushroom House in a while. Can Mr. Ye pick me up?"

The voice on the other end was lazy and pleasant, with a hint of magnetism.

The comfortable voice made Mr. He's expression change, and he was surprised.

He seemed to have guessed who was on the other end of the phone, but he didn't dare to believe his guess.

The other party didn't hide his voice at all, unlike Guan Tong'er who used a voice changer.

It seemed that he was not afraid of Mr. He's guess, and he didn't mean to keep it a secret.

Seeing Mr. He's expression, the audience in the live broadcast room began to guess.

"This voice is so nice, it must be a singer, right?"

"Maybe he is a host! His voice is really special!"

"This voice is so familiar! Where did I hear it before?..."

"I also think this voice is familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it."

"What a nice sound!"

"Who is this? Why is Teacher He so surprised?"

"I can't tell, maybe he's a singer"

"The Voice...Isn't he my idol?"

"Wow, that sounds a lot like that one! But there's no way she can be on the show!"

"It can't be her! It could be another singer imitating her!"......

Some viewers boldly guessed that it was a big shot, but that person is in a very important position now and rarely participates in the show. Would she really come to the distant Xiangwang?

Moreover, why did she specifically ask Mr. Ye to pick her up?

Countless mysteries floated in the audience's heads, but they will be able to see the real person and reveal the answers soon.

Teacher He hung up the phone and walked out with an exaggerated look of surprise on his face.

Teacher Huang saw it and said with a smile:"Who is it? Are you so surprised?"

"I guessed who it was, but I'm not sure it was that person." Teacher He said.

This aroused everyone's curiosity. The person who could make Teacher He so surprised must not be an ordinary person!

Peng Peng raised his head and asked:"Teacher He, who is it?"

"I can't tell you. You'll see when the person comes. If it's really the person I guessed, our Mushroom House will be very rich!"

So amazing?

These words whetted everyone's appetite.

Peng Peng stood up on his own initiative:"I'll go get it!" After saying that, he looked at the unfinished rice noodles reluctantly.

It's not that he didn't want to continue eating, but curiosity was the trend.

Who is Teacher He! In the entertainment industry, almost 90% of the stars have to respect him. Those who can surprise him and can't believe it must be no small figure!

Zhang Zifeng also hurriedly stood up:"I'll go too."

She was not curious, but she didn't want to sit down anymore, and her heart was very uncomfortable.

Watching the loving scene of this family of three, oh no, a family of five, she felt sad. She might as well leave.

Teacher He shook his head and smiled,"It's a pity, the guest specifically asked Mr. Ye to pick it up"

""Huh? Why?" Peng Peng was puzzled. Mr. Ye had just joined Xiangwang, and the guests knew about his existence?

It seemed that he was an old customer!

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