Her daughter, Wen Yaoyao, is a smart child whose IQ far exceeds that of her peers.

The advantage of having a smart daughter is that she is assured of everything Yaoyao does from childhood to adulthood.

If it were another mother, she would be worried about leaving her five-year-old child alone at home every day.

But Yaoyao is different. She not only has independent thoughts and a non-clinging personality, but also shows amazing talent in management.

This talent surprised Wen Xue, and she tried to hand over several small industries of the group to Yaoyao. This matter was once opposed by her father who had stepped down as a second-line.

After all, she was still a four-year-old child, and she took over several companies, which were also important industries of the Wen Group.

But Wen Xue didn't care at all.

Several small industries, even if Yaoyao lost them, would not have any impact on the Wen Group.

Just treat them as toys for Yaoyao's training.

Anyway, no matter what, she has her mother, the chairman, to back her up. As for the failure of industrial management, Wen Xue has already made plans to relocate those old employees.

In Wen Xue's heart, both the family business and her daughter are important.

But if she had to choose one in a critical moment, Wen Xue would definitely choose her daughter without hesitation.

The Wen Group was built by her grandfather and father with their life-long efforts. When it was handed over to her, she would definitely make it stronger.

But her daughter was her dearest. If she had to choose, she could only break up the Wen Group and change her daughter.

Of course, such a situation would hardly happen.

Even if her daughter was a hopeless person, the Wen Group was enough for her to squander her life!

But no one expected that those small industries were not only not squandered by Wen Yaoyao, but were well managed, and even generated income far exceeding that of previous years.

And it was still growing slightly.

This incident shocked her father who had retreated to the second line. From then on, Wen Yaoyao was officially trained as the next head of the Wen family.

Wen Xue has always been grateful that she chose a reliable seed and harvested a smart and extraordinary daughter like Yaoyao.

But Yaoyao's running away from home and disappearance taught Wen Xue a lesson.

With the temperament of her daughter that Wen Xue knew, she would never believe that her daughter would do such an outrageous thing.

But when she saw with her own eyes that Yaoyao, like the three little ones, hugged Ye Fang and called him daddy with red eyes, she was silent.

This was a rare childlike look on her daughter's face that she had never seen before.

Yaoyao like this even made her feel a little strange, as if she had never known her dearest and most beloved daughter.

Perhaps, her daughter really needs a father and needs to feel his love.

No matter how smart and sensible her daughter is, she is still essentially a five-year-old child with rich emotions.

Now that she thinks about it, Yaoyao is just too smart. She knows that her mother has to deal with all the big and small affairs of the entire group every day, and is exhausted physically and mentally, so she restrained all her childishness and didn't want her to be too tired.

A daughter is considerate.

Wen Xue felt a little guilty in her heart, and at the same time, her eyes gradually shifted to Ye Fang.

Yaoyao likes this father, and it is rare for her to reveal her childish nature.

It would be better to let Yaoyao stay for a while, and she would also take the time to investigate Ye Fang's real background and learn about Yaoyao's blood father.

Through this article, plus the content of her investigation in the past two days, Wen Xue roughly understood 70% to 80% of Ye Fang.

Of course, what Wen Xue knew was only what Ye Fang was willing to reveal.

As for other things, such as the fact that he was a hidden rich man, except for the top hacker An An who could hack into the systems of the two groups, Wen Xue could not find such a capable hacker.

After all, Wen Xue's other identity is a businessman.

If it was just to investigate Ye Fang, and asked the top hackers from abroad to hack into the systems of the two groups.

Once it was traced to be related to the Wen Group, it would not be good for the Wen Group.

After all, these two companies are leading domestic companies and cannot be easily offended!

In addition, the Wen Group has encountered some troubles recently, and Wen Xue is even less likely to mess around.

However, these investigations are enough to achieve Wen Xue's purpose of understanding Ye Fang's character.

The round nails painted with nude nail polish tapped lightly on the computer desk, and Wen Xue's eyes were filled with appreciation.

"He is very affectionate to his ex-girlfriend, which shows that he is a sentimental person."

"Talented and capable, but can treat these as dirt for the sake of the one you love..."

"He is a man of temperament and does not value fame and fortune."

Wen Xue's clear voice echoed in the huge office.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. To be honest, she had some interest in this Mr. Ye.

When she chose his genes, she only saw his excellent resume, but she didn't expect that he had such a love story.

No wonder Yaoyao could restrain her childishness at the age of five, and observe her carefully and considerately.

This is Ye Fang's emotional intelligence flowing in his bones.

Genes are really amazing.

Wen Xue closed the article and sent a message to her daughter's WeChat.........

At the dinner table, Teacher He turned off his phone and looked at Ye Fang with a complicated look.

The comment area under the article was eventually filled with blessings, touching, and understanding.

There are more kind people in the world, and those active keyboard warriors were eventually drowned in the ocean of comments.

Teacher He knew that the atmosphere was very good at the moment, and it was not the right time to mention the hot search.

But he estimated that everyone would see it soon. He continued to eat with a complicated mood.

Because the atmosphere was good, Ye Fang took out the jars of monkey wine he brought.


I am not seeing things! Monkey wine!" Peng Peng saw the familiar little wine jar again, his eyes lit up and he swallowed.���The taste is still a bit unforgettable, and I thought it was the last time I would drink it.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye took out three small jars again today!

"This is, monkey wine?" Chen Yixun was excited. He pursued a high-quality life, and wine was naturally one of his hobbies.

He had heard of the legendary monkey wine, which was in short supply and hard to come by in a century.

Now, almost all the monkey wine sold on the market is artificially made.

But Ye Fang's jars of monkey wine were absolutely genuine.

Ye Fang smiled and said,"I was afraid that it would not be enough to drink, so I also brought a few jars of wine I brewed myself."

"Is it your own brew? Let me have a taste!"The princess was not very interested in monkey wine, but when she heard that Mr. Ye brewed his own wine, her indifferent eyes lit up and she spoke in a lazy voice.

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