The audience in the live broadcast room refused to leave for a long time

"Mr. Ye really impressed me today!"

"My mind is full of Mr. Ye singing"

"Did anyone record the three songs just now?"

"Excited, Mr. Ye is so handsome!"

"No more talking, it's already been posted online、"

"It would be nice if Mr. Ye could open a Weibo account"

"Huhuhuhu, I haven’t recovered yet!"......

Others can compose a poem in seven steps, while Mr. Ye can compose a song in one step. This can be called a miracle among Chinese singer-songwriters!

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the black screen and were already looking forward to the start of the broadcast tomorrow.

That night, the videos of the three songs were posted online. Of course, only fragments were posted, after all, copyright must be respected.

But netizens were also shocked:

"Is this the anonymous master who has been hiding for many years?"

"Oh my god! The anonymous master is so handsome and talented! He made a song in one second!"

"Hahahaha, that garbled music score really made me laugh to death!"

"Isn’t this person the man whose girlfriend passed away as was trending on Weibo?"

"Mr. Ye is the anonymous master? Is he also Ye Fang?"

"He wrote three songs in one go, and they are all so good. Mr. Ye is really awesome!"

"Wow! No wonder he became the male god of Peking Opera at that time, he is really talented!"

"With this kind of musical talent, if it weren’t for his girlfriend, he would have become famous a long time ago, right?"

"When I read that article, I felt it was weird that all the girls in the school liked him, but now I realize it’s true!"

"That song"Fleeting Time" is so nice!"

"I'm really looking forward to Yixun singing"Ten Years". This song is definitely tailor-made for him!"......

Within a few hours, the three songs and Ye Fang were on the hot search at the same time.

At seven or eight in the morning, after the sleeping netizens woke up, the topic's popularity rose again, and it actually went up and became the number one hot search!

After all, the popularity of two singers, Wang Fei and Chen Yixun, was also included.

The two singers who have not participated in variety shows for many years appeared at the same time, just to get a song.

And the three songs are all excellent, plus Ye Fang's identity as an anonymous god, and the popularity of the dad, it directly rushed to the top of the hot search.

And a certain fresh meat deliberately created a scandal, wanting to take the opportunity to get on a wave of hot searches, but found that he was instantly surpassed.

"Damn, who is this Ye Fang?" the fresh meat cursed.

On Weibo, many singers reposted it.

Popular singer:"All three songs can become classics. I also want to go to Manyuan Village!"

Top singer:"Such a musical genius is one-of-a-kind!"

Gold medal singer-songwriter:"Every song is a good song. I really hope to work with Mr. Ye in the future!"........

That night, Ye Fang's three songs created a small wave in the Chinese music scene on the Internet.

Similarly, more people paid attention to the article"Ye Fang's Story".

In the master bedroom of a beach villa.

On the soft and wide bed, a beautiful woman wearing a purple silk long dress and pajamas, with an elegant and casual posture, browsed the comments.

Her face is delicate and elegant, and her temperament is as light as orchids.

Her pearly teeth subconsciously bit her white fingertips, and her expression was very complicated.

Liu Tianxian didn't expect that because of the request for a song from the queen's senior sister and brother, the popularity of the article she wrote with this trumpet increased.

It has been ranked fifth in the hot search....

Now, there are no less than five topics about Mr. Ye on the entire hot search.

This coincides with her purpose, but her apology in her heart is getting stronger.

But she just hopes that it will not bring too much impact to Mr. Ye. This is just what she wants to do for her child as a mother..........

There were rave reviews on the Internet, and the Queen and Princess lost sleep all night for the three songs.

But the protagonist of the whole incident slept until almost afternoon.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Fang opened his eyes sleepily and saw the unfamiliar ceiling. He woke up instantly and got up quickly.

All around him was an unfamiliar environment, not the place where he had slept for five years.

Ye Fang seemed gentle, but he was actually very vigilant, which was related to some of his abilities.

He was able to remain gentle in the Sunflower Courtyard because he had lived there for five years.

But when he arrived in an unfamiliar place, his vigilance would immediately rise, and every muscle in his body would be tense, ready at any time.

""Hmm~" A soft and confused voice sounded softly.

Ye Fang lowered his head and saw Guan Tiantian, who was dreaming about something, smacking her pink little mouth.

It seemed that she was eating delicious food.

Then she smiled innocently, and seemed very happy.

The cute, white and chubby face looked like she was sleeping soundly.

In an instant, Ye Fang's whole body relaxed again, and a doting smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Seeing his daughter

, his subconscious felt very safe, so he relaxed immediately.

This was all subconscious behavior.

The same blood flows in his daughters. In this world, besides Yu Ge, his daughters are the people he trusts the most.

He raised his hand and gently pinched Guan Tiantian's chubby little face. Then he noticed that there were four little ones lying beside him.

Wen Yaoyao's sleeping posture was relatively quiet, just like her personality. She just leaned against the bed diagonally, probably because she was squeezed over by the other three little ones.

Ye Fang got up quietly, picked up Wen Yaoyao and put her in his place.

Wen Yaoyao rubbed the pillow with the warmth of her father, a little smile appeared on her sleeping face, and she slept more soundly.

"Mr. Ye, are you awake?"

A confused female voice sounded, and Ye Fang turned his head and found that Redina's hand was on his delicate arm, lying on the desk and sleeping all night.

She was here too?

"Well, did you sleep there last night?" Ye Fang pointed to the hard desk.

"Yes." Redina rubbed her eyes, nodded slightly, with a faint smile on her face:"An An and the others insisted on accompanying you, I was worried, so I accompanied them." That's true, after all, An An was raised by Pang Di, didn't she come to Manyuan Village just for An An?

Ye Fang nodded in understanding, and didn't think of going anywhere else.

Redina looked at Ye Fang, and seeing his frank look, she felt a little disappointed.

This man is a straight man at heart. If it were someone else, he would have thought of something else a long time ago.

But it's normal.

If he wasn't a straight man! I'm afraid those young girls in Manyuan Village would not let go of Mr. Ye, this excellent man.

"But why am I sleeping here?" Ye Fang looked at Fatty with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well..."Redina was stunned for a moment, and asked tentatively:"Mr. Ye, don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

Ye Fang rubbed his throbbing forehead, recalled, and shook his head:"I don't remember"

"What happened?" asked seriously."....."

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