The audience in the live broadcast room was confused again:

"Holy shit? This is also Mr. Ye’s child?"

"Another one called Mr. Ye dad. Actually, I am not sure now. Except for Tiantian and Anan, are the others Mr. Ye's children?"

"Why do I suddenly feel that this scene is so heartwarming?"

"I have a bold idea, are these five children all Mr. Ye’s children?"

""Little friend" was the fifth daughter Ye Fang had seen.

He had just thought of the other three daughters he had not met yet, when he saw Tang Qianqian, who was exhausted.

The word"Dad" surprised everyone.

This scene was so similar to the scene of the four little ones calling dad the day before yesterday, but yesterday morning, Mr. Ye had already recognized two daughters.

So far, the relationship between Wen Yaoyao and Liu Youyou and Ye Fang is still a mystery.

The mystery has not been solved yet, and suddenly another little loli appeared.

Ye Fang did not care about the eyes of others, stood up, walked to the side of Tang Qianqian, squatted down, and gently helped her brush off the dust on her body.

"How did Mr. Lu meet this child?"Ye Fang raised his head and looked at Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu didn't know what happened before. He answered Ye Fang's question.

"I met this kid on the roadside. He refused to tell me why. He just said he wanted to go to Manyuan Village."

"She was walking alone on the mountain road. I was worried that something might happen to her, so I brought her along."

""Thank you, Mr. Lu." Ye Fang said sincerely.

The first time he saw Tang Qianqian, he felt the same feeling as when he saw the four little ones.

At that time, he didn't know what this feeling that went straight to the bottom of his heart was.

Now he understands that it is the special feeling of seeing blood relatives.

Tang Qianqian is his daughter, and he can be sure of it at this moment without too much confirmation.

Without the help of Mr. Lu, Qianqian didn't know when she would reach Manyuan Village, and she might also encounter some dangers.

Ye Fang thought that only the four little ones came to Manyuan Village this time, but he didn't expect that there was also Tang Qianqian who had been lost for a few days.

Looking at his daughter with distressed eyes, he whispered:"Thank you for your hard work"

"It's not hard." Tang Qianqian, who had been expressionless, suddenly smiled, innocent and naive.

Mr. Lu smiled and said,"It's a small matter."

Thinking of the painting, Mr. Lu's mood became complicated when he learned that the child's father was in the mushroom house.

Ye Fang looked at Redina again:"Miss Xiaodi, can you please give the child a bath?"

Although he is the child's father, it is inconvenient after all, so he can only trouble Redina who knows the truth.

Redina didn't expect that Tang Qianqian had been lost for several days. The girl who used to be so cute now looks like a little cat.

Redina nodded and said,"Okay, Qianqian, can sister give you a bath?"

Tang Qianqian was in a tense mood these days and was wary of everything.

After seeing her father, her sisters, and her sister Redina, whom she had met a few times, she felt very relaxed. She nodded her head obediently and followed Redina into the mushroom house to wash up.

Guan Tiantian and the other four followed immediately and found her their own clean clothes to change into.

If this child hadn't come to find him, she would have lived a comfortable life in a cool and clean room.

Ye Fang felt very sorry for her.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was floating:

"Mr. Ye is so warm"

"Little guy, take a clean bath quickly. I don't know how much suffering you have endured."

"Why do they all come to Manyuan Village?"

"In fact, I still don't understand now. Did these four little ones and that little friend come to Manyuan Village to see Mr. Ye??>"

"Fortunately, the child met Mr. Lu!"

"The kids have such a sweet relationship!"

"Miss Redina is gentle and kind, I love her"

"Why do I always feel that Mr. Ye is full of fatherly love?".......

From Ye Fang's series of actions, Teacher Huang keenly grasped some information.

Mr. Ye met the new girl for the first time, but the relationship between the two was by no means unfamiliar.

However, without all the facts in front of him, Teacher Huang did not dare to think about it.

If it is true, it will definitely shock the entertainment industry and will definitely ruin Mr. Ye's reputation!

Although Ye Fang has only joined Xiangwang for two days, his personality and character are deeply loved by everyone, including Teacher Huang.

Although he smelled something unusual, he did not point it out.

The same is true for Teacher He.

Before knowing the truth, he dared not talk about it recklessly, nor did he dare to mislead the audience's thoughts.

They are stars, not ordinary people, and they should be cautious in what they say and do.

The princess and Chen Yixun also felt the weird atmosphere, but they did not speak.

Even if it is really Mr. Ye's child, it is Mr. Ye's family affair. They are not familiar with Mr. Ye yet, and they can ask about other people's family affairs casually.

It's just that I feel in my heart....

It's a bit messy!

Zhang Zifeng was already confused.

The four little ones plus the new kid...

Are they really Mr. Ye's daughters?

Tiantian and An'an...It's not from Redina and Guan Tong'er.....

Guan Tong'er also knew the inside story and hurriedly changed the subject:"Haha, they are good friends since childhood, and they all made an appointment to come to Manyuan Village."

Is that true?

Teacher Huang didn't care whether it was true or not, and pretended to be enlightened and said:"That's right!"

"I thought the kids were so familiar with each other."

Everyone laughed awkwardly.

Mr. Lu didn't know the situation, but from Ye Fang's attitude towards the little girl and the word"Dad", he concluded that Ye Fang was Tang Qianqian's father.

He was in a complicated mood at the moment. After all, on the way here, he got a famous painting from Tang Qianqian because of a meal.

He originally thought that if Tang Qianqian didn't want to sell the painting to him after she met her parents, he would return the painting.

But now, Tang Qianqian's parents were in front of him, and Mr. Lu was embarrassed to get away with it.

He waited for Ye Fang to find out.

He carefully took the painting out of his bag and looked at Ye Fang with an apologetic look.

"Mr. Ye, I have something to tell you."

"This painting was given to me by your daughter. Although I put a check in her backpack, it is still not good...."

"I also like this painting so much that I missed it at auction last week."

"Since you are here, I will ask you, are you willing to sell this painting to me for 30 million?"

Mr. Lu's words made everyone confused.

The painting slowly unfolded, revealing a unique ink painting....

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