The prelude gives people a sense of quietness and tranquility.

Teacher Huang closed his eyes and swayed with the music, only to feel that the originally hot temperature became a little clearer.

This feeling is very wonderful, probably the unique charm of the music brought by Ye Fang!

Teacher He unconsciously raised a faint smile on his face, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in the music.

Guan Tiantian just heard the prelude, and her big eyes lit up. She had a hunch that this would be a very, very nice song!

Although her father hadn't sung it yet, she was already a little excited.

The prelude continued, and Ye Fang continued to play.

The audience in the live broadcast room quieted down, and the number of barrages that had just filled the screen dropped sharply.

Obviously, everyone was listening to Ye Fang's playing.

What surprised Chen Yixun was that Ye Fang's guitar level was not as general as he imagined, but the first paragraph revealed superb skills.

In an instant, Ye Fang's temperament also changed.

He slowly closed his eyes, his fingertips moved slightly, and the strings trembled with it.

He smiled at his lovely daughter, who was shaking her little feet and smiling happily, and began to sing:

"Gently wake up the sleeping soul, slowly open your eyes, and see if the busy world is still turning alone.

The spring breeze does not understand romance, blowing the young man's heart

, letting the tears on yesterday's face dry with memory."


Pleasant to the ear!

Ye Fang amazed the princess as soon as he opened his mouth. Her lazy and slightly envious expression paused, and she was shocked.

The lyrics of this song give people a feeling of warmth and hope.

The melody is not complicated, and for Mr. Ye, who she knows has superb skills and singing skills, it can be regarded as very simple.

But it is always simple, and Mr. Ye can also sing it out of the amazing effect that makes people sink into it as soon as they hear it.

Mr. Ye's singing and songwriting ability is indeed good.

She just started singing, and the envy in her elegant eyes was about to overflow from her eyes.

"Sing so well..."Chen Yixun knew that he should keep quiet at this moment, but he couldn't help but praise in a low voice with surprise.

He didn't know that he had spoken at all, but just listening to the song deepened his desire to cooperate with Ye Fang.

Originally, Ye Fang planned to give her a simple song such as"Insects Flying" and"Big Dreamer" that was suitable for Tiantian's age.

But after thinking about it, this was the first gift for his daughter, and he still hoped that this song could bring warmth and encouragement to Tiantian now, and even to the future when she was ten, twenty, thirty years old, etc., when she encountered any low point.

This song had inspired several generations in the previous life, so much so that it could be covered by stars decades later.

This is his father's love, and his expectation that Tiantian would be able to muster up the courage to move forward in the future.

Hearing the lyrics, Guan Tiantian's five-year-old head could not understand much of the deep meaning, but she could feel the extraordinaryness from the lyrics.

Is this the song that her father gave her!

Guan Tiantian's little face flushed, and her little heart beat wildly with excitement.

She likes this song! This song was written for her by her father.

She also didn't know that this song would accompany her every moment when she encountered difficulties and despair in the future.

The audience in the live broadcast room were very intoxicated when they heard Ye Fang speak, and the star-like barrage of comments floated:

"Ahhhh! I love this song so much!"

"Each of Mr. Ye’s songs gives me a different feeling, but they are all so flavorful."

"The moment she opened her mouth, I was moved to my knees. The singing voice is so pure!"

"Oh my god, what a divine voice!"

"I like the lyrics so much!"

"When will Mr. Ye record this song? It is already my new favorite!"

"Love it!"

"I got goosebumps. Is this my idol?".......

Guan Tong'er's heart was trembling slightly.

She did not have a complete range of five tones, but she was born in a family of folk artists, so her appreciation ability must be high.

She might not be able to hear the connotation of this song, but she could read its value from the reactions of others and his expression.

Mr. Ye's songs are valuable and hard to come by.

Because he never writes songs for others, so he is hard to come by.

Even the queen of the level of Princess Chen Yixun and top singers can find the remote Manyuan Village for him.

It can be seen how valuable his songs are.

But this song sounds even more interesting.

Mr. Ye actually used such a weighty and precious song as a gift, just to express his love for Tiantian.

Guan Tong'er's clear eyes were moved and confused.

Tiantian is his daughter, yes, but they have just met and have not even had time to get to know each other.

Mr. Ye can write a song for Tiantian....

Maybe Tiantian is the first person to have a song written by Mr. Ye himself?

I don’t understand, but Guan Tonger only knows that Tiantian hopes to get fatherly love, and it happens that Ye Fang gave her fatherly love.

This is why she was moved....Or maybe the aunt was too willful, Mr. Ye could have ignored it completely.

When singing"The Heart of a Young Man", Ye Fang opened his eyes, and happened to look into the eyes of Redina who was staring at him deeply.

Redina's heart suddenly trembled, and a faint pink floated on her fair cheeks. Her eyes flashed, and she quickly avoided the coincidental eye contact.

It was as if the spring breeze had moved her heart.

Zhang Zifeng was immersed in Ye Fang's singing. Seeing this eye contact, he imagined the plot of showing off their love in his little head. He felt uncomfortable and looked away.

Teacher Huang tasted a lot from the lyrics. He lived to the age of forty, so he naturally felt more than everyone else present.

Especially the sentence"Yesterday's tears dried with the memory."

It reminded him of the spring love in his youth and the setbacks he encountered when he entered the society.

A youthful person.���Years ago, I cried helplessly in the night.

Teacher He recalled the same memory, and his eyes suddenly turned red. Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he smiled awkwardly at Teacher Huang.

‘When you get older, you are easily moved."

"Hahaha, it's okay!"Teacher Huang and Teacher He have been friends for more than 20 years. They understand each other very well.

""Ye Fang wrote this well!" Teacher Huang couldn't help but praise him again.

If the lyrics can touch people's hearts, it is a good song!

Ye Fang's musical talent is really amazing!

Every song is a masterpiece, and the song given to his daughter is naturally not bad!

Tiantian is really a treasure!

Ye Fang plucked the strings faster, and the princess knew that he was about to sing the chorus, and she was secretly looking forward to it.

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