Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 14: Hot Bar Was Bitten By A Snake (Please Give Me Flowers)

"How is this possible? Isn't this just a table?" Teacher Huang was a little confused. Could it be that this table has some hidden secrets?

Ye Ling turned to look at Reba and asked: "Reba, do you believe it when I say it is Buddha jumping over the wall?"

"I believe!"

Reba said it without hesitation. Naturally, she would not refute Ye Ling's face at this time.

Ye Ling looked at Pengpeng again and asked, "Do you believe Zifeng?"

Zhang Zifeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded out of trust in Ye Ling: "I believe it!"

"Does Pengpeng believe it?"


"Where's Teacher He?"


Ye Ling smiled and said, "Teacher Huang, look, your eyes are dazzled, it's like Buddha jumping over the wall."

"Ha ha!"

Teacher Huang also understood and said: "Yes, Xiaoye, you are right, it is like Buddha jumping over the wall. I was dazzled just now!"

"What the hell is this? Why can't I understand it? Isn't this just a table?"

"I'm a little confused too. What are Ye Gou and the others talking about?"

"You're stupid, Ye Gou and the others are the hosts. The Mushroom House is their territory. If the guests go to their territory, you have to do it for the knife and I do it for the fish and meat. You have to listen to them in everything."

"That's right, when everyone thinks it's Buddha jumping over the wall, then the person who doesn't think so will become an outlier!"

"Damn it, Ye Gou did such a good job!"

"Why do I feel like the life I long for is being led astray by Ye Gou!"

The director team and the assistant director looked at Ye Ling and others in the live broadcast room and said, "Director, wouldn't this be good?"

"What's wrong? Is it possible that Teacher Huang really made a Buddha jump over the wall?"

The director was also a little helpless. He didn't expect that the guest this time would be so ruthless. He would jump over the wall as soon as he opened his mouth.

You must know that Buddha Jumps over the Wall is a famous dish that even Buddha wanted to abandon his Zen and jump over the wall after hearing about it.

Not to mention that the materials are expensive and the production process is extremely complicated. It is simply impossible to make it in a simple kitchen like Mushroom House.

"Just do what Xiaoye said, we'll prepare the lobster and abalone for them. As for Buddha jumping over the wall, let them eat the table legs!"

After Teacher Huang finished speaking, he distributed the tasks: "Zifeng stayed to visit the house and wait for the guests to come. Teacher He and I went to the director team to borrow money, and then went to the county to buy ingredients. Xiaoye, you are more tired, lead Pengpeng and Come on, go pull the carrots and pay off your debts!"


Ye Ling nodded and asked Pengpeng to go inside and take out the basket.

"Brother Ye!"

Pengpeng took out three baskets, carried one for himself, gave one to Reba, and handed the last one to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling took the basket and put it on the ground and said, "You don't need so many, two baskets are enough!"

Hearing this, Reba rolled his eyes angrily and said, "You're so lazy!"

Pengpeng was also a little speechless. Teacher Huang asked you to lead us there, but you really just led us there!

"Let's go!"

Seeing that both of them had carried their baskets, Ye Ling waved his hand and led them out.

Due to the geological structure, the land in western Hunan is uneven, with some terrain being very high and some being very low.

Just like the land where the show crew grows radishes, it is higher than the roof of the mushroom house. It is simply a small mountain!


Ye Ling led the two of them to a place, then took out his mobile phone and found a place to sit down.

Reba was speechless about this, but she had already known Ye Ling's character, so she just gave Ye Ling a look and walked into the radish field with the basket on her back.

Pengpeng didn't say anything about this. Fortunately, he was a relatively honest child, otherwise a narrow-minded person would never be able to tolerate Ye Ling's laziness.

Although the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it and complained a lot, they were just complaining.

At the same time, Teacher Huang also borrowed funds from the directing team and was driving towards the county.

"Teacher Huang, can they do it? Why do I always feel like something is going to happen!" Teacher He said worriedly.

"worry about what?"

Teacher Huang smiled and said: "Although I have only been in contact with Xiaoye for a short time, I can see that he is relatively calm. If he takes care of Pengpeng and Reba, nothing will happen."

"But I'm still a little worried!"

Teacher He frowned. He didn't know what he was worried about, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Did you not get enough rest last night and you were too nervous? Let me play you a song!"

Teacher Huang drove the car with one hand and took out his mobile phone with the other hand to click on the song recorded yesterday.

"Love is a strange thing!"

"I started to lose control of my whole body!"

"Love is a skill!"

"I started to feel like I wasn't even myself!"

Ye Ling's singing voice came from Teacher Huang's mobile phone.

Maybe because it was recorded with the phone's built-in recording software, the sound is not very clear, but it has a relaxing magic.

Teacher He also relaxed and leaned back on his seat with a smile: "Xiaoye's singing skills are very good. If you participate in a singing competition, you will definitely win first place."

Teacher Huang agreed: "That's not true, and Xiaoye is also an original singer, which is much better than me back then!"

"Are you that good? Teacher Huang was very good at singing back then."

"To be honest, although I hate Ye Gou, Ye Gou's singing skills are really strong. At least they are much better than those so-called little fresh meats!"

"Stop talking about those little fresh meats, they are disgusting!"

"It should be said that Ye Gou's singing skills are indeed good, and the song "Write a Poem for You" is original, and it is indeed better than Teacher Huang's back then."

"Oh, I'm just waiting for Ye Gou to record this song and release it!"

"Hot it, Pengpeng, don't be so practical, just pull out a few. Let's go back soon!" Ye Ling shouted while sitting on the side.

Pengpeng pulled out a radish and put it in the basket on his back and said, "Brother Ye, just wait a minute, I'll fill it up soon!"


At this time, Reba suddenly shouted, with a cry in his voice: "Ye Ling, you...come here quickly, a snake bit me."


Upon hearing this, Ye Ling quickly stood up and ran over, then stopped two meters away from the hot bar.

There was a strange white-headed snake with a white head, triangular shape, light brown markings all over the body, and narrow red stripes, less than 1 meter in length, staring at him coldly.

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