The comments in the live broadcast room were full of amazement:

"Mr. Ye is so awesome!"

"Wow, this method of processing river shrimps is amazing!"

"I want to ask, is Mr. Ye's hand a ruler? How did he manage to make it look exactly the same?"

"Twenty river shrimps were processed exactly the same, so powerful!"

"To be honest, I really want to ask, what is the level of Mr. Ye's cooking skills? Is it considered the best in the country?"

"As someone who has eaten delicious food from all over the world, I can tell you that this is absolutely top-notch in the country!"

"Look at my astonishment, how did the egg white come out so perfectly?"

"Awesome!!! Watching Mr. Ye cook is such a treat!".......

The prawns needed to be marinated, so they were placed aside.

Ye Fang began to prepare the side dishes.

The side dish for the prawns was peas, which were the freshest peas grown in Ye Fang's own yard. After peeling the peas, he used a pot of boiling water to roll the washed peas for a few times.

Then he put them into cold water.

After everything was done, Ye Fang heated the pot until it smoked and poured in vegetable oil.

The clean, natural vegetable oil exuded a fresh aroma, which made the already hungry people feel even hungrier.

‘Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle~"

A sound of stomach growling was heard, and Zhang Zifeng couldn't help but laugh:"Whose stomach is growling?"

Yang Anan pointed at Guan Tiantian who was the most greedy:"It must be her stomach growling!"

Guan Tiantian's fair little face was full of grievance, and she waved her hands repeatedly to deny:"It's not me, it's me!"

"Who else could it be?"Liu Youyou tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face. She also thought it was Guan Tiantian.

Because Guan Tiantian was the most delicate and the one who loved to cry the most, she thought it was her.

"It really wasn’t me!" In order to prove her innocence, Guan Tiantian pointed at Yaoyao who had been silent beside her and said,"It was her! I heard it clearly!"

Yaoyao was serious and said nothing, thinking that she could avoid this embarrassing moment by keeping quiet.

Who knew that Guan Tiantian, her stinky sister, would betray her!

Her heroic and majestic image was gone!

Yaoyao’s little face was covered with a layer of pink. Facing everyone’s smiling gaze, she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

She was the oldest of the seven children, and she was also the one who cared most about face and pretended to be mature.

At this moment, she was crying out of hunger, which was as embarrassing as accidentally farting in public.

She lowered her little head and covered her face with her little hands. She really didn’t want to be stared at.

""Hahaha, Yaoyao is so cute," Redina laughed at Yaoyao's shy look, and tears came out of her beautiful eyes.

She knew Yaoyao's personality best, a child who was mature beyond her years and valued ladylike elegance.

In her heart, the growling stomach was a very embarrassing thing.

It was rare to see her embarrassed.

Zhang Zifeng's chubby face also smiled, and she felt that these four little ones were cute in their own way. They were so cute that they were deadly!

Ye Fang saw that the oil was almost hot, so he coated a prawn with a thin layer of white powder, put it in the pan and started frying it.

Repeated this process.

When each river prawn was fried and fished out, it formed a It is in the shape of a crescent moon, with the tail sticking up high, and it already has the rudiments of a phoenix's tail.

Pour out the oil, reheat the pan, and heat the oil. This time, only put in a small amount of oil, put the drained peas into the pan and stir-fry, then pour in some water, white salt and a little starch sauce.

After a while, the soup turned milky white, and Ye Fang poured in the drained river shrimps and stir-fried them.

While stir-frying with one hand, sprinkle the other seasonings in at different time periods.

At this moment, the rich aroma has drifted out, drifting into the nostrils of the people sitting aside, watching attentively.

Zhang Zifeng sniffed the aroma and exclaimed,"What a fragrant smell, it makes me hungry"

"It smells so good!" Chen Yixun's throat moved slightly and he swallowed.

Although the princess was still calm and composed, she leaned forward slightly and put her nose closer so that she could smell more of the aroma.

It smells so good!...Very hungry...

The princess tried hard to hold back her saliva and didn't want to swallow.

Guan Tong'er was already a little restless, and she sat up slightly, trying to see the scene in the kitchen clearly.

However, there was a barrier in the kitchen blocking her view, so she could only hold back her gluttony and try to stay rational.

The cameraman kept the camera focused on Ye Fang's hand.


A very loud swallowing sound was heard in the live broadcast room, apparently coming from the photographer who was too close.

The audience in the live broadcast room was going crazy:

"Ahhhh! Why are you torturing me at this time!"

"I can't wait to have dinner even though I haven't gotten off work yet."

"It looks so delicious!"

"I’m so hungry!!!!!!"

"I feel like the fragrance has already passed through the screen and drifted into my nose"

"It looks so delicious, I can’t help it, I want to go to the restaurant to eat shrimps!!!"

"Ah, I’m so hungry at this time!!!"

"Mr. Ye, please, let me marry you!! Just give me something to eat!"

"Even top chefs can’t match this cooking skill!"......

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but also the staff on site were also going crazy.

At least they had lunch boxes yesterday, but now it’s not even lunch time, and they already feel hungry.

If it weren’t for the director being there, they still had to get their salaries, otherwise, they would have rushed over immediately and grabbed all the prawns!

Ah! Suddenly they realized that Mr. Ye’s joining the Mushroom House was the biggest challenge for their staff!

Because they had nothing to eat!!!!

"Teacher He, give me a plate."Ye Fang reminded Teacher He who was helping behind him.

"Ah? Okay!"Teacher He, who was watching fascinated, came to his senses in a daze, and hurriedly washed the white plate and handed it to Ye Fang's empty hand.

He put the prawns one by one into the white plate. Forming a neat circle.

But there was an empty space in the middle.

It looked a bit uncomfortable.

Teacher Huang frowned slightly, a little confused. Mr. Ye's cooking skills were so good, and his plating skills were not bad, why was there such a large space?

Just when Teacher Huang wanted to bring it up, Ye Fang picked up a carrot, took out a thin knife in his hand, looked at the position, and began to move his fingertips!!!

The expression on Teacher Huang's face froze, and he wondered in his heart:"Is Mr. Ye going to carve?"

Ye Fang did not explain anything. He was completely immersed in the movement of his fingertips at this moment.

His speed was so fast that others could not see his movements clearly.

Everyone widened their eyes, stretched their necks curiously, and paid attention to Ye Fang's actions.

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