Mr. Ye actually doesn't remember what happened last night...

Obviously, he was drunk!

"Hahaha!" Redina couldn't help but laugh, which made Ye Fang very confused:"What's wrong?"

"You did a big thing last night! You became famous on Weibo!"Redina smiled and said,"Everyone is sighing.、"

"You don't remember it."

Think about it, the outside world is bustling and boiling because of Mr. Ye, but the protagonist has no memory of what happened last night.

Ye Fang used Redina's mobile phone Weibo to get a general understanding of what happened yesterday.

Obviously, he did something last night that he would never do normally.

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed:

"Hahahaha, Mr. Ye doesn't remember anything at all"

"Mr. Ye! You are the number one trending search now!"

"Hahahaha, Mr. Ye is so cute!"

"There really are people in this world who can black out after drinking too much!"

"Mr. Ye was confused: After waking up, I became famous?"

"Mr. Ye slept for a long time!"

"Mr. Ye, please go to Weibo and see how many people are praising you!"

"Oh, I hope everyone knows how great my idol is, but I’m also afraid that more and more people will like my idol."

"Wake up, the guy above, the idol is not yours!!"........

Ye Fang has self-control when he is not drunk. He knows when to stop doing anything.

But he was too drunk last night. Princess, Chen Yixun had needs, and he satisfied them all with a wave of his hand!

Singing and composing music is no problem, but he seems to sing it in one second without thinking, and it is three songs in a row, which is of course shocking.

Now, he has been called a music demon on the Internet. He was completely drunk last night. Seeing the video of himself singing, Ye Fang just felt a headache.

He should have controlled himself yesterday....

Ye Fang regretted drinking last night.

He had never been drunk in front of others. Even if he got drunk at home, he would just fall asleep and would never do such a stupid thing.

Redina looked at the depressed look on Mr. Ye's face and knew that what happened last night was something Mr. Ye would never do under normal circumstances.

After all, he didn't care about fame and fortune!

"Mr. Ye?" Redina called out carefully.

"It's okay, it's okay."Ye Fang came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head. At this time, Zhang Zifeng beside him also woke up.

"Mr. Ye, you're awake!"

Zhang Zifeng was still a little confused, but when he saw Mr. Ye standing by the bed, he woke up instantly and sat up immediately.

"Well, thank you for your help."Ye Fang smiled and nodded.

After all, they were not related to him, and he should still express his gratitude for them staying with him all night when he was drunk.

"I'm glad you're okay." Zhang Zifeng waved his hands repeatedly, with a sincere smile on his still confused face.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Ye!" Zhang Zifeng remembered something, and said with a sparkle in his eyes:"Mr. Ye, everyone is discussing your song online! Everyone likes it very much!"

After that, he added in a low voice:"I like it too..."

When Ye Fang mentioned this, he felt a headache. He rubbed his temples and gave a forced smile.

"Mr. Ye, are you unhappy?"

Isn't it a good thing that his songs are liked by so many people?

There are so many singer-songwriters in the Chinese music scene, but everyone envies the deeds of Mr. Ye's three songs.

Ye Fang didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded.

He didn't want to explain anything. If he was interested in fame and fortune, the songs in his mind would be enough for him to enjoy glory and reputation for a lifetime.

Now he can be thankful that he has a poor alcohol tolerance and passed out drunk before the incident happened.

If he hadn't passed out drunk, he estimated that he would have continued singing....

Thinking about that scene, Ye Fang felt a little horrified.

If it happened to an impulsive young person, it would be a very pleasant thing, right?

"Dad~" Guan Tiantian woke up, rubbing her round eyes with her chubby little hands, and leaned over with her soft face to rest on Ye Fang's shoulder.

""Dad, are you okay?" Wen Yaoyao woke up instantly when she heard Guan Tiantian's cry.

Seeing her father standing beside her unharmed, a joyful smile broke out on her face and she threw herself into her father's arms.

Yang Anan and Liu Youyou also woke up one after another, with tears still hanging in Yang Anan's eyes:"Dad, I was scared to death yesterday!"

"That’s right, Daddy suddenly fell to the ground!"Liu Youyou nodded in panic.

Thinking back to the situation at that time, the four little ones' hearts were still beating wildly.

"It's okay, it's okay, Dad won't do this again in the future." Ye Fang hugged the four little ones and comforted them one by one.

This matter was indeed his problem.

How could an adult let his children worry about him?

Ye Fang didn't have the so-called good face of an adult. He admitted his mistakes in front of the children, so that he could set a good example.

"┭┮﹏┭┮I'm glad Dad is okay."

The four little ones wiped away their tears and looked at Redina and Zhang Zifeng standing on the side.

‘"Sister Xiaodi and Sister Zifeng were with us last night!"

"Thank you for your help." Ye Fang thanked him again and said,"Are you sleepy? Go to the bedroom and catch up on your sleep. I'm fine now."

""Okay." After confirming that Mr. Ye was fine, Zhang Zifeng was completely relaxed.

Redina nodded slightly, stretched, and went to the bedroom upstairs with Zhang Zifeng to catch up on sleep.

Redina looked at the ceiling of the bedroom. She didn't expect that so many things would happen in just one day in Manyuan Village.

At first, she thought that she would use money to impress Ye Fang, settle An An here, and then get her long vacation and go on vacation happily.

According to the flying guest schedule, she can only stay for three days at most, and she has to leave tomorrow.

According to the original plan, she can travel around the world after leaving, which was something she was looking forward to.

But now she...Sometimes she didn't want to see tomorrow.

She just felt sleepy, slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Ye Fang looked at the sun outside the window, strode out of the bedroom.

The four little ones followed him. They fell asleep last night and slept until noon. They were full of energy and didn't need to make up for the sleep.

Children are naturally more energetic than adults.

In the yard, Chen Yixun and the princess sat in the shed, watching the two puppies chasing and playing in the yard, the big goose on the fence thinking about life, and the beautiful mountains and rivers in the distance, and their moods also relaxed.

"What a comfortable life!" Chen Yixun took a sip of lemon tea and sighed

"I will settle down here and be Mr. Ye's neighbor."The princess suddenly had an idea and said lazily

""Senior sister, you are harboring selfish motives!" Chen Yixun stood up suddenly and stared at his senior sister with wide eyes. She is really a lively person with a lively mind!

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