Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 24: Thank You For Zhang Jie’S Arrival (Please Support)

Ye Ling took a look at the room, and when he saw that Teacher Huang was not there, he asked, "Pengpeng, where are Teacher Huang and Teacher He, have they gone to the county to buy ingredients?"

"No, they went to the village to pick vegetables!"

While explaining, Pengpeng took the initiative to take the suitcase from Zhao Liying and said: "Sister Liying, let me help you take it up!"

"Thank you Pengpeng!"

Zhao Liying thanked her, rolled her eyes at Ye Ling and said, "Look at how gentlemanly Pengpeng is, and then look at you."

Ye Ling ignored her, looked at Zhang Zifeng and asked, "Zifeng, who is the guest this time?"

Zhang Zifeng thought for a while and said, "It seems to be that sister and Brother Jie."

Zhao Liying wanted to follow Pengpeng up to pack her luggage, but suddenly she heard Zhang Zifeng say thank you, and immediately walked back and asked, "Is that sister here too?"

"Are you familiar with it?" Ye Ling asked.

"Of course!"

Zhao Liying said: "That sister and I are sworn sisters!"

"Let's not talk about this for now. I'll go up and pack my luggage first, and I'll tell you later."

After saying that, Zhao Liying walked towards the house.

After she went upstairs to pack her luggage and came down, Xie Na and Zhang Jie had arrived at the mushroom house and were standing in the yard talking.

Zhao Liying looked at Xie Na blankly and said in disbelief: "Is that sister you?"

"Liying is me!" Xie Na suddenly exclaimed.

The two girls, Zhao Liying and Xie Na, stared at each other affectionately, slowly walked toward each other, and deliberately slowed down their movements.

It's like the meeting of the fateful male and female protagonists in Qiong Yao's drama.

Seeing this, Ye Ling silently turned his head away, only to find that Zhang Jie, like him, couldn't bear to see such a bloody scene again.

"Brother Jie, I'm sorry. Li Ying's head was caught by the door a few days ago, so it's inevitable that she will make some mistakes." Ye Ling said embarrassedly.

Zhang Jie also smiled bitterly and said: "It's the same with our family, they often make mistakes intermittently."

"Haha, Ye Gou and Zhang Jie, these two miserable people, have married some weird wives."

"Ye Gou is a little better. Besides Zhao Liying, he has four wives. It's just a pity for my brother Jie. I only have one wife like him, and he still commits crimes intermittently."

"Haha, I heard before that Zhao Xiaogu and Xie Na became sworn sisters. Now it seems that they are a perfect match!"

"Zhao Xiaogu and Xie Na, is it really okay for you two to abandon your husbands like this?"


Zhao Liying suddenly stopped, pointed at Xie Na's shoes and said in surprise: "Sister, your shoelaces are untied!"

Xie Na: "..."

"No, at such a crucial and beautiful moment of reunion, Liying, did you suddenly mention my shoelaces? Is it okay?" Xie Na looked depressed.


Zhao Liying smiled and asked: "Sister, why do you have time to come here?"

"You got married without saying a word. I'm not allowed to come here to inspect your brother-in-law for you!" Xie Na said as he knelt down to tie his shoelaces.

Zhao Liying glanced at Ye Ling and asked, "How was the inspection?"

"It's not bad, just a little bit worse than my brother Jie." Xie Na said, holding out a little thumb.

Hearing this, Ye Ling looked at Zhang Jie and asked, "Brother Jie, is that sister always so narcissistic?"

Zhang Jie looked at Xie Na and said dotingly: "Nana is always like this, like a child, a little childish but also very entertaining."

"It seems that you have true love for that sister!"

Ye Ling smiled and said, "Let's go, let the two of them talk here. I'll help you get your luggage up first!"

"Pengpeng, come here and help Brother Jie carry their luggage up." Ye Ling shouted to Pengpeng.


After hearing this, Pengpeng quickly ran over and helped Zhang Jie carry the suitcase up.

"The room is a bit small, but it's only for one day. Brother Jie, can you check it out?" Ye Ling led Zhang Jie to the room where the guests stayed.

Zhang Jie looked at it and said, "That's it, okay? It's just for one night anyway, and we are guests, not for inspection, so there is no need to pay so much attention."

"Nacheng, then Brother Jie, please clean up first. If you need anything, just ask. Pengpeng and I will go down first!"

After Ye Ling finished speaking, he led Pengpeng away.

At this time, Zhao Liying and Xie Na also ended their chat and were squatting on the ground with Zhang Zifeng playing with a little Shiba Inu.

Ye Ling looked at it but couldn't name it. Anyway, he only knew it was one of the pots and pans.

"Woof woof!"

Seeing Ye Ling and Pengpeng coming down, the little Shiba Inu barked and ran behind them, looking at the three girls warily.

"Little Guo'er, come back quickly and come to sister!" Zhao Liying waved to it seductively.

"Woof woof!"

All she got back was two dog barks, and Xiao Guo'er still looked at them warily.

"Pengpeng, put it back in the dog pen. I'm afraid if it continues like this, it will die today!" Ye Ling said with a smile.

When Zhao Liying heard this, she rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "Why are you talking? It's as if the three of us can still eat it."

"I'm quite willing if you eat him, just in time to eat the remaining three!" Ye Ling smiled and walked to the pavilion on the side, pouring himself a cup of herbal tea.

"By the way, brother-in-law, Liying posted on Weibo the day before yesterday that you also wrote a song for her. What kind of song is it? Is it as romantic as "Write a Poem for You" by Hot Bar? If not, then I won't agree to it. Ah!" Xie Na suddenly mentioned songwriting.

Ye Ling was stunned for a moment, glanced at Zhao Liying and asked, "Do you want to listen now?"

Zhao Liying shook her head and said: "No, listen to it at night, that way you will feel better!"

It’s not that she has to wait until night to listen, but when Ye Ling sang to Hot Bar before, there were stars in the sky and candles and red hearts below. How romantic!

When it came to her, she just let Ye Ling sing the song. She didn't care, but her fans definitely couldn't explain it.

"Oh well!"

Ye Ling shrugged, it didn't matter to him, it was just a song anyway.

"Hey, then that's coming, Li Ying is coming too!"

At this time, Teacher Huang and Teacher He also returned to the mushroom house carrying a large bag of vegetables.

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