It was a landscape painting in ink and wash.

The mountains were surrounded by fog, and the mountains in the distance seemed to be hanging high in the sky. The nearby mountains and waters were beautiful, with wisps of fog lingering around. There were also a few acres of fields nearby, and farmers were farming in the fields.

Recently, a few fish were playing in the lake, revealing a corner of the pavilion eaves.

Simple black and white ink presents a vivid scene.

The artistic conception of this painting is very beautiful and the level is very high.

Even to laymen such as Peng Peng and Zhang Zifeng, it seems to be a style of masters.

This painting looks very powerful!

However, is this painting worth 30 million?

The figure of 30 million hits the brain nerves of young people. Although they are all stars, it is not easy to earn 30 million.

For example, Peng Peng, whose career has just started, has not yet reached the level of 10 million.

As for Zi Feng, although she has starred in several TV dramas as the leading actress, her age limits her style. In addition, she is still a child, and her parents have all the money. At most, she has more pocket money than ordinary people. Guan Tong'er has just been promoted to a young actress, and her salary is very high, but 30 million yuan will take her a whole year to work, not to mention her own costs.

But one painting can be comparable to her busy work for a year, isn't that amazing?

But 30 million yuan is an astonishing figure.

This painting is very expensive!

Teacher Huang and Teacher He couldn't help but look at the painting a few more times. Teacher Huang asked:

"Mr. Lu, which ancient master’s painting is this?"

This is also a question that others are curious about.

Ancient paintings, 30 million for one, are also top-notch.

Not everyone’s paintings can be sold for tens of millions!

Mr. Lu replied:"This painting is not the work of an ancient master, but from a modern Chinese painting master, but this master...No name either"

"You may not believe it, but it is said that this painting was given by the master to someone else, but that person did not understand ink painting. So he met someone who knew about it and bought the painting for tens of thousands of dollars."

"This painting has been passed down to several painters."

"The most recent buyer paid 29 million for this painting."

"Unfortunately, I only had over 20 million yuan in funds at that time, which was not enough to buy this painting."

"Today, I got this painting from Qianqian by chance. I selfishly thought it was fate, so I wanted to accept it....Secretly gave Qianqian a check for 30 million"

"I never thought I would meet Qianqian's father, so I decided to ask him in person."

When Mr. Lu explained, he mentioned the author of the painting with a tone full of appreciation and respect.

This unconsciously made the listeners feel in awe of this master who had never met but had strong painting skills.

"When I first saw this painting at a collection exhibition, I was stunned for a moment, as if I had entered a fairyland."

"I actually saw the scene in the painting...."

Mr. Lu closed his eyes and recalled the scene when he first saw this painting, with a yearning look on his face.

Others couldn't help but look at the painting again, and they also felt a little yearning.

The audience in the live broadcast room was surprised:

"Damn, is this painting so valuable?"

"Very well drawn indeed!"

"This painting was actually drawn by a modern person? Awesome!!"

"Strangely, the scene in this painting always feels a bit familiar"

"This painting is so beautiful!"

"Hiss? A painting worth 30 million, the first time I've seen it in my life"

"Damn, Mr. Lu is not simple! He just casually took out 30 million!"

"Thirty million, how many lifetimes will it take me to earn that much money?"

"I am poor and shed tears of poverty"

"This painting is very powerful!"......

For a moment, everyone praised the painting.

Only Ye Fang, when his eyes touched the painting, showed a little strange expression, frowned slightly, and hesitated to speak.....

Everyone was admiring the painting, as if they wanted to be influenced by its literati atmosphere.

Peng Peng praised:"The painting is really good! It is obviously the work of a master!"

Chen Yixun exclaimed:"The painting skills are superb, it can be called a magic brush!"

Guan Tong'er tried hard to taste some of the flavor;"Good painting!"

Director Lao Wang winked and smiled:"I have been with Lu Bo for so long, and I have also learned some appreciation skills. This painting has a wonderful artistic conception. It is worthy of being a famous painting worth 30 million!"

Zhang Zifeng tried hard to appreciate it, but she just thought it was beautiful, but she couldn't appreciate it with the praise from others. She could only remain quiet and appreciate it with the crowd.

The audience in the live broadcast room also praised it in various ways, and praised the painting to the sky.

Even Teacher Huang and Teacher He frowned and tried hard to appreciate it.

Ye Fang hesitated and hesitated to speak....

Mr. Lu opened his eyes and looked at the painting:"So, I hope Mr. Ye can sell this painting....Give...I...Huh?"

His eyes rested on the painting, and he paused, stiff.

Why did he feel...Is this painting a little different?

The scenery is still the same scenery, the level is still the same high level as before, there is nothing wrong with it.

But why does the artistic conception that makes him yearn for seem a lot less?

And the kind of calm and distant momentum contained in this painting is also gone? ?

Hearing this"Huh?", everyone looked at Mr. Lu, and Teacher Huang asked:"Mr. Lu, is there anything wrong with this painting?"

Didn't you say that this painting is worth 30 million?

Mr. Lu hesitated and said:"This painting is a little different, it lacks feeling!"

That's right, it's the feeling!

The painting is still the same painting, but too many things are different.

Mr. Lu stroked his chin, frowned his gray eyebrows, and thought deeply.、

"Is it because I have seen this painting too many times and I can no longer appreciate it?"

The others couldn't help but frown and stare at the painting.


Suddenly, someone couldn't help laughing, and the laughter was very teasing, as if they were amused by everyone's behavior.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Ye Fang who was laughing. He was stunned, coughed twice, and put away his smile, but he couldn't retract the upturned corners of his mouth.

Mr. Lu raised his head and looked at Ye Fang:"Why are you laughing, Mr. Ye?"

"Mr. Lu, as far as I know, this painting is not the original one, it must have been copied by someone else."

"Someone copied it?" Peng Peng muttered to himself, and then suddenly realized:"Mr. Ye means that this painting is fake!"

"Is it, is it fake? ?"Mr. Lu almost fell off the stool. ps: I can finally write well today, and I will update three times directly!!

Love me or not!!!!...

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