Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 143: For Noodles, It’S Worth Eating Fat [Fifth Update, Please Subscribe]

Chapter 143: It’s worth eating fat for noodles

the other side!

Zhao Liying frowned while sitting in the car: "Looking at the time, it's time for my husband to wake up. I just don't know how he ate breakfast."

"Bubble noodles, Mimi definitely doesn't know how to cook anyway. As for the food cooked by my husband..." Jiang Shuying shook his head and did not continue.

If Ye Ling roasted a wild rabbit or something, she would admit that it was very delicious and could be said to be a delicacy on earth!

But if Ye Ling cooks, it is completely dark cuisine!

"Eating instant noodles is not nutritious, and you have to eat instant noodles at noon. If you eat instant noodles in the early morning, it will be very bad for your health!"

As Zhao Liying spoke, she turned to look at Jiang Shuying who was driving, and complained: "I said that we could leave after I made breakfast for my husband, but the three of you refused to let me go. As a result, my husband had to eat instant noodles so early in the morning."

"Sister Liying, you can't blame us!"

Hot Bar was sitting in the back seat playing with his mobile phone and said: "If I wait until you make breakfast for your husband before leaving, what if my husband wakes up early today? Our plan will be in vain!"


Liu Yifei hugged a wild rabbit and agreed: "My husband still has a bucket of instant noodles to eat, but we are all still hungry!"

Hearing this, Jiang Shuying stopped the car and said speechlessly: "Can we not say the word hungry? I didn't eat much last night, and I didn't eat much this morning. I'm already very hungry now!"


Hot Bar suddenly looked at his phone and said in surprise: "Our live broadcast room has been opened, and my husband seems to want to cook for himself.

"Let me see!"

Liu Yifei leaned over to take a look and said in surprise: "It's true, but my husband cut that zucchini so fast without pausing at all. He doesn't look like a person who is not good at cooking and can make dark dishes. On the contrary, he is even more... Like a famous chef."

Zhao Liying and Jiang Shuying also took out their mobile phones, turned on the live broadcast room and took a look, with a look of disbelief flashing in their eyes.

"I can guarantee that my husband would never cook during Effie's birthday. Even if he knew how to cook, he would only cook dark dishes." Jiang Shuying said.

"When we were at Mushroom House before, my husband didn't know much about cooking, and even if he cooked it, he couldn't eat it. In addition, we have been staying with my husband for the past two months, and we have never seen him learn cooking skills.

Zhao Liying said quietly: "It seems that what the aunt said before was right, our husband is too mysterious!"

The three women looked at each other and fell silent.

Indeed, Ye Ling is too mysterious. Even though they are both Ye Ling's wives, their understanding of Ye Ling is only superficial.

Let’s not talk about the distance, let’s just say that the Aurora Love they are wearing now, which is worth hundreds of millions, is not something ordinary people can get, let alone Ye Ling is still an orphan!

As for Ye Ling's original explanation, they just took it as a joke and couldn't believe it at all.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Liying looked at the silent three women and suddenly smiled and said: "What are you doing? No matter how mysterious my husband is, he is still our husband. Why do you think so much? Also, you are not allowed to ask me random questions when you go back at night. My husband doesn't like to be questioned. .”


The three women nodded and laughed, and the atmosphere was no longer silent.

Zhao Liying was right, Ye Ling was still their husband even if he was secretive. This was recognized by the law and by them, and no one could change it.


The staff member on another jeep who was helping to drive saw Jiang Shuying's jeep stopped, stepped back from the front, honked the horn and asked, "Ms. Jiang Shuying, what happened?"

"No, let's go!"

Jiang Shuying smiled and stepped on the accelerator again.

"smell good!"

Yang Mi smelled the aroma coming from the pot, her watery eyes were wide, and she stared at the noodles Ye Ling had just picked up without blinking.

"Eat it!"

Ye Ling smiled and handed the bowl in his hand to Yang Mi, and then he took another bowl for himself.


Yang Mi blew the hot air on the noodles, then took a bite with chopsticks.

"Yeah, delicious, so delicious!"

After taking the first bite, Yang Mi didn't care about getting hot, let alone maintaining the image of a goddess. She picked up the noodles with chopsticks and stuffed them into her mouth.

"Slow down, there's no one to grab it for you!"

Ye Ling looked at Yang Mi and shook her head, then took the noodles in the bowl and started eating.

"Ye Ling, I want more!"

In a short time, Yang Mi ate all the noodles in the bowl and handed the bowl to Ye Ling with an expectant look on her face.

"Holy crap, is this still the Da Mimi I know? Isn't this a disguise from Hot Bar?"

"I'm a little confused. Isn't the rice cooked by Ye Gou a dark cuisine? Judging from Da Mimi's appearance, the rice cooked by Ye Gou is quite delicious!"

»Even if it’s delicious, you wouldn’t devour it like this!”

"Isn't this a deliberate show? When we were at the Mushroom House, didn't Ye Gou cook dark cuisine? Why is it so delicious as soon as we get here!"

"It's a crappy show. Does my dog ​​still need to put on a show?"

"Da Mimi looks like this. Why does she look so much like a little pig waiting to be fed, especially the expectant look in her eyes."

"Pfft, it's okay for you upstairs to compare us, Da Mimi, to a pig."

Ye Ling took the bowl from Yang Mi, got her another bowl of noodles and asked, "Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"


Hearing this, Yang Mi looked at the noodles in her hand and hesitated.

"Forget it, just be fat. At worst, you can lose weight after you gain weight!" Yang Mi said firmly while looking at the noodles in her hand.

It’s worth eating fat for the noodles!

"Then you can do whatever you want. If it's not enough, I'll make it for you again!"

Ye Ling shrugged and continued to eat the noodles.

He really wanted to sit down and eat, but now the grass was covered with dew, rain and mud from last night, so he couldn't sit down even if he wanted to.

After a simple breakfast, Ye Ling handed over the task of washing pots and dishes to Yang Mi, while he got into the tent and started playing with his mobile phone.

After Yang Mi finished washing the dishes, she walked to the tent door and looked at Ye Ling inside and asked: "Ye Ling, it will be late at night for the four of them to come back. Where will the two of us play today?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling raised his head and glanced at Yang Mi, curiously saying: "Mimi, tell me what the four of them did, and why did they have to hide it from me?"

"Don't worry about this, you will know when they come back!" Yang Mi said.

"Then just wait until they come back and take you to play. Don't look for me!" Ye Ling rolled his eyes and said.

Yang Mi was speechless, so she simply took off her shoes and got into the tent to play with her mobile phone.

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