"Teacher Huang, Teacher He!" Zhao Liying greeted with a smile.

Xie Na was happy to see Teacher He and said, "Long time no see, Teacher He!"

"Of course, there is also Teacher Huang who I haven't seen for a long time and miss you very much."

Teacher Huang picked up a big bag of vegetables in his hand and said with a smile: "Then if you really miss it, just come here a few more times. It's best not to order every time, so that I can cook easily." many."

"Teacher Huang, let me help you!"

Zhao Liying walked over and helped Teacher Huang take the dishes into the kitchen.

"Teacher Huang, now that Liying is here, you won't be so tired from cooking. Our Liying is also an expert at cooking. My brother-in-law should know this well!" Xie Na looked at Ye Ling said.

Ye Ling nodded and said, "Indeed, Liying's cooking is quite delicious."

"Then I don't dare to let Li Ying cook for me. If the oil and water in the oil pan burns Li Ying again, then Xiaoye, you still have to fight me!" Teacher Huang walked into the kitchen teasingly. .

After a while, Zhang Jie packed her luggage and walked downstairs. She greeted Teacher Huang and Teacher He respectively, and then sat next to Xie Na.

"Ye Ling, does your song "Write a Poem for You" only have a guitar version? I think it would sound better when played on the piano." As soon as Zhang Jie sat down, she took Ye Ling to discuss music.

Ye Ling glanced at him in surprise. She didn't expect that Zhang Jie's musical literacy was so high that she could actually hear that his song "Write a Poem for You" should be played on the piano.

"It's true that it sounds better to play on the piano, but it's a pity that there is only a guitar and no piano in the mushroom house, otherwise I would have played on the piano that day!" Ye Ling nodded.

"That's really a pity. I really like your song "Write a Poem for You"."


Zhang Jie suddenly asked: "When will you record that song? I want to hear the piano version."

Ye Ling took a sip of the herbal tea in the cup and said with a smile: "This song only belongs to Reba. I wrote it specifically for her, so I will only sing it to her."

"Tsk tsk!"

Xie Na smacked his lips when he heard this and said, "No wonder our Li Ying will marry you. There are only a few women in the world who can stand your mouth!"

"Sister, I don't agree with what you say!"

Ye Ling was silent for a long time, then suddenly stood up with the herbal tea in his hand, turned around and looked at the scenery of the mountains outside, and said with high spirits: "Excuse me, in this world, besides Li Ying and the other five, how many women are there that I, Ye Ling, can see?" Up?"

"So handsome!"

Zhang Zifeng stared at Ye Ling's back blankly.

Pengpeng looked at Ye Ling with admiration and murmured: "You are domineering, as a grown man should be."

"Ye Ling, come and help!"

At this time, Zhao Liying suddenly shouted in the kitchen.

"Okay, here we go."

Ye Ling put down the herbal tea in her hand and walked towards the kitchen.

Zhang Zifeng: "..."

Pengpeng: "..."

Xie Na: "..."

Zhang Jie: "..."

"Holy crap, are you mistaken? Where is your peerless hero style, Ye Gou?"

"Damn it, I don't know why, but when I saw the high-spirited Ye Gou just now, I suddenly didn't dislike him so much!"

"Not just because I'm not disgusted, I'm already a fan of Ye Gou, but he actually did this to me."

"No way, Ye Gou's sudden show off has broken my waist."

"Ye Gou is a Tibetan Mastiff who bites anyone outside and even dares to kill white-headed vipers. But he turns into a bitch when he gets to his wife?"

"It's time to say it or not. What Zhao Liying said just now, coming to help, is really domineering."

Ye Ling walked to the kitchen, looked at Zhao Liying who was cutting vegetables and asked, "What can I do for you? Just ask. I don't know how to do it anyway."

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes and said: "I know you can't do it, and I didn't want you to help cook. Just stay here and save yourself the hassle of bragging with that sister and the others outside."

Ye Ling was naturally very happy about this. He found a stool and sat down, then took out his mobile phone and started playing.

Teacher Huang smiled at the side and said: "With such a virtuous wife as Li Ying, Xiaoye, I am afraid you have already begun to enjoy happiness at home!"

"No, he is a big man at home. He doesn't even do stupid things, and five of us have to wait for him every day." Zhao Liying said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Ye Ling looked at Zhao Liying with a confused look on her face.

Although he is lazy, he is a little lazy, but he is not that exaggerated. He wants five of them to serve him. How come he doesn't know about this?

"Oh, this lie is as good as mine. Sure enough, a woman's mouth is a liar. The ancients never deceived me."

Ye Ling curled his lips, and then focused on the game on his phone again.

Soon, Zhao Liying and Teacher Huang prepared lunch.

"Okay, Ye Ling, please bring the dishes out!" Zhao Liying said with a smile on her face as she looked at the dishes she had prepared.

Ye Ling raised his eyebrows and asked as if he didn't hear clearly: "Did you just ask me to serve the food?"

Zhao Liying blinked and asked, "That's right, isn't it?"

"Okay, you big-headed devil!"

Ye Ling ignored her, just stood up and shouted outside: "Brother Jie, Pengpeng, the dishes are served!"


Zhang Jie and Pengpeng responded, then stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Look, sometimes things are just that simple!" Ye Ling said, spreading his hands.

Zhao Liying: "..."

"Liying, you expect Xiaoye to serve you food, it will never be possible in this life!" Teacher Huang smiled and picked up a plate of food and walked out.

"You're so lazy!"

Zhao Liying glared at Ye Ling fiercely, picked up a plate of dishes and walked out.

Ye Ling reached out and clasped his ears, frowning and said, "Why do you seem to have heard this sentence somewhere?"

"Forget it, never mind!"

Ye Ling shook his head, went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and then walked out.

"Come, let's drink to the arrival of Li Ying, the arrival of Nana and Zhang Jie!"




"By the way, Xiaoye, there may be no nap time today. We have tasks to do in the afternoon." Teacher He said while eating.

Ye Ling put down her chopsticks and asked, "Do I have to do it?"

"It's not that you have to go, but I think this mission is quite interesting, so I want you to go with them."

"What mission?"

"Teaching, being a teacher!"

pc: Brothers, the author is working hard to update every day. The minimum limit is 10,000 words every day. I beg for flowers and review votes to reward praise.

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