Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 19: Take The Initiative To Warm Up The Bar (Please Support)


Hot Bar stood up immediately and said: "Sister Mi, I don't agree!"

Everyone looked at Reba strangely. They didn't know what Yang Mi said to her, which actually caused her to have such a big reaction.

Hot Bar glanced at Ye Ling, walked to the bathroom in the house with his mobile phone, frowned and said: "Sister Mi, I'm fine now. I don't need to go to the hospital for examination anymore!"

"It doesn't matter what you say whether it's OK or not, only what the hospital says!"

"Then there's no need to leave the program. You can also get checked at the hospital in western Hunan."

"Can the hospitals in Xiangxi be compared with the hospitals in Kyoto? And it's hot. You haven't been home to see your uncle and aunt for more than half a year!"

Yang Mi persuaded: "You made such a big fuss today, do you think your uncle and aunt don't know about it?"

"Your uncles and aunts will definitely pay attention to this show if you participate in The Longing for Life. Your uncles and aunts will also know that you were bitten by a poisonous snake. The reason why they haven't called you is because you have already woken up and are afraid of disturbing your work. It’s hot, do you understand?”

Reba fell silent. She knew what Yang Mi said, but she...

Hot Bar stuck his head out and glanced at Ye Ling outside, sighed and said: "What should the program team do? There was such a big commotion today, and I am on the cusp of the storm again. There is no way the program team will let me go. Leave."

"Don't worry about the program team. Liying seems to be quite free recently. You can ask her to replace you. I believe she and the program team will agree."

"I disagree!"

Reba rejected Yang Mi's proposal without thinking.

Now she and Ye Ling sleep in the same room. If she leaves and Zhao Liying comes, wouldn't Zhao Liying and Ye Ling sleep in the same room and on the same bed?

Although Ye Ling's determination is good, she is worried about Zhao Liying.

"You have to agree even if you don't agree. I've booked your flight ticket at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. That's it!"


The sound of the phone being hung up rang, and Hot Bar walked out very dissatisfied.

"What's wrong with Hot Bar? Why are you not happy when you answer the phone?" Sun Honglei asked.

Hot Bar hugged Ye Ling's arm and said depressedly: "Sister Mi asked me to go back to Kyoto tomorrow morning and go to the hospital in Kyoto for a general examination."

"Really? That Mimi is very thoughtful."

Teacher He agreed: "Come on, you seem to be fine now, but there's no guarantee that there are still toxins left in your body. It's safer to go to the hospital for a full-body checkup."

Teacher Huang came back with a new chopping board and kitchen knife from the directing team, and said with a smile: "I also think Mimi is very thoughtful!"

"But, I don't want to go back!"

Reba looked up at Ye Ling, reached out and hit him, pouted and said: "Hey, you should say something for me!"

Ye Ling said with shame: "What am I saying? Mimi is your boss, so you can do whatever she says!"

Hot bar: "..."

"Brother Ye, it seems that your status in the family is not good. You can't even protect a hot bar!" Xiao Yueyue joked.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Reba glared at Xiao Yueyue angrily, stood up and walked back to the mushroom house.

Xiao Yueyue: "..."

"Haha, yes, Xiao Yueyue lets you talk dirty!"

"Xiao Yueyue really deserves to be criticized this time. This is a family matter. Why are you, an outsider, meddling in it?"

"Xiao Yueyue, you are just like Chen He. You are good at everything, but you have a bad mouth!"

"But Xiao Yueyue is right. Ye Gou's status in the family is probably very low!"

"Haha, at least it's not very tall for my big Mimi."

At noon, Teacher Huang prepared the meals and brought them out.

Ye Ling got up and went upstairs to order a meal at the hot bar.

Reba lay on the bed, opened his hands, and said coquettishly to Ye Ling: "I'm so weak, please carry me down!"

"I see you're not hungry!"

Ye Ling glanced at her and walked straight away.

"Stinky Ye Ling, damn Ye Ling, you can die if you treat me better!"

Reba muttered something to himself, changed his clothes and walked out.

"Wow, Teacher Huang made so many delicious things today!"

As soon as he came to the hot bar, he saw the table full of delicacies, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth and said, "In addition to the lobster and abalone ordered by Xiao Yueyue and Yan Wang, there are also steamed grass carp and magpie's nest corn meat cubes." , Steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce, stewed bamboo chicken with American ginseng, stewed squab with Morinda citrifolia, stewed quail with Codonopsis pilosula and peica root, Teacher Huang, you have worked hard today!"

Teacher Huang smiled and said: "It's not hard, these are precious ingredients sent by the program team to replenish your body. Warm it up and eat it quickly!"

"Then I won't be polite, everyone should hurry up and eat together!"

With that said, Reba reached out and picked up a chopstick of quail meat and put it into his bowl.

When everyone saw that Hot Bar was already using their chopsticks, they all started to eat.

"Well, this is delicious. Ye Ling, please try this!"

"This is not bad, Ye Ling, you should try it too."

"Teacher Huang's craftsmanship is really good, especially this magpie's nest corn meat cubes. Ye Ling, please try it."

Ye Ling: "..."

After the meal, Reba ate a small portion of the meal by himself and put the other half into Ye Ling's bowl.

It can be said that the two of them ate half of the food on the table.

Everyone was speechless about this.

Especially Xiao Yueyue's little look that is full of grievance and resentment, not to mention how heartbreaking it is!

After eating, everyone sat under the pavilion to rest for a while, and then everyone went back to their rooms to take a nap!

Ye Ling was lying on the bed, looking at the hot bar next to him, and frowned: "What happened to you when you were eating just now? Why are you so abnormal?"


Reba turned his back to Ye Ling, bit his lip and hesitated: "Ye Ling, I'm going back to Kyoto tomorrow morning!"


Ye Ling nodded and said: "I know, you have already said it!"

"If nothing else happens, Sister Liying should come over to replace me!"

"That's good. You just happened to be frightened today. You can have a good rest when you return to Kyoto."

Reba was silent for a moment, stood up and pulled the door of the room. After confirming that the door was locked, he returned to the bed.

"Ye Ling, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Don't you...don't want to leave something behind?"

Reba suddenly put his arms around Ye Ling's neck, sat on Ye Ling, looked directly into Ye Ling's eyes and slowly leaned towards her.

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