Guan Tiantian was sensitive and fragile. She had such a suspicion in her heart and felt the crisis again. Her eyes suddenly turned red.

Ye Fang felt his daughter's trembling in his arms. He lowered his head and saw her red eyes. He patted her head gently.

"Tiantian, don't worry. It won't look good if you cry."

She comforted and coaxed her in a gentle tone, without any impatience.

This made Guan Tong'er feel inferior.

Because Guan Tiantian has loved to cry since she was a child, she felt distressed at first, but she cried all the time, and Guan Tong'er sometimes lost her patience.

Mr. Ye's patience is better than hers.

Seeing that Guan Tiantian was about to cry again, Guan Tong'er frowned and felt a little depressed.

If she could represent the entire Guan family, she would have agreed happily, and even be willing to let Tiantian stay with her father for a while longer.

But she has no say at home!

At this moment, Guan Tong'er's mobile phone rang. She took a look and found that it was a message from her father.

"Don't bring Tiantian back for now, let her stay in Manyuan Village for a while."

After seeing this message, Guan Tong'er's eyes suddenly lit up, and her face showed joy.

The message sent by Dad represents Grandpa's intention.

It is estimated that there are some things that Grandpa is embarrassed to say directly to the younger generation, so he will hint to Dad, and then Dad will convey it.

In short, Tiantian doesn't need to go back with her for the time being.

Thinking of this, Guan Tong'er's pretty face showed a happy smile, and she smiled and said to Tiantian:

"Tiantian, I really like the song Mr. Ye wrote for you. My family is quite busy these days. Can you stay here for a while?"

"I will pick you up when the family is not busy."

Guan Tong'er said it very tactfully.

She didn't know what her family meant, but they just agreed to let Tiantian stay with Ye Fang temporarily.

But even if it was just for this period of time, it was enough to make Guan Tiantian happy.

Guan Tiantian understood what her sister meant, her big eyes bloomed with the brilliance of fireworks, and she asked in surprise:

"Really, sister?"

"Really."Guan Tonger nodded with a smile. Seeing Tiantian's happy smile, she was also relieved.

Tiantian had never felt the love of her father since she was a child. Even though Tiantian was spoiled by the whole family, it could not offset the lack of her father's company.

Now, Tiantian can finally be with her father and have a complete childhood.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also surprised:

"Can Tiantian stay in the Mushroom House? Then I can see her every day from now on!"

"I like Tiantian very much. It's great that I can see her every day.、"

"It must be Mr. Ye’s behavior that touched Tiantian’s elders!"

"This is the result I wanted!"

"I’m looking forward to seeing the father and daughter in the same frame every day!"

"Look how happy Tiantian is. The poor little girl will have love from her father in the future!"

"Happy for Tiantian!"

"I hope Tiantian can always have fatherly love in the future!"........

The audience in the live broadcast room liked this innocent, crybaby girl very much, and hoped that she could stay with Ye Fang and have more happy smiles.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He, who were originally a little nervous, relaxed at this moment, and both showed relaxed smiles.

The princess looked at Tiantian's bright smile, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

Chen Yixun also laughed. The innocence of children can always infect those around them.

Liu Youyou felt a little envious:"Tiantian and Anan are so lucky!"

"yes...."Yaoyao looked a little lonely, not because she was jealous of Tiantian, but because she thought of her mother.

She had been away from home for two days, and she didn't know if her mother had found out.

If her mother found out, would she be angry and upset, and would she send someone to take her back?

Yaoyao was mature inside, but she also knew that Guan Tong'er and Redina appeared in the Mushroom House because An'an and Tiantian's family were worried about them.

But she agreed to let them stay with their father because she understood and felt sorry for them.

But her mother didn't move for two days, and Yaoyao felt relieved and lost.

Mom, what is she thinking?

Yaoyao can never figure out her strong woman mother. Only by constantly improving herself and learning management skills can she feel that she can get closer to her mother.

Seeing such an innocent Tiantian who cries when she wants to cry and laughs when she wants to laugh, I can't help but envy her. In her heart, there is also a lonely soul that needs to be pampered!

Zhang Zifeng's chubby little face showed a happy smile. Tiantian is so cute, she can stay in the Mushroom House and she has a companion!

Redina also smiled. Tiantian and An'an are sisters after all. She can be happy, which is what Redina hopes to see.

"Hey, it's time to make lunch again!" Teacher Huang smiled and slapped his thigh. He had to go back to his post in the kitchen to cook.

Ye Fang also stood up and walked over, saying,"Now I am also a member of the Mushroom House. I will help Teacher Huang cook in the future!"

Teacher Huang's eyes lit up, he looked back at Ye Fang and slapped his thigh,"Yes! Why didn't I think of this!"

If Ye Fang stays in the Mushroom House, then there will be someone to help him cook in the future!

There are not many guests now, so Teacher Huang is not in a hurry to cook alone, but when there are more guests, cooking a meal will make him sweat profusely.

In addition, the weather is hot, and the temperature in the kitchen is higher than outside. It is simply a large steamer.

Staying there for one minute is torture, let alone staying there for a whole day.

Teacher Huang feels terrible when he thinks about it.

But except for him, there are not many members of Yearning who are good at cooking, and even Teacher He can only help.

But now Mr. Ye is here! Isn't Mr.

Ye's cooking skill much better than his own?

He can also learn some skills from him, and someone can share the cooking work, so the speed will be twice the result with half the effort, and it will be much faster.

Thinking of this, Teacher Huang took two steps towards Ye Fang, and suddenly, politely and respectfully said、

‘Master, please come this way."

Being treated so seriously by Teacher Huang, Ye Fang was a little bit uncomfortable.

He smiled awkwardly and said,"Teacher Huang, please don't be like this. I'm not used to it. Just call me Ye Fang from now on."、"

"That won't work. I can call you by your name at ordinary times, but when it comes to cooking, I have to call you Master!"

Teacher Huang insisted seriously and made a gesture of invitation.

Teacher He saw through the old fox's mind and laughed secretly. Old

Huang wanted to be polite and respectful to Ye Fang, so that he would feel embarrassed and take the opportunity to relax himself!

I guess with Ye Fang's temperament, he would not be embarrassed to refuse Old Huang's laziness in the name of learning!

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw through Teacher Huang's routine! ps: Something happened at home today. Grandma was not feeling well, so I took her to the hospital for treatment. Then I felt dizzy. I will resume updating tomorrow. Sorry, sorry!

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