The audience in the live broadcast room was surprised:

"Am I seeing right? Mr. Ye wants to carve?"

"Even carving! This is going to be a five-star meal!"

"Wow! Mr. Ye, is there anything you don’t know?"

"What does Mr. Ye want to carve?"


"so amazing!!!!"

"I was amazed by what I saw. Carving is the highest level of knife skills, right?"

"Awesome!!!! I'm looking forward to what Mr. Ye will carve!"......

Teacher Huang can only show how to make different cuisines from all over the world, which is still within the scope of normal cooking.

Ye Fang picked up a knife and started carving. This is something that only professional chefs are good at, right?

Liu Youyou blinked her big eyes curiously, ran to the kitchen in small steps, and watched her father's movements carefully.

Yang Anan and Guan Tiantian also came over. Yaoyao just wanted to get up, but she remembered the embarrassing thing just now and sat back on the chair.

She could only stretch her neck eagerly to see what her father was carving.

The adults couldn't help but get up, and everyone gathered around to watch Ye Fang carving the carrot.

Zhang Zifeng opened his bright eyes, and there was a light of surprise in his eyes.

Redina was very surprised. Mr. Ye could also carve?

What else can this man do?

People learn cooking skills to learn how to cook and make big dishes, but Mr. Ye is so good that he even learned carving.

The princess was still sitting on the chair, but she straightened her back, looked straight, and looked at it with a bit of curiosity.

Chen Yixun had already gathered behind the children and raised his hand to pick up Guan Tiantian, the shortest child, so that she could see Ye Fang's movements more clearly.

Ye Fang held the orange carrot in one hand, and his right hand moved quickly, with cold light flashing everywhere.

This looked like a big show, but as everyone watched, they were puzzled by what was going on....

"Why did it take half a day to carve?...The carrot is still the same as before?"

Guan Tong'er couldn't help asking. She was surprised at first and full of expectations.

But after a few minutes, the carrot was still the same as before, without any change.

Isn't this just thunder and rain?

She even suspected that Mr. Ye was teasing them. Did the knife touch the carrot?

"Don't be in a hurry, just watch first."Teacher Huang, who had been quiet all the time, made a quiet gesture, signaling Guan Tong'er not to disturb Ye Fang.

Ye Fang is not a bluffing person, and his carving is definitely real carving.

Although Teacher Huang didn't quite understand, seeing Ye Fang's serious expression, he knew that he couldn't be disturbed now. Teacher

Huang remembered that he once knew a master of food carving in the kitchen, and his carving knife skills were very powerful.

I heard from this carving master that the top level of carving is to be able to carve high-level things without using eyes, relying on memory.

Seeing Ye Fang like this, his movements were amazingly fast, and the knife didn't seem to touch the carrot.

Teacher Huang began to guess in his heart, and had some expectations.

Could this be the top level of carving that the food carving master said?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also confused:

"Why does the carrot remain the same?"

"Haha, bluff!!!"

"You above didn't even see the end so stop talking nonsense!"

"I always feel like it will be awesome!"

"Hahaha, how come this carrot remains the same after I spent so much time carving it!"

"Mr. Ye: I don’t know what to carve, so I’ll carve a carrot for you! Hahahaha!"

"What is this doing? I am confused!"

"??? Is this carving?"

"Everyone looks confused, but I know it’s not me who’s stupid!"

"The guy above, you are such a joke!"........

Ye Fang's hands were flying faster and faster. Although Mr. Huang couldn't understand what Ye Fang was carving, he was amazed at his speed and professional knife skills.

This was something that an amateur like him could never achieve.

As Ye Fang paused, he slowly exhaled, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

Liu Youyou couldn't understand, but she could see that her father was a little tired. She picked up a tissue and stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat off Ye Fang's face.

"Dad, you’ve worked hard."

These soft words instantly dissipated Ye Fang’s tiredness. He smiled and patted Liu Youyou on the head:"Thank you, Youyou."

The cameraman also zoomed in and saw that the carrot in Ye Fang’s hand was exactly the same as before, without any change.

This is....Did you carve a lonely one?

Guan Tiantian tilted her head and asked curiously,"Dad, why doesn't the carrot change?"

Just now, everyone was stunned by the fierce operation, but now, there is nothing.

Seeing everyone's puzzled and confused look, Ye Fang smiled and said to Guan Tiantian mysteriously,"Look carefully."

As he spoke, the four little ones looked carefully at the carrot in his hand.

Ye Fang's fingers trembled slightly, and suddenly, many small parts of the carrot were shaken off.

At this time, everyone was surprised.

It turned out that it was not that the carrot did not change, but that Ye Fang relied purely on the memory of his limbs and carved by feeling, and the carved parts were kept on it. From the outside, there was no change, but it would fall off easily with just a slight shake. The carrot in Ye Fang's hand showed the real appearance after being carved.

Teacher Huang opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe what he saw.

Teacher He exclaimed,"It's amazing!"

Chen Yixun was stunned and exaggerated, and couldn't believe what he saw.

Zhang Zifeng's eyes lit up instantly, shining brighter than fireworks.

Redina covered her mouth with her fair little hands, her beautiful eyes full of surprise.

Guan Tong'er was stunned, her pretty face was filled with nothing but shock.

""Wow!!! That's amazing!" Guan Tiantian opened her round eyes wide and couldn't help but applaud.、

"It's so magical! Yang Anan couldn't help but exclaimed, it was like a magic trick!

"Changed!" Liu Youyou exclaimed, forgetting to wipe the sweat off her father's face.

Yaoyao, who was still sitting there, finally couldn't help but stand up at this moment, ran over quickly, and looked carefully at the carrot in her father's hand.

The princess stood up involuntarily, her expression paused, her eyes flashing with surprise.

The barrage in the live broadcast room paused for a second, and then exploded:

"Wow!! How did it become like this?"

"This is too awesome!!!!"

"I thought Mr. Ye was joking, but it turned out to be so awesome!!!"

"The knife skills are really amazing!"

"Photographer, hurry up and take pictures carefully."

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