Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 18: The Tough Yang Mi (Thanks For The Support!)

"Hey, why are the assistant director and Mr. Liu here? What happened?" Teacher Huang walked in and frowned.

Teacher He also followed, looked at the people in the living room and asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, Sister Reba was bitten by a white-headed viper!" Zhang Zifeng whispered.


Teacher Huang and Teacher He exclaimed, obviously they also knew the toxicity of the white-headed viper.

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, don't worry, I'm fine!"

At this time, Reba washed his face in the bathroom and walked out very weakly.

Teacher He hurried over and asked with concern: "Here, are you really okay? Have you been to the hospital?"

"It's really okay!"

Hot Bar gave a weak smile and walked towards Ye Ling.

Zhang Zifeng also told everything that happened in the meantime.

When they heard Mr. Liu say that it was too late to go to the provincial hospital and there were only the last two hours left in the hot bar, both Teacher Huang and Teacher He became nervous subconsciously.

Fortunately, Zhang Zifeng immediately sent Ye Ling to the mountain to collect herbs, and then came back to make an antidote and told the story of rescuing Reba.

"Scared me!"

Teacher He said thankfully: "On the way to the county, I felt something was going to happen, but I didn't expect it to actually happen. Fortunately, Xiaoye was there so nothing happened!"

"It's all my fault. If I hadn't asked Reba to go to the radish field, nothing like this would have happened. Fortunately, Xiaoye was here, otherwise I would have to live in self-blame for the rest of my life!" Teacher Huang blamed himself.

Hearing this, Ye Ling comforted and said, "Teacher Huang, you don't have to blame yourself. People's lives are destined. This matter has nothing to do with you."

Hot Bar also leaned against Ye Ling, licked the corner of his mouth and said, "Teacher Huang, I'm hungry. If you really blame yourself, why not hurry up and cook a big meal!"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone couldn't help but smile when they heard this. They didn't expect Hot Bar to be so cute and they would never forget to eat it.

"Okay! I'll cook you a big meal right now!"

Teacher Huang walked into the kitchen with a smile, and Zhang Zifeng followed to help.

"Go sit under the pavilion in the yard. We can't stay in this room for the time being!" Ye Ling wrinkled her nose and suggested.

Hearing this, Reba stretched out his hand and pinched him, and said angrily: "I'm going to die. Isn't it all your fault for giving me that kind of food?"

"It's my fault!"

Ye Ling shrugged and asked Sun Honglei and Xiao Yueyue to quickly clean up the area, and then led everyone to sit under the pavilion.

The assistant director also left the mushroom house with Mr. Liu.

"Okay, it's all cleaned up!"

Sun Honglei and Xiao Yueyue came over and found a place to sit down.

"Teacher He, your mushroom house is not authentic. We are guests here, and you actually let the two of us work. It is really not authentic." Xiao Yueyue complained with sweating profusely.

Teacher He smiled and poured a cup of herbal tea for the two of them and said: "Who told you lions to open their mouths so much that they would jump over the wall as soon as they opened their mouths? You really think we are the chefs cooking the state banquet dishes!"

Sun Honglei: "..."

Xiao Yueyue: "..."

Is it their fault that the co-order was too good?

"Haha, the more I look at Xiao Yueyue's aggrieved look, the more cute I find it."

"Xiao Yueyue's chubby face wrinkled, it's so funny."

"Prince Yan is also worried. It's hard to come to the mushroom house. You have to work as soon as you come!"

"Holy shit, it's hot, what are you doing?"

"What the hell, it's hot. Why are you hugging me blindly? Put your hand down quickly. That's because Ye Gou is not a fan of ours."

"Come on, can we be a little more reserved like a goddess?"

Ye Ling looked at the hot bar hanging on his body and was speechless. Why didn't he realize that hot bar was so clingy before?

When Pengpeng saw this scene, he was very envious and said: "Brother Ye, you are an idol!"

"Silly boy, stop looking. You can't learn Xiaoye's skills." Teacher He said with a smile.

Sun Honglei said with emotion: "Indeed, Xiaoye's ability to marry five popular actresses overnight is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"..." Ye Ling thought: "Can I say that it was the five girls who forced me to get married?"

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell!"

At this time, Hot Bar's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Sister Mi's!"

Hot Bar took a look at the caller ID, handed the phone to Ye Ling and said, "I don't dare to answer it, you answer it!"

Ye Ling took the phone and pressed the answer button, "What's the matter with calling?"

"Please heat up your phone, I want to say a few words to her!" Yang Mi had just finished filming and was watching the live broadcast, so she knew it was Ye Ling who answered the phone.

Ye Ling glanced at Reba and refused: "Reba is afraid that you will scold her, so she won't answer your call."

"Okay, I won't scold her, I'll scold you!"

Yang Mi on the other side of the phone took a deep breath, and after thinking for a long time, she started to curse.

"Ye Ling, you bastard, hot bar, but your wife, your conscience has been eaten by a dog, you can actually let her be bitten by a poisonous snake!"

"How do you become a husband? You don't do any work yourself and let your wife do it. Are you still a man?"

"Ye Ling, you are a selfish, profit-seeking, merciless, and cruel bastard. It's been eight lifetimes of bad luck for us to marry you..."

Listening to Yang Mi's curse words on the phone, Ye Ling subconsciously took the phone away.

But just from this distance, Yang Mi's voice on the phone was instantly captured by the drone!

"666, I, Dami Mi, am so powerful that I am confirmed to be the main palace member without a doubt!"

"Dare to scold Ye Gou so harshly? Damimi Juebi is the main palace."

"It's necessary. Except for Da Mimi's aura that can suppress the position of the main palace, the other four girls cannot suppress her at all."

"Da Mi Mi Niu Pi, what you said is absolutely right. If you marry Ye Gou, you will have bad luck for eight lifetimes. Leave now!"

"Leave, our fans support you!"


When Yang Mi heard her own voice in the live broadcast room, she stopped cursing and said, "Ye Ling, please warm up your phone and I'll have a few words with her!"


Ye Ling wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and handed the phone to Hot Bar!

To be honest, he really didn't expect Yang Mi to be so tough, scolding people whenever she wanted, and not even repeating a sentence.

Hot Bar took the phone from Ye Ling and called out solemnly: "Sister Mi!"

Yang Mi calmed down her anger and said in a gentle tone: "Come on, we won't be recording this show anymore. You can go back to Kyoto right away and go to the hospital for a full body checkup."

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