Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 22: Zhao Liying Was Beaten Down (Fifth Update, Please Support)

The next morning, Ye Ling got up early and drove the hot bar to the airport in person.

"You must miss me!" Reba said reluctantly while holding Ye Ling.

Ye Ling gently tucks Hot Bar's hair: "The plane is about to take off, hurry up and get there!"

Reba hugged Ye Ling and said coquettishly: "Then you promise me that you will never have anything to do with Sister Liying."


Ye Ling nodded and said: "I promise you, hurry up and go through the security check!"

Hot Bar pouted and kissed Ye Ling goodbye, then put on his mask and walked to the security checkpoint with his luggage.

After Hot Bar got on the plane, Ye Ling also drove back to Mushroom House.

"Xiaoye is back. Breakfast is ready. Go wash your hands!" Teacher Huang came out of the kitchen with breakfast.


Ye Ling responded, walked to the bathroom and washed his hands, then came out and started eating breakfast with everyone.

After breakfast, it was time for Sun Honglei and Xiao Yueyue to leave and say goodbye to everyone.

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, Xiaoye, Pengpeng, Zifeng, goodbye!"

"Prince Yan, goodbye Xiao Yueyue, welcome to come again next time, but next time please don't order anything like Buddha Jumping Over the Wall!"

"Pengpeng, you and Zifeng go and see you off!" Teacher He said sadly.

Pengpeng and Zifeng went to see Sun Honglei and Xiao Yueyue away.

Ye Ling and the three of them were sitting under the pavilion, watching their departing figures with a dull look!

"Reba is leaving, and King Yan and Xiao Yueyue are leaving too!" Teacher Huang sighed.

Teacher He's eyes were a little red and he said, "Yes, we finally got together and stayed like this for a day or two. I'm really reluctant to leave!"

Ye Ling watched them leave and smiled and said: "The saddest thing in the world is to be separated by life and death, and separation by life is really much better than separation by death!"

Teacher Huang smiled and said: "Xiao Ye is right, separation by life and death is not something that is difficult to accept compared to separation by death!"

"Teacher Huang, Teacher He, you guys can fight landlords!"

Ye Ling suddenly took out a pair of unopened playing cards from his pocket and said with a smile: "I bought these on the way back from delivering the hot bar. How about two games?"

"Okay, let's play two games!"

Teacher Huang and Teacher He are both masters of Landlord, and they defeated Ye Ling, the landlord, in two games in a row, leaving nothing behind.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Pengpeng to come back, and Ye Ling immediately saw the savior.

"Come on, Pengpeng, come and play two games with Teacher Huang and Teacher He!"

Ye Ling stood up and pulled Pengpeng to his seat and sat down.

"Brother Ye, I can't do it. I'm not good at playing!" Pengpeng felt a little embarrassed.

Ye Ling said indifferently: "It's okay, it's just for entertainment, there's no shame in losing."

"Dingle bell! Dingle bell!"

At this moment, the phone in the mushroom house suddenly rang.

"I'll answer the phone!"

As soon as Pengpeng heard the phone ringing, he stood up and ran over.

Seeing this, Teacher He smiled and said: "Pengpeng doesn't know if he had any side effects from answering the phone last season. Now whenever he hears a call, he rushes over to answer it."

Teacher Huang shuffled the cards and said: "Come on, Xiaoye, don't pay attention to Zifeng, just sit here and play two more games with us two!"

"I shouldn't have bought this playing card!"

Ye Ling shook his head and sat down.

"Brother Ye!"

Pengpeng suddenly shouted from the room: "The phone number is for you."

"Looking for me?"

Ye Ling frowned and stood up and walked over, took the phone from Pengpeng and said, "Hello, I'm Ye Ling!"

"Ye Ling, I've got off the plane, come and pick me up!" Zhao Liying's voice came from the phone.

Ye Ling asked in confusion: "Didn't the program team pick you up?"

"No, they said you would come pick me up."

"Okay, there is a milk tea shop next to the airport. You can wait for me there. I should be there in an hour and a half."

After Ye Ling hung up the phone, he spoke to Teacher Huang and the others and drove towards the airport.

When he arrived at the milk tea shop next to the airport, he did not see Zhao Liying.

"Where are the people?"

Ye Ling looked around and couldn't find anyone, so he took out his cell phone, found Zhao Liying's number and dialed it.


Behind Ye Ling, a tightly wrapped woman wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses, holding a cup of milk tea in her hand, quietly reached out and patted his shoulder.

Ye Ling's eyes turned cold, and he subconsciously reached out to grab her back. At the same time, he turned around and punched the woman in the stomach.


The woman screamed and fell to the ground. The milk tea she bought specially for Ye Ling immediately fell all over the floor.

"Zhao Liying?"

Ye Ling's brain crashed on the spot!

He never thought that his subconscious precautions would actually punch one of his wives, Zhao Liying, to the ground!

The girl at the milk tea shop looked at Ye Ling in horror and silently took out her mobile phone to dial the police.

"Uh... you are going to die, beating your wife like this!" Zhao Liying lay on the ground with a pale face, covering her stomach with both hands in great pain.

Ye Ling also came to her senses and quickly helped her up and apologized: "I'm sorry, I just subconsciously thought..."

"Why don't you take me away quickly? If this continues, do you want people all over the country to know that you, Ye Ling, are domestically abusing your wife in public?" Zhao Liying said with pain on her face.

Ye Ling looked up at the crowd who had noticed it, quickly picked up Zhao Liying, then carried her suitcase to the parking lot.

After putting Zhao Liying in the car, Ye Ling reached out and felt her pulse.

"Huh, okay, it's nothing serious!" Ye Ling breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of causing problems for Zhao Liying!

After all, he was taking precautions subconsciously just now, and he didn't do anything lightly or harshly. Zhao Liying is a delicate girl, so if something really goes wrong, she will be in trouble!

"No big deal?"

Zhao Liying stared at Ye Ling and said angrily: "You gave me domestic violence as soon as we met. Isn't this a big deal? Ye Ling, you are really capable. Fortunately, I bought you a cup of milk tea just now." "


Ye Ling said speechlessly: "I didn't mean it. Besides, you said you could just wait for me there. You have to hide and play hide-and-seek."

"I was punched by you, and now I blame myself?" Zhao Liying asked confused.

Ye Ling went out to put the luggage in the car, then put the car key in and said with a smile: "If you insist on saying that, although I don't agree with it, I certainly won't object."

Zhao Liying: "..."

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