At this moment, looking at the picture of the father and daughter singing together, Zhang Zifeng suddenly hoped that he could sing and sing a song with Mr. Ye.

There was a light of reverence in Redina's beautiful eyes.

As a singer, Mr. Ye's singing and songwriting ability is absolutely strong. As a father, he absolutely dotes on his daughter who has just known him for less than a day. There are also two top singers sitting on the scene who came for a request. I envy them in my heart.

Tiantian's musical talent is really strong enough, and she looks a bit like Mr. Ye.

The voices of the two people combined together, with a warm feeling.

The audience in the live broadcast room also sighed that Mr. Ye was a father on the first day, and he was full of fatherly love.

This makes his temperament softer and full of warmth.

I also have to marvel that the song written by Mr. Ye is completely in line with Tiantian's age and level. He can learn it after listening to it once!

It can be seen that after singing with Tiantian yesterday, Mr. Ye has thoroughly understood Tiantian's talent and ability.

The guitar sound quieted down, and Ye Fang and Guan Tiantian finished singing the last sentence. They smiled at each other, and the warmth was beyond words.

Chen Yixun stood up, raised his hands and clapped, praising:"It's nice, this song is so well written! Tiantian sings well too!"

The princess also clapped softly, sighing:"Tiantian is worthy of being Mr. Ye's daughter. She has completely inherited Mr. Ye's talent in music!"

"The duet between the father and daughter is so perfect!"Teacher He wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile、

"Mr. Ye will be a good father and a good teacher!" Teacher Huang commented with a smile, but she was looking at Guan Tong'er.

This was a gift from Ye Fang to the child. Of course, it was also to express his love for Tiantian to Guan Tong'er and the Guan family. Is there any father in the world who doesn't love his daughter?

What's more, it's a delicate, well-behaved and smart daughter like Tiantian?

Guan Tong'er knew the meaning of Teacher Huang's words, and she had just come back to her senses from the chorus of the two. For some reason, she wiped the corners of her eyes and they were a little wet.

She didn't know whether it was because the two of them sang well and were moved by the song, or because she saw that Tiantian finally had the fatherly love she dreamed of, and she was happy for her.

In fact, Guan Tong'er When she saw Ye Fang for the first time, she determined with her sixth sense that he was a good person.

This is not a good person card, but the temperament he exudes, elegant and gentle.

And now, Ye Fang directly expressed his doting on Tiantian, showing his fatherly love.

How could Guan Tong'er disagree?

But it's useless for her to agree! Grandpa still has the final say in the Guan family. And Tiantian has been watched by her grandfather all the time. Can grandpa just hand Tiantian over to Mr. Ye?

Guan Tong'er was not sure in her heart, but she didn't know how to show it on her face.

The princess suddenly said:"Mr. Ye, when I have another child, can you be her music teacher?"

This made everyone confused.

Judging from the queen's posture, she wanted to have another child just to make her child a student of Ye Fang?

"No! Mr. Ye, there is no need to wait now. I have a daughter who is about the same age as Tiantian and is also very talented in music. Do you want to teach her?"

The princess reminded Chen Yixun, and his eyes lit up and he immediately spoke first.

The princess looked at Chen Yixun slowly with indifferent eyes, and her eyes were full of fire.

‘No! Be my daughter's godfather!"Chen Yixun changed his mind and thought of a better way.

"Be the godfather of my future child, and I will recognize him as soon as he is born!" The princess said unwillingly.

The competition between the senior sister and the junior brother began again. The air was filled with a burning smell, and it seemed that one could hear the sound of thunder and electricity passing through.

Suddenly, Ye Fang had two more children?

Guan Tiantian pouted her pink little mouth, hugged her father tightly and shouted:

"No! Daddy already has enough children, he can’t share his love with others!"

There are already seven little sisters who want to share the love of Daddy.

Now two more children want to snatch the love of Daddy away. Guan Tiantian is not happy!

Yang Anan also stood up immediately and said:"Yes, yes! Daddy can only be our daddy!

After hearing the two innocent words, the princess and Chen Yixun suddenly realized that their behavior was a bit excessive. After all, the two children just recognized their father and haven’t called him warm yet.

Suddenly, their faces turned red with embarrassment, and Chen Yixun smiled awkwardly to the angry Guan Tiantian:

"Uncle was just joking. How could he compete with Tiantian for dad?"

"I was just kidding, I can just be a vocal teacher."

The princess smiled lazily and waved her hand slightly, but she still didn't want to give up.

Not to mention learning everything from Mr. Ye, as long as she could learn 30% or 40%, that would be good!

However, what surprised the two was that didn't Mr. Ye have only two daughters? It wasn't too many to say, why did Tiantian say that Mr. Ye already had enough children?

The two didn't ask about this doubt. It is said that children speak without restraint. It is possible that Tiantian was unhappy and said something wrong.

There is no need to be serious with children!

Teacher Huang, who was taking a break, was at a loss for words. Can he fight for this? Suddenly he thought, does his daughter Duoduo have the talent to be a singer? Otherwise, he could catch up with the trend and find a godfather. Maybe there will be a singer in the family! The audience in the live broadcast room was at a loss for words:

"Hahahaha! Mr. Ye has become a hot commodity!"

"If you acknowledge him as your godfather, you might even get a song as a gift!"

"It makes me laugh to death. The queen actually wants to have another child so that her child can learn from Mr. Ye?"

"Boss Ye is really talented! Otherwise, the queen wouldn't have come to him!"

"I still don’t understand how Tiantian and Anan came into being?"

"I'm so envious of what you see, this is a talented person!"

"There is a saying that goes, Good wine needs no bush"

"If Mr. Ye really becomes the godfather of the children of the Queen’s sisters and brothers, then Mr. Ye will be very powerful in the future!"......

Ye Fang looked at Guan Tong'er with a sincere smile:

""Miss Guan, what do you think of this song?"

Guan Tong'er was stunned at first, with a look of embarrassment on her face:"It sounds good, very good!"

Her answer was obviously to avoid the subtext of Ye Fang's question, and it was just a superficial answer.

Guan Tiantian's little face was originally looking at Guan Tong'er with pride and expectation. Hearing her reluctant answer, she had a bad premonition, and a stone in her heart was hanging high.

She just thought that her grandfather agreed to let her stay here, and specially asked her sister to tell her.

But she knew her sister and could tell from her expression.

Maybe things are not what she imagined....

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