Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 142: Ye Ling Was Abandoned [Fourth Update, Please Subscribe]

The next morning!

Ye Ling woke up from a deep sleep and frowned when she saw that she was alone in the tent. She always felt that something was wrong!

Logically speaking, even if the five girls were up, they would still be left alone in the tent. After all, this was a rare opportunity to be alone with him.

Yang Mi stopped talking, but the remaining four girls had all gone out, and there was no one left to accompany him.

Ye Ling put on her clothes and walked out. She was stunned when she looked at the empty and wet grass outside!

What the hell?

What about the two jeeps given by the director?

Where are the five other women?

Ye Ling frowned. It seemed that the fifth woman drove the car away while he was still sleeping, and he was ruthlessly abandoned!

Thinking of this, Ye Ling shook his head and got rid of the thoughts in his mind.

He didn't believe that Wu Nu would drive the car away and leave him alone.

"Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Why don't you just call and ask what's going on!"

Ye Ling took out her mobile phone, found Zhao Liying's phone number and prepared to call her.

"Ye Ling, you're awake!"

At this time, Yang Mi walked out of Bai Xue's tent, looked at Ye Ling and asked: "Are you hungry? The director team sent not only vegetables this morning, but also several buckets of instant noodles.

If you are hungry, I will give you some instant noodles. "

Ye Ling was startled when he saw Yang Mi, and the finger that was about to call Zhao Liying stopped. He looked at Yang Mi and asked: "Mi Mi, what is going on? Why are you alone, Li Ying?" Where are the four of them?"

"I don't know either!"

Yang Mi innocently said: "When I woke up this morning, Li Ying and the other four were gone, and the two jeeps given by the director team were also missing. I saw a bucket of pure water, some vegetables and some vegetables next to the tent. A few buckets of instant noodles.”

"You mean the four of them were gone when you woke up?" Ye Ling raised an eyebrow.


Yang Mi nodded and guessed: "Ye Ling, do you think it's the four of them who want to leave the two of us on this prairie and let us fend for ourselves?"

"Yes, that must be it!"

Yang Mi said to herself: "The four of them must have thought that my figure was better than theirs, so out of jealousy, they secretly drove away in the car and left us two to fend for ourselves!"

"Editor, you keep editing!" Ye Ling said speechlessly.

I'm also jealous of your good figure.

All right!

Ye Ling glanced at the pair of big waves in front of Yang Mi and had to admit that her figure was indeed good, at least better than the four girls.

But what Yang Mi said has no credibility at all.

If nothing else, at least Zhao Liying is not a jealous person.

And even if we take a step back, the four girls were jealous of Yang Mi's good figure, so they deliberately left her to fend for themselves.

But just for Yang Mi, would the four women abandon their husbands as well?

"Come on, it's useless to ask you. I'd better call them and ask them myself!"

Ye Ling took her cell phone and called Zhao Liying.

Yang Mi just watched Ye Ling making the phone call, with a smile on her face.

"Dudu! Hello! The phone you dialed has been turned off, please call again later..."

"Shut down?"

Ye Ling frowned and found Liu Yifei's phone number and dialed it.

As a result, Liu Yifei's mobile phone was also turned off, so she couldn't get through.

"what happened?"

Ye Ling tried to call Jiang Shuying's phone number again, but as expected, the phone was still turned off.

"How about it? Didn't you get through it?" Yang Mi looked at Ye Ling and smiled.

Ye Ling said helplessly: "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"What about us? I'm also a victim, okay?" Yang Mi denied.

"I believe you as a ghost!"

Ye Ling rolled his eyes and ignored her, walked into Bai Xue's tent and took Bai Xue out.

"You'll be exhausted after sleeping in a tent all night!"

Ye Ling stroked the mane on Bai Xue's head and said with a smile: "Go, go for a run, but don't run too far!"

After saying that, Ye Ling slapped Bai Xue's horse on the butt and shouted: "Drive!"


Bai Xue raised her body and screamed excitedly, and then started running with four vigorous steps. However, it did not run far, and ran happily within two kilometers around the tent.

"Ye Ling, I don't think you are in a hurry at all!" Yang Mi looked at Ling and wondered.

Did Ye Ling not care at all that the four girls just left without saying a word?

"Why should I be anxious?"

Ye Ling said angrily: "You guys have agreed to hide it from me, so what's the use of me being anxious."

After saying that, Ye Ling walked into their tent and moved out all the pots, pans, gas tanks and other things used for cooking.

"Ye Ling, what are you doing?"

Yang Mi said doubtfully: "If you want to make instant noodles, just boil water in a hot kettle. There is no need to move all these things.

Ye Ling shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to cook for myself!"

"You cook for yourself?"

Yang Mi couldn't help but shudder when she heard this. It was obvious that the meal Ye Ling cooked in the Mushroom House last time had a big shadow on her.

However, this is a very good selling point!

Thinking of this, Yang Mi quickly returned to the tent, took out the drone, and turned on the switch. 540

Someone on the director's team was always paying attention to the situation of the drone. As soon as they saw the drone being turned on, they immediately controlled the drone to fly and started the live broadcast room as soon as possible.

To this day, "Ye Travels", which was spearheaded by Yang Mi, has become extremely popular in China!

Therefore, as soon as the live broadcast room was opened, hundreds of thousands of people quickly poured into it.

"Hey, did I enter the wrong live broadcast room? Why are there only Ye Gou and Damimi? Where are Zhao Liying and the others?"

"Yes, where is our fairy sister Liu Yifei? She has been hidden in the snow, right?"

"Hide it all, Liu Yifei can open her own studio now, and Liu Yifei is one of the investors in this show. Who dares to hide her?"

"No, what on earth is going on? Can anyone explain it to me?"

"Is there any explanation? They just don't like Ye Gou anymore, so they came to see me overnight. We just talked on the phone."

"Oh my God, the guy upstairs drank a lot, but don't just drink and not eat!"

Ye Ling walked to the supplies sent by the director team to see what kind of vegetables the director team sent.

The director team sent not many vegetables, including: tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, beans... and the dried noodles specially requested by Zhao Liying. .

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