Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter Thirteen: Teacher Huang, You Are Obsessed With Your Appearance (Additional Update, Please Su

The next morning, when the sky was just getting light, Hot Bar opened his eyes and woke up!

This time, when she woke up and found that she was sleeping with Ye Ling in her arms, she was not as panicked as she was yesterday afternoon.

Instead, he looked at Ye Ling's cheek and revealed a sweet smile.

"I don't know if it's because of your strong concentration or because you're not good at it, but I've been lying on the same bed with you for one night, and you were able to sleep so soundly."

Thinking about it like this, I suddenly became distressed.

If it is Ye Ling who has strong concentration, it will definitely be a good thing for her, but if it is Ye Ling who is not strong.

Reba suddenly didn't dare to think about it anymore. She was still thinking about having a baby in the future. If Ye Ling couldn't do it, then she wouldn't be able to have a baby by herself!

As for divorcing Ye Ling, she had indeed thought about it before, but after what happened yesterday, she no longer had such thoughts!

Not to mention the pressure from her parents, the song Ye Ling sang for her last night and the words she said moved her so much.

And my grandma also said yesterday that her marriage to Ye Ling was destined by God, so she has no desire to divorce Ye Ling now.

Hot Bar took a look at the sleeping Ye Ling, quietly lifted up the quilt, took a photo inside with his phone, and was immediately shocked!

Although she has never seen a man's thing with her own eyes, she has learned about it from some special movies.

But the ones in those movies are simply incomparable to those of Ye Ling.

Reba came back to his senses, gently put down the quilt, kissed Ye Ling on the cheek, and then laughed foolishly.

A man with strong determination can always make women feel at ease.

At 8:30 in the morning, Ye Ling woke up from a deep sleep.

At this time, Hot Bar had changed clothes and was about to go out to wash up.

"You're awake. I've thrown yesterday's clothes into the washing machine for you. I'll fold the clothes you're going to wear today and put them there!" Reba pointed to the end of the bed and said.


Ye Ling looked at the folded clothes at the end of the bed, feeling really uncomfortable for a while.

He has never been treated like this before, not even when he was worth tens of billions in his previous life.

After Ye Ling changed her clothes and waited for the hot bar to wash up, she walked into the bathroom and started washing up.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching 100,000 faith points. You will be rewarded with a lottery draw."

At this time, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded in Ye Ling's mind.

Belief system!

Host: Ye Ling

Age: 24 years old

Constitution: 12

Skills: Killing Technique, Photographic Memory, Master Singing, Master Guitar, Master Calligraphy

Number of draws: 1

Faith value: 101396

Faith Mall: Not open

Ye Ling looked at the system panel in front of him and said: "Lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring master-level medical skills."

Ye Ling closed his eyes to absorb the master-level medical skills passed down to him by the system, and then continued to wash up. There was no joy or disappointment on his face.

To him, master-level medical skills are nothing more than nothing!

After all, it is impossible for him to be a doctor who saves people.

After washing up, Ye Ling walked down.

"Xiaoye is down!"

"Brother Ye!"

"Ye Ling!"

Teacher Huang was making breakfast in the kitchen, and Teacher He and others were sitting in the living room talking. When they saw Ye Ling coming down, they all said hello.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Ye Ling calm down, and the number of comments instantly increased.

"Ye Gou, when are you going to send that song "Write a Poem for You" to all the major music software!"

"Ye Gou didn't come down until nine o'clock. It seems that he was tortured by the hot bar yesterday!"

"Ye Gou, Damimi and the others said that you also wrote a song for each of them. Is it true?"

"Ye Gou, don't favor one over another!"

"Ye Gou, wait for your "Write a Poem for You" to be registered on major music software!"

"Ye Gou..."

For a time, the word "Ye Gou" filled the entire live broadcast room.

"Teacher He, Zifeng, Pengpeng, all got up very early!" Ye Ling sat next to the hot bar and smiled.

Hearing this, Pengpeng couldn't help but complained: "No way, I just got up for a while, but Teacher He forced me to get up!"

"Ha ha!"

Teacher He smiled and said: "Pengpeng is right. If I hadn't pulled him up by force, he would still be asleep by now!"

Teacher Huang also came over with breakfast and said: "Pengpeng, everything is good, but I like to stay up late playing with my mobile phone, and then I can't get up the next morning."

"I didn't stay up late, I just went to bed late!" Pengpeng said embarrassedly.

"Teacher Huang, let me help you!"

Reba and Zhang Zifeng walked to the kitchen and helped Teacher Huang bring out the porridge.

Breakfast was not that rich, just preserved egg, lean meat porridge and steamed buns with pickles. In addition, everyone had just woken up and had no appetite, so no one ate much.

After a simple breakfast, everyone sat under the pavilion in the yard and played with pots and pans.

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell!"

At this time, the phone in the mushroom house suddenly rang.

"I'll answer the phone!"

Pengpeng volunteered and ran over.

Ye Ling smiled and said: "Pengpeng is very energetic!"

"No, all the heavy work in our mushroom house must be shouldered by Pengpeng alone. How can we do it if we don't have strong energy!" Teacher Huang said.

After a while, Pengpeng walked out of the room dejectedly.

"What happened to Pengpeng? Why did he go there happily and come back dejected?" Teacher He asked.

Pengpeng said dejectedly: "The guest here is a man. He insists on eating lobster, abalone and Buddha jumping over the wall."

"Pengpeng, didn't you say that our mushroom house has no money?" Ye Ling asked.

Pengpeng nodded and said: "I said it, but the guest didn't listen. He kept saying that he wanted to eat lobster, abalone and Buddha jump over the wall."

Teacher Huang frowned and said: "The lobster is okay, but we can't afford the price of abalone and Buddha jumping over the wall, let alone how difficult it is to make Buddha jump over the wall!"

"Teacher Huang, how about we cook the lobster for him and forget about the abalone and Buddha jumping over the wall!" Reba suggested.


Teacher Huang shook his head and said: "Although we don't necessarily want to make the guests very satisfied, we can't make them dissatisfied."

"Teacher Huang, you're in trouble!" Ye Ling sighed. Teacher Huang, who is known as the old fox, is so confused today!

Teacher Huang raised his eyebrows and said, "Ye Ling, what do you mean?"


Ye Ling pointed out his hand and said, "I said this table is a table. Teacher Huang, do you agree?"


"Then what if I say this table is like Buddha jumping over the wall?"

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