"Hahaha! Mr. Ye is going to be tricked by Teacher Huang!"

"Just now, Teacher Huang looked at Mr. Ye with sparkling eyes, and was about to start using his tricks!"

"Mr. Ye, do you know that calling me Master is going to make you jump into a pit?"

"This is the old fox’s plan!"

"Teacher Huang has been waiting for Mr. Ye for a long time, hahaha!"

"Oh, Mr. Ye, you have to be careful. I don’t call you Master for nothing!"

"Teacher Huang can now worry less, which is good!"

"Mr. Ye is so nice. He offered to help as soon as he joined!"......

Everyone saw through Mr. Huang's routine at a glance. After all, after chasing Xiang Wang for three years, he had already known Mr. Huang's temper thoroughly.

It is estimated that Mr. Ye, who is not familiar with Mr. Huang, will be tricked by Mr. Huang in the future!

Ye Fang's help also made Wang Fei and Chen Yixun look forward to it.

When I watched the show yesterday and saw Ye Fang's cooking skills, I was particularly amazed. I didn't expect to have the opportunity to taste his cooking skills today.

At this time, Director Lao Wang asked the staff to send a new apron.

This was made by Director Lao Wang last night, specially made for Ye Fang's joining.

On it is the logo of the program, and the image of a cartoon black-haired boy, which is based on Ye Fang.

Only the family members of the Mushroom House can have this special apron.

The apron also represents the symbol that Ye Fang officially became a member of the Mushroom House family.

Seeing this special apron, Ye Fang's eyes flowed with some light. He put it on and started to busy himself with Mr. Huang for the afternoon meal. After Mr. Huang and Mr. Huang determined the dishes to be made, the two divided the work and cooperated to be responsible for different dishes.

In the kitchen sink were river shrimps that Mr. Huang had asked Peng Peng to catch in the river next door that morning.

Each one was jumping around in the sink, waving its claws and teeth, holding up a pair of long claws, looking very energetic.

When the princess heard that Peng Peng had caught the river shrimps because of the"Phoenix Tail Shrimp" she ordered, she walked to the sink curiously to take a look and said in surprise:

"These river shrimps are truly fresh!"The princess was surprised to see live river shrimps for the first time.

"Let me have a look too!" Liu Youyou jumped down from the stool and curiously moved over to take a look. Suddenly, the river shrimp moved and a stream of water splashed directly onto Liu Youyou's fair little face.

""Ah!" Before Liu Youyou could see clearly, she felt cold water splashing on her face. She was so scared that her face turned pale and she stepped back.

Her two short legs staggered and she was about to fall to the ground. Everyone was scared.

Liu Youyou is a child star. If she got injured on the show, the saliva of her parents and fans would flood the live broadcast room!

Ye Fang was quick-witted and reached out his slender palm to grab Youyou, allowing her to use the force to stand firmly.

"Are you okay?" The princess asked worriedly. Liu Youyou's pretty face was stunned. After coming to her senses, she hugged her father's arm.

"It's okay, it's okay, if you don't touch them, it won't hurt you、"Seeing that Liu Youyou was a little scared, Ye Fang comforted her softly. The princess looked embarrassed. She never expected that she, who always had the most fans, was not popular with Liu Youyou.

She is also a mother. Seeing the beautiful and cute Liu Youyou, her motherly love overflowed in her heart, and she also wanted to be close to this popular little cutie.

Who knows, the little cutie didn't care about her comfort at all, but instead stayed in Ye Fang's arms.

This was the first time that the princess hit a wall with a child.

She couldn't help but wonder, is it because she looks too fierce, or has been silent for too long and is no longer popular?

Liu Youyou has been envious of others all day today!

First, she envied An An for being publicly recognized by her father, and then she envied Tiantian for being able to sing with her father.

She even envied the princess for being able to eat the prawns specially made by her father.

Liu Youyou doesn't know who is the queen or not!

Anyone in the world who can get special treatment from their father is here to compete with her for her father's favor!

At this moment, Liu Youyou had to show her acting skills, pretend well, and enjoy her father's embrace.

Teacher Huang worriedly said,"Is the child scared? It's my fault that I didn't notice the child. I can't let these living things go in the future." Teacher He also came over to comfort Liu Youyou:"Don't be afraid, Youyou, we will cook and eat the river shrimps later, don't be afraid!"

Seeing that Liu Youyou didn't speak and her little face turned pale, everyone was worried.

Only Yaoyao, with bright eyes, blinked her big eyes and watched Liu Youyou's performance, shaking her head slightly.

"He started to show off his acting skills again! He is still a child star, competing for favor with two childish ghosts, An An and Tian Tian. It's speechless!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also became worried:

"Why were the river shrimps scared?"

"This stinky river shrimp actually dared to scare my Youyou. Mr. Ye quickly stewed it and ate it!"

"Never leave living things where children can reach them!"

"I feel so sad seeing Youyou looking scared!"

"It should be alright, right? Don't be afraid, Youyou!"

"Hahaha! Youyou ignored the queen's consolation!"

"It seems that Youyou was really scared. Adults should be more careful in the future!"

"Xiao Youyou must have never seen river shrimps, so she must have been scared when she saw them for the first time!"......

Everyone felt sorry for Liu Youyou and worried about her, but she said nothing. In the corner where no one could see, her big black eyes were full of cunning. She held her father's clothes tightly with her little hands, feeling a little happy.

Daddy's embrace is so warm!

Humph! We can't let An'an and Tiantian be spoiled alone! I am also Daddy's little cotton-padded jacket!

"Well, if you don't move, I'm going to expose you."

Suddenly, her father's deep voice whispered in her ear, which made Liu Youyou stunned for a moment, and she was suddenly shocked.

Dad could see that she was pretending to be scared?

That's right! Dad graduated from Peking Opera, is a director, and has won many awards. He must be able to see that she was acting!

Liu Youyou's chubby little face turned red, and the shyness of being seen through by her father made her blush to her ears.

She pretended to come back to her senses and obediently let go of her chubby little hand that was holding the corner of her father's clothes. Her little face was still a little pale, and she squeezed out a forced smile.

"Youyou is fine."She answered weakly, looking very reluctant and well-behaved.

This made the princess feel distressed. She, who always had a very indifferent attitude towards things, comforted Youyou for a while.

Obviously, the queen had been completely captured by Liu Youyou's acting skills.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He were relieved to see that Youyou was fine, and they couldn't help but smile at Ye Fang.

"Mr. Ye is good at taking care of children. Just one or two words can make Youyou fine."

Hearing Mr. He's praise, Ye Fang just smiled and continued the steps of cooking.

Liu Youyou felt guilty and didn't dare to look at her father.

But she was just scared, and now she is suddenly fine. It's incoherent! She can only continue to act bitterly.

She is in the arms of the Queen and the Princess, but her heart is with her father.

She wants her father's comfort, not anyone else's!

Woo woo woo!

As expected, if you walk by the river often, you will get your shoes wet.

Ye Fang looked up from time to time, looking at his daughter who was in pain but couldn't say it, and smiled a little.

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