The audience in the live broadcast room saw that the princess was completely moved by Liu Youyou:

"Hahaha! Does the queen want to have another daughter?"

"Youyou is so cute! Love it!"

"Give birth to another one, Queen!"

"Who wouldn’t like Youyou?"

"Hahaha! The queen held Youyou tightly and never let go!"

"Mr. Ye looks so handsome when he cooks!"

"Love it, my man starts cooking again!"

"You upstairs are dreaming!".......

Beach villa.

Liu Tianxian looked at her daughter's helpless and depressed look, and a smile appeared on her face for the first time in two days.

She is now in a semi-retired state, one is to take care of her daughter and train her daughter, and the other is that she has reduced her workload and does not want to completely consume the heat she once had.

Seeing her daughter's increasingly brilliant performance on the road of acting, Liu Tianxian is also willing to be the person behind her.

Seeing her daughter become a good actor, more and more people recognize her acting skills, Liu Tianxian's heart will burst out with a strong sense of accomplishment.

But she has never sought popularity for herself because of her daughter's achievements.

No one outside knows that Liu Youyou is her daughter. She just hopes to realize her unfinished dream through her daughter.

But she only found out yesterday that her daughter has never been happy in the past few years.

She will face the camera with a lovely smile every day, and will smile and tell her about what happened in school.

But not once did she really tell her that she also hopes to have fatherly love.

Liu Tianxian thought she gave her daughter the whole world, but now she realized that she only gave her what she thought was the best.

Seeing Youyou's sincere smile when facing Mr. Ye, her blood father.

Liu Tianxian was confused.

She hesitated. She didn't know whether she should bring her daughter back immediately and protect her.

Or should she leave her in Manyuan Village temporarily with that man?

But after seeing An'an and Tiantian publicly acknowledge Ye Fang's father's identity,...

Liu Tianxian gradually began to hesitate.

The first thought was to bring her daughter home, because the man named Ye Fang had never taken care of her daughter for a day, but he easily won her favor.

This made Liu Tianxian feel jealous.

She had never been married, never been in love, and she even devoted herself to her daughter.

But now, her whole world had gone to someone else and was intimate with someone else.

It was as if Youyou was taken away by Ye Fang.

But she also saw Ye Fang's gentleness, care, and care for the children, and how he showed the Guan family that he would love his daughter.

All of this made Liu Tianxian understand.

Ye Fang was a person who was worthy of entrusting her daughter.

Her mood became complicated, and her beautiful eyes were stained with sadness.

Her reason told her that her daughter should have fatherly love in her growth, which was indispensable.

And she had been ignoring this for five years.

Now, the daughter has found her father, and he is very mature in character, talent, and heart. He can even see the daughter's superb acting skills at a glance. Such a man is definitely not bad, and may even give her daughter more help in acting.

At least for now, Youyou has nothing to lose by staying with him.

But emotionally, she feels sour in her heart. She doesn't want to share her whole world with others.

But she knows that her daughter needs fatherly love and the company of this man....

When seeing Youyou using acting skills to cover up her guilty conscience and Ye Fang looking at Youyou smiling,

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but laugh.

Youyou looked very relaxed, and Ye Fang could understand her little thoughts....

In this regard, Ye Fang is better than me.

Liu Tianxian's smile gradually faded, and her beautiful eyes stared at the father and daughter in the picture. The room was silent for a long time.

Or, obey my daughter's choice.

There was a long sigh in the room. Liu Tianxian raised her eyes, and her gaze flashed across the large, luxurious living room. Suddenly, a feeling of helpless emptiness came over her.

She slowly hugged her shoulders with her slender arms, and her heart was cold.

This house, without Youyou, suddenly felt so empty... but...

Liu Tianxian's cell phone beeped, and a new email was sent from the detective to her mailbox.

Here it comes.

It's the information about Ye Fang that she asked someone to investigate.

Although she has already roughly understood Ye Fang through Xiangwang, Youyou is her baby after all, and she still needs to find out Ye Fang's past.

In this way, she can leave her daughter in Manyuan Village with peace of mind.

Opening the information, her beautiful eyes read it carefully line by line.

There are pictures and texts in the information, which bring together all the information about Ye Fang.

The short information represents his past, everything.

Liu Tianxian read it carefully, sometimes frowning, as if she saw something that made her heartbroken, and sometimes stretching, as if she saw something she knew.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour later, Liu Tianxian slowly raised her eyes and looked at Ye Fang who was making prawns in the live broadcast room again. Her eyes changed drastically.

There was heartache, amazement, and pity.

She didn't expect that Ye Fang was only in his twenties, but he had experienced so much in his life.

She took a deep breath and made a bold decision.

She opened her notebook, raised her hand, and started writing. She would tell others Ye Fang's story through Weibo from the perspective of a passerby.

Of course, this was also the reason why Liu Tianxian changed many of her ideas after seeing Ye Fang's information, paving the way for those ideas.......

It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

The scorching sun was still hanging high in the sky, and the kitchen was very hot and stuffy.

Mr. Huang was already sweating profusely, and his fat body made him a little tired.

And Ye Fang's cheeks also showed fine beads of sweat, but this did not prevent him from carefully handling the ingredients.

The ingredients were ready, and Ye Fang targeted the river shrimps in the pool, and with one net, he directly caught twenty prawns.

Not more, not less, just the right number.

The audience in the live broadcast room was amazed when they saw this:

"Mr. Ye’s eyesight is so good, he can catch as many fish as he says!"

"Not more, not less, just twenty. Boss Ye’s hands are so amazing!"

"This accuracy is amazing!"

"If I had this skill, I wouldn’t be afraid of not catching any fish when I go fishing in the river!"

"666666! This hand speed is pretty good!"

"While the river shrimps aren't paying attention, I scoop them up instantly, hahaha!"......

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