Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 23: I, Zhao Liying, Don’T Want To Lose Face (Sixth Update, Please Add Flowers For Collection

"Didn't I hear you say that you just took on a movie to be filmed? How come you have time to come here to participate in a variety show?"

On the way, Ye Ling asked boredly.

Zhao Liying played with her mobile phone and said: "The drama didn't come to an agreement in the end. Plus, Mimi felt bad for Reba and wanted Reba to have a good rest. The life she longed for has become so popular recently, so I came here!"

"Is the longing for life very popular recently?" Ye Ling asked, he really didn't pay much attention to it.

"Look! The top five hot searches on Weibo are basically related to the life you long for."

Zhao Liying opened Weibo and handed the phone to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling reached out and took the phone and took a look.

"A white-headed viper appeared in the life I longed for, and it was fatally bitten in Hot Bar!"

"Ye Ling shows off his power and kills white-headed vipers live on live broadcast."

"The goddess suddenly revealed the life she longed for."


As Zhao Liying said, the top five hot searches on Weibo are all related to the life you long for.

However, these did not make Ye Ling too concerned. What really caught his attention were the following two hot searches.

"The Animal Protection Association angrily denounced Ye Ling's live broadcast of killing the white-headed viper."

"Zhao Liying protects her husband in a domineering manner and angrily attacks the Animal Protection Association."

In fact, Zhao Liying was not the only one to criticize the Animal Protection Association. The four Yang Mi girls also posted on Weibo to criticize the Animal Protection Association.

However, none of them ranked among the top ten hot searches. Only Zhao Liying ranked seventh.

Ye Ling returned the phone to Zhao Liying and said in a sincere tone: "Thank you!"

Zhao Liying took the phone and said arrogantly: "Why are you my man now? They bully you like this. I don't want to lose face!"

Ye Ling smiled and said nothing. He really didn't expect Zhao Liying to be so arrogant!


Zhao Liying suddenly remembered something and asked, "Have you finished the song I asked you to write for me before?"


Ye Ling nodded and said, "I can give it to you anytime you want it."

"Then give me your card number and I'll have someone transfer the money to you!"

"No, just think of the song as being given to you by me!"


Zhao Liying didn't believe it. Although one million was not much to her, it was not a small amount of money to Ye Ling. What's more, in her opinion, Ye Ling was a person who was blind to money.

How could he give up a million so easily?


Ye Ling said as a matter of course: "Whether I am apologizing to you for what happened today or thanking you for what happened on Weibo, this million is nothing less."

"Why do I feel like I'm at a loss?"

Zhao Liying rubbed her slightly painful stomach, thought for a while and said, "Is this good? I still bought this song for one million, and then you gave it to me for free in order to express your apology and gratitude to me." How about the first one?"

"I'm afraid you're not daydreaming about eating shit, but you're thinking about good things!" Ye Ling rolled his eyes and ignored her, stepped on the accelerator hard, and headed towards the mushroom house at full speed.

At the same time, today's guests Zhang Jie and his wife were also on their way to the mushroom house.

"Hey! Is this Xiaopengpeng? I'm your lovely sister Taiyang!" Xie Na dialed the number of Mushroom House while sitting in the car, speaking in a weird accent.

Zhang Jie was speechless and said: "Then is it really okay for you to bully Pengpeng like this?"

"Oh, you're just teasing him!"

Xie Na took the phone and said: "I don't have anything to eat. I just like puppies lately. Just bake one of the pots and pans for me!"

In the Mushroom House, Pengpeng listened to Xie's unreliable words and called Teacher He over and said, "Teacher He is a person who calls herself Sister Sun. She wants us to bake one of the pots and pans for her."

"Sister Sun?"

Teacher He thought for a moment and picked up the phone with a smile and said, "Nana is here. Is Zhang Jie here too?"

"Haha! Teacher He recognized me!"

Xie Na said something to Zhang Jie, then took his mobile phone and said, "I am Teacher He. Brother Jie and I are here. You have to treat us well!"

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"Brother Jie said, as the locals do, we will eat whatever you want, as long as we don't go hungry."

"Well, don't worry, I won't starve you."

After hanging up the phone, Teacher He walked out with a smile on his face.

"What's wrong, who is the guest here? Are you so happy?" Teacher Huang asked.

Teacher He said happily: "Nana and Zhang Jie are here, and they didn't order any food. They just do as the Romans do. What we eat, they eat."

"Really, that's great!"

Teacher Huang is also very happy, so he only needs to make some home-cooked dishes, and he doesn't have to go to so much trouble!


Ye Ling parked the car at the director's group, got out of the car and took out Zhao Liying's suitcase.

Zhao Liying also got out of the car, took a breath of the fresh air only found in the countryside, and sighed: "The countryside is better, even the air is so fresh."

"Okay, stop feeling so emotional. You can't write a poem even if you feel emotional!"

As Ye Ling said this, he put the suitcase into Zhao Liying's hand, then stretched and walked towards the mushroom house.

"Ye Ling, don't leave, help me carry the box over!" Zhao Liying shouted to Ye Ling.

Ye Ling waved his hands behind him and said, "Do your own thing. This is called self-reliance. Our teachers have taught us since childhood."

"Hey! I'm still not your wife. Can you be more responsible as a husband?"

"Damn Ye Ling, I am your wife, can you help your wife carry her suitcase?"

"Ah~ I swear, I must have blown up the galaxy in my previous life by marrying you."

Zhao Liying watched Ye Ling leave. She could only stamp her feet angrily and followed him with a box.

Ye Ling stood at the door of the mushroom house and waited for Zhao Liying to come over, then stretched out her hand to open the door and walked in together.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Pengpeng and Zhang Zifeng, squatting in the yard and playing with pots and pans and four little Shiba Inu dogs.

"Pengpeng, Zifeng, hello!" Zhao Liying greeted with a smile.

As soon as Zhao Liying came in, there were more barrages in the live broadcast room.

"Wow, Zhao Liying is here too!"

"Didn't Hot Bar say that she would go back to Kyoto for a physical check-up? Zhao Liying should be her replacement."

"I'm crying, Zhao Xiaogu, what are you doing here? You will definitely be tortured by Ye Gou when you come here!"

"He brewed it. When the people above said that, I was in a good mood when I saw Zhao Xiaogu, but I suddenly felt bad!"

"Damn, this show is run by Ye Gou, right? He called Zhao Xiaogu over just after the hot bar left. Are you afraid that no one will warm the bed at night?"

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