"Sing out your passion, stretch out your hands, let me embrace your dream, let me have your sincere face, let our smiles be filled with the pride of youth, and offer a pious prayer for tomorrow."

Hearing this, Guan Tong'er couldn't help but close her eyes. She only felt a warm force, forming a hug, holding her tightly in it. In the past two days, from Tiantian's disappearance to her accepting the task assigned by her grandfather, she rushed all the way to Manyuan Village. She was deceived by a few bear children and thought that Tiantian disappeared, and she was angry when she saw that Mr. Ye only recognized Xiao An'an.

Then she was misunderstood by Mr. Ye and was worried that she would be discovered by her grandfather.

It can be said that she has never been at peace in her heart in the past two days.

She has been nervous and exhausted.

But listening to Ye Fang's singing, her body can't help but relax, and the tiredness also dissipated a lot.

It can bring more comfort than letting her sleep well!

And the four children who are ignorant, full of fantasies about the world, and have countless dreams, feel encouraged when they hear this song.

Dad sings the lyrics well!

The princess was touched when she heard the lyrics. The word"youth" was so far away from her.

Now she is a queen and a singer with a top status.

But who doesn't have youth?

Recalling her youth, a faint smile appeared on the princess's face, as if she remembered something interesting.

Chen Yixun likes the lyrics of this song very much.

It gives people a warm and positive feeling invisibly.

This song is said to be dedicated to Tiantian, but he thinks that this song can be given to anyone.

It can be given to the audience in the live broadcast room, to those who are experiencing a low period, or even to those who are suffering in war-torn countries.

The lyrics sound simple, but the grand meaning in it makes Chen Yixun particularly amazed.

This song can have a very small position, and it can be as large as the entire world.

Is this Mr. Ye's ability to sing and write against the sky!

No! It's not just the ability to sing and write, but his vision is very far, so far that he can't reach it.

So far that so far, any top singer in the country he knows can't compare!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of touching:

"I don't know why, but I'm touched"

"I failed in three interviews with companies today. I was very disappointed, but when I heard Mr. Ye’s song, I suddenly felt full of strength."

"This word is really great!"

"I just broke up, but I believe that tomorrow will be better!"

"Thank you Mr. Ye's song, which gave me a little hope to live...."

"What's going on upstairs? Don't scare me!"

"Damn, the guy upstairs scared me too!"

"Everyone should spend every day happily!"

"Tomorrow will be better!"

"Tomorrow will be better!"

"Tomorrow will be better!".....

Gradually, the same five words were floating in the barrage, showing that this song deeply touched them.

"Stretch out your hands, let me embrace your dreams

, let me have your sincere face, let our smiles be filled with the pride of youth

, let us look forward to a better tomorrow, sing out your passion, stretch...

"Full of youthful pride" When singing the lyrics for the second time, Ye Fang's deep voice suddenly softened into an ethereal, tender voice.

Ye Fang raised his eyes slightly and looked at Guan Tiantian, who was opening her mouth with a sweet smile on her face, trying to keep up with the rhythm.

This sudden chorus recreated the scene of yesterday.

Ye Fang immediately faded his own voice to highlight Guan Tiantian's bright voice.

In an instant, Chen Yixun got goose bumps on his arms and was shocked!

Although the melody of this song is not complicated, they are all hearing it for the first time.

Not to mention whether they can keep up with the rhythm, even the lyrics are difficult to remember.

It's just pure appreciation.

But like Guan Tiantian, after listening to the same melody once and then the second time, when the emotional level is pushed up, she can perfectly match and accurately sing the lyrics.

....This is too strong!

The princess was amazed and shook her head slightly, saying,"As expected of Mr. Ye's daughter, she is equally talented."

Originally, the two top Chinese singers were secretly envious of Guan Tiantian, a five-year-old child who could get Mr. Ye to write a song for her for the first time.

The two just thought that it was because they were father and daughter.

But now seeing Guan Tiantian not being stage fright, although a little awkward, with the cooperation of Ye Fang, she showed boldness, confidence, and calmness, which were not in line with her age.

It was enough to surprise people.

Guan Tiantian deserves this song!

Chen Yixun and the princess knew it in their hearts.

Now Guan Tiantian is only gaining attention as the heir of Guan's folk art.

But in the near future, when her voice has completely passed the growth period and can stabilize.

It is estimated that the Chinese music scene will give birth to another one who makes all Chinese singers tremble in their hearts!

Even the princess believes that Guan Tiantian is very likely to be the next queen!

Ye Fang smiled at Guan Tiantian and slowly stretched out his hand.

Guan Tiantian sang, smiled, and walked over happily, and was hugged by Ye Fang.

The two sang the last part in a low voice. Guan Tiantian stared at her father with big eyes, and Ye Fang also smiled at her.

The scene was warm and healing.

The audience in the live broadcast room became excited:

"Oh my god! This picture is so beautiful!"

"I heard the chorus again, it sounds so good!"

"Wow! It sounds so good!"

"Tiantian had her own song at the age of five!"

"This song is going to be a hit!"

"It’s so fun to relive this scene!"

"Love love"

"This father and daughter are so warm and doting!"

"Mr. Ye will definitely be a good father in the future! My sixth sense tells me so!".....

The pleasing picture formed by the two of them also made Guan Tong'er's heart tremble, and she stood up involuntarily with excitement.

Guan Tong'er vaguely remembered the scene when her grandfather taught Tiantian in person.

In the past, I thought Tiantian was talented and learned quickly, and occasionally sang some popular songs.

When I saw her standing with Ye Fang singing, I was shocked!


It was really beautiful!

Is this really sung by Tiantian?

Why does it feel stronger than before?

Zhang Zifeng held her little face and looked at this scene, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up a smile unconsciously.

Every girl has a natural maternal love, and facing the lovely Tiantian, maternal love naturally overflows.

Redina wished at this moment that she could have a husband and daughter like this.

How perfect her life would be!

It would be more perfect than letting her stand on the top stage of the entertainment industry!!

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