Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 21: Hot Bar Is About To Leave (Additional Update, Please Support)

Chapter 21

Sun Honglei and others looked at Ye Ling with interest, wanting to know how Ye Ling would answer this question.

Ye Ling looked at Xiao Yueyue calmly, raised his eyebrows and said: "If I choose one of them, then the anger of the remaining three, Xiao Yueyue, do you think they will be angry at me or you!"


Xiao Yueyue thought for a long time, then suddenly waved his hand and said: "I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore, this game can't be played anymore!"

"do not!"

Teacher Huang got excited and said, "I'm here to play. Xiao Yueyue, please get out of the way."

Teacher Huang sat in Xiao Yueyue's seat and started spinning with a pen.

As expected, the pen pointed at Ye Ling again.

"Haha, this pen is going to have trouble with Ye Gou today!"

"Did Ye Gou bully this pen?"

"Ye Gou must be feeling confused right now, I promise!"

"The pen said: Ye Gou has stolen my goddess, and I will fight you to the death today."


Ye Ling said helplessly: "Before I came down, did Pengpeng always get asked questions when he was sitting here?"

Pengpeng scratched his head and said: "Brother Ye, this seat is poisonous, you can't sit on it."

"Xiaoye, don't change the subject. Let me ask you, if Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Jiang Shuying fall into the water at the same time, who will you save first?" Teacher Huang asked.

"Why isn't it hot?" Ye Ling asked.

Xiao Yueyue urged from the side: "Brother Ye, please don't change the subject. Talk quickly, or you can take a big risk."

Ye Ling thought for a long time and asked: "What is the big adventure?"


Xiao Yueyue rubbed his hands and said, "Sorry, the big adventure is that I sit on you and you do ten push-ups."


Ye Ling almost didn't curse.

He looked at Xiao Yueyue's body shape and estimated that he weighed at least two hundred kilograms.

Not to mention Xiao Yueyue carrying more than 200 kilograms on his back, if he did ten of them, he would probably die if he did just one!

"Xiaoye, don't delay, answer the question quickly, or choose a big adventure, and then do ten push-ups with Xiaoyueyue on your back." Teacher Huang said.

"I...I'll save...save..."

Ye Ling hesitated for a long time, then suddenly changed his tone and said, "I won't save anyone, because all four of them can swim and don't need me to save them."

"No, Teacher Huang, he is acting rogue!" Xiao Yueyue was the first to be unwilling.

Sun Honglei also said: "Xiaoye, we are telling the truth or dare, you don't want to be such a shameless person."

Ye Ling shrugged and said, "There is a problem with this question. I can't swim. How can I save it?"


Ye Ling clapped his hands and stood up and said: "I won't play anymore. This position is poisonous. You can play!"


Teacher Huang looked at Pengpeng, but unexpectedly Pengpeng hid behind Teacher He in an instant.

"Come on, little Yueyue, sit down and play!"

Teacher Huang motioned to Xiao Yueyue to sit there, but Xiao Yueyue quickly shook his head and said, "That position is poisonous. Anyone who sits there will be poisoned and die."

Seeing that no one was willing to sit down and play, Teacher Huang shook his head and stood up and said: "Since we don't want to play anymore, let's start working!"

"What kind of work are you doing? Didn't you say there is no work?" Xiao Yueyue said in confusion.

Teacher Huang nodded and said: "Yes, there is no work originally, but you don't play games, so if you are idle, you are idle, you might as well help with some work!"

Seeing this, Ye Ling silently walked up the stairs.

"I knew that as soon as Teacher Huang told me to work, you would definitely come back." Reba rolled his eyes.

Ye Ling closed the door and said with a smile: "I can't help it. Xiao Yueyue and King Yan are guests. It won't look good if I let them do their work while I laze around. Instead, I might as well come up directly!"


Reba suddenly remembered something and said, "I'm leaving tomorrow. Can you accompany me to meet grandma?"


Ye Ling didn't think about it for a moment and asked, "That grandma?"

Reba explained: "It's the old woman who showed us faces. She used to be a goddess."

"Are you going now?"

"Go now, I'm afraid I'll be late and grandma will have a rest!"


Seeing Reba's insistence, Ye Ling didn't say much.

After changing clothes and tidying up in the hot bar, the two of them walked out and spoke to Teacher Huang and the others.

As soon as Teacher Huang and the others heard that they saw the goddess, they immediately put down their work and followed Ye Ling and Reba out.

On the way, Reba's weird walking posture was noticed by everyone, but in the end, Ye Ling put it off by saying that Reba's ankle was bitten by a white-headed viper, and it still hurts a little.

A group of people came to grandma's door.

Reba walked up and knocked on the door and said, "Grandma, is she at home? Grandma, we are here to see you!"

Everyone waited for a long time, but no one in the courtyard responded.

It was grandma's neighbor who came out and said, "Grandma went to the province to have her fortune teller, and she won't be back until tomorrow."

Everyone had no choice but to return to the mushroom house.

Fortunately for Teacher Huang and others, because they have to record the program here, they will stay for a while and are not in a hurry.

But Sun Honglei and Xiao Yueyue will leave tomorrow morning, and it may not be when they come back next time!

In addition, Reba said that grandma was so magical, so it was inevitable that she would be a little disappointed.

After everyone had dinner together in the evening, before ten o'clock, Ye Ling was dragged back to the room by the hot bar!

"Sister Liying is coming tomorrow. She will definitely live here, but you can't have anything to do with her." Reba leaned into Ye Ling's arms and pouted.

Ye Ling touched Hot Bar's hair and teased: "Then what if she is like you today?"

"I don't care. Anyway, you have to be honest with me and you must not have any evil thoughts towards her."

"You know it's hot, it's so passionate that it's beyond my control!"

"Then I will make you emotionless and prevent you from reaching the depths."

Hot Bar gave Ye Ling a charming look and slowly buried her head in the quilt.

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