Redina felt a sweet taste filling her mouth.

Her beautiful eyes lit up. This sweet and fragrant taste was what girls liked the most.

I didn't expect that this wine smelled of alcohol, but it tasted so sweet after drinking it.

This sweet taste became sweeter and sweeter, with a faint fragrance of fruit.

This was very similar to the feeling Redina occasionally had when facing Ye Fang, just like....

Just like the sweet feeling of love!

Zhang Zifeng's fair baby fat face showed a faint pink, and she couldn't help but sneak a peek at Mr. Ye's profile.

In her heart, it was as sweet as a can of sugar.

But before she had time to like this fresh and sweet taste, a faint bitterness began to emerge.

Sweet first and then bitter?

Redina couldn't help but close her eyes and savored the bitterness carefully. She frowned slightly and raised her beautiful eyebrows.

The bitter taste became stronger and stronger, and the strong smell of alcohol finally emerged.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't drink much. After all, she was a young girl who had just become an adult, and drinking was not something she should like.

So this strong smell of alcohol seemed to burn her throat.

Some tingling.

Very spicy.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't bear the sudden strong bitterness, which made her feel uncomfortable.

No wonder Mr. Ye said that children couldn't drink it. The alcohol taste was really strong and not suitable for children.

Even Redina, who occasionally drinks with sisters in the circle and has a pretty good alcohol tolerance, can't stand it now.

She could only swallow the wine immediately to avoid continuing to taste this uncomfortable feeling.

Zhang Zifeng did the same, trying to suppress the intense burning sensation.

But along with it came waves of bitterness that lingered for a long time.

The bitterness of the wine filled between the lips and teeth.

At this moment, it no longer has the initial sweetness, which makes people feel a little depressed and uncomfortable when they think about it.

Zhang Zifeng recalled the uncomfortable feeling he had when he eavesdropped on the conversation between Sister Xiaodi and Mr. Ye last night.

The taste of this wine....、

Zhang Zifeng and Redina both had complicated expressions, and they didn't know how to comment for a moment.

The taste of the same glass of wine actually changed so much.

""Hiss! This wine is really spicy!" Teacher Huang, who swallowed the wine immediately, frowned and exclaimed.

In comparison, the taste of monkey wine is quite light!

At first, I thought it was fruit wine, but the strong smell of strong alcohol that burned the throat made Teacher Huang, who loves drinking, a little unbearable.

But then again, although this wine burns the throat, it does not hurt the stomach.

Instead, it makes a warm current pass through the stomach, and the body feels a sense of comfort.

This wine is really strange!

Teacher He grimaced because of the spiciness, and couldn't help asking:"Ye Fang, what kind of wine is this?"

He couldn't taste it at all.

"I named it after my girlfriend, Yu Ge Wine."

Is this a wine named after a deceased girlfriend??

Ye Fang would often drink a few glasses of this wine under the moonlight when he missed his girlfriend.

He has now integrated into the Xiangwang family and doesn't mind sharing this wine with his friends.

And Yu Ge is the love of his life, and this wine is defined by her name.

It is used to remember her.

Teacher He is thoughtful and his expression is slightly moved. He understands why this wine is so astringent. Ye Fang is really romantic!

It's just a pity.....

Zhang Zifeng was stunned, lowered his eyes, and looked at the unfinished transparent wine in the glass, which exuded a strong aroma.

Recalling this glass of wine, it went from sweet to burning, and finally left a lingering bitterness.

Isn't this the same as the love between Mr. Ye and his girlfriend?

Sweet at first, then hot, and at the end of the hotness, there was a bitter feeling of being at a loss.

Until now, the bitterness still remains on her tongue, allowing her to feel it clearly.

Redina looked at Ye Fang with her beautiful eyes, her expression was moved and regretful, and her heart was full of emotion because of this glass of wine.

No wonder she felt that this glass of wine was very strange, it was very much like love.

It even somewhat matched her mood in the past two days.

After drinking the wine, the bitter taste in her mouth became a bit stronger, and her heart was a little stuffy.

Mr. Ye really loves his girlfriend....

It happened that Zhang Zifeng secretly read the article on Weibo, and he also lamented the love that ended without success, and his nose was sour.

The others present were not children who did not understand love, and they could taste many things from this wine.

However, Ye Fang was able to say this calmly, which should be...Is everything alright?

The comments in the livestream room sighed:

"Mr. Ye is such a romantic person!"

"Oh, I don’t understand. Mr. Ye is so good to his girlfriend, why does he let him lose the most important person!"

"I want to try this wine too."

‘I feel sorry for Mr. Ye’

"This wine is so meaningful, isn’t it delicious?"

"Yuge wine represents all the love that Mr. Ye has for Yuge."

"My nose is sore."

"I want to cry. I just saw Mr. Ye and Yu Ge’s post on the Internet."

"What a post above!!"

"Don’t you know yet? Hurry up and check out the posts at the end of the trending search!"‘....

In the barrage, someone came back from the article on Weibo, and happened to see the part about drinking, and sighed again.

Similarly, those who read the article aroused the curiosity of other people who did not pay attention to the trending searches.

For a time, countless viewers in the live broadcast room ran out to read the article at the end of the trending searches.

The princess' eyes flashed, and she was moved by Mr. Ye's infatuation, and she also tasted the story in the wine.

Yu Ge is the love of his life, it's a pity.

It's a great regret in life that he couldn't see Mr. Ye and Yu Ge together.

After all, that was a woman who could make him love her to the bone, shaking his head slightly, the princess felt sad in her heart.���Silently hoping that Mr. Ye could get over this relationship.

How great would it be if he could meet a girl he could fall in love with again and lead him out of his grief?

After all, Mr. Ye was still young, only twenty-seven years old.

But looking at the four little ones who were carefully observing their father with worry in their eyes, the princess felt much more relaxed.

With two lovely daughters, Mr. Ye would be relieved, right?

I just hope that Mr. Ye has already spent five years missing his deceased girlfriend, and he won't spend another ten, twenty, or fifty years missing her.

Otherwise, how cruel would that be for Mr. Ye?

As a close friend who appreciates his musical talent, the princess doesn't want to see this scene.

Chen Yixun sighed secretly, with a sentimental expression.

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