Entertainment: I Don’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 26: Go To School To Be A Teacher

"Let Ye Gou be a teacher? Teacher He, are you serious, or are you asking Ye Gou to teach students how to pick up girls?"

"Seriously, if Ye Gou is willing to teach how to pick up girls, then I will immediately buy a plane ticket and attend the class."

"Actually, Ye Gou is not that unbearable. At least the professor of our music department felt very ashamed after hearing the song Ye Gou sang for Hot Bar."

"Ye Gou's guitar is also very good. At least I, who have been immersed in guitar for more than ten years, can't keep up with him."

"There is also Ye Gou's medical skills. If Ye Gou is not proficient in medical skills, he will never dare to feed Reba or drink the venom glands of the rotten poisonous scorpion. Drinking that thing is very fatal."

"Uh...what the hell, Ye Gou stole our goddess, why are you still praising him?"

In the afternoon, Ye Ling, Zhao Liying, Xie Na and Zhang Zifeng walked towards the school in the village under the leadership of Teacher He.

Because Pengpeng and Zhang Jie had no interest in it, they stayed in Mushroom House and even forced Teacher Huang to stay with them. They nicknamed it: "Fighting Landlords, Three Missing One".

"Is this the school in the village? It has one office and five small classrooms. It looks very similar to the school I had when I was a child." Zhao Liying looked around after arriving at the school.

Zhang Zifeng asked curiously: "Sister Liying, was the school you went to when you were a child so shabby?"

"Not only when I was a child, almost all schools in our rural areas were like this."

Zhao Liying thought of her childhood days and smiled and said: "Actually, Zifeng, you guys born after 2000 are considered a very lucky generation!"

"What Li Ying said is absolutely right. How could we compare back then to now!" Xie Na also agreed.

Zhang Zifeng nodded and said: "It seems that we are still very lucky."

"Teacher He, you are here so early!"

At this time, a well-dressed middle-aged man with bright eyes walked out of the office.

"Principal Gao, aren't we thinking of coming here early and making preparations in advance? Don't start teaching by then, and it will be bad if we are at a loss!"

After Teacher He finished speaking, he introduced everyone: "This is the school's Principal Gao. Principal Gao and the others are Ye Ling, Zhao Liying, Xie Na, and Zhang Zifeng. They are all today's substitute teachers."


Principal Gao extended his hand to say hello, then glanced at the time and said, "Teacher He, I don't have much time. I have to go to the county later, so I'll quickly introduce to you the situation of our school!"

Teacher He nodded and said, "Please tell me!"

"Our school is the only primary school in the village. There are five classes in total, from grade one to grade five. Classes start at one o'clock every afternoon. Each class lasts forty-five minutes, with a fifteen-minute break. At four forty in the afternoon School is over on Friday, and the students’ parents will pick them up then.”

After Principal Gao finished speaking, he added, "I'll take you to the office first. You can decide how to allocate them specifically."

"Okay, please!"

Teacher He led Ye Ling and his team and followed Principal Gao to the small office.

"Teacher He, this is a textbook for grades one to five. The articles you want to teach have been marked. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. If you have anything, please call me anytime." Principal Gao said goodbye. .

After Principal Gao left, Ye Ling picked up a fifth-grade textbook and read it, then threw it aside and said, "Teacher He, leave the fifth-grade students to me!"

"Teacher He, I will teach the fourth grade students."

"Then I teach third grade."

"Well, it looks like I can only teach second grade!"

After a while, Ye Ling and the four of them had all assigned their time.

Ye Ling teaches fifth grade, Xie Na teaches fourth grade, Zhang Zifeng teaches third grade, and Zhao Liying teaches second grade.

The first grade, the youngest and most difficult to manage, was left to Teacher He.

"You guys!"

Teacher He smiled bitterly and shook his head. If he could, he would rather teach the naughtiest fifth grade than teach the most difficult to manage first grade.

"Hehe, Mr. He, you used to be a university teacher. You will definitely have no problem teaching a group of first-year students."

"Yes, the first-year students are in your hands, and they must be trained by you to behave well."

"Teacher He, we believe in you."

Amidst the compliments from everyone, Teacher He couldn't help but feel a little elated, and agreed: "That's it, I still don't believe that I can't conquer a group of children!"

After saying that, Teacher He picked up the first-grade textbook and started preparing in advance.

Seeing this, Zhao Liying and her three daughters also picked up their textbooks and began to study.

Only Ye Ling leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, showing no intention of preparing in advance.

"Ye Ling, aren't you getting ready in advance?" Zhao Liying asked Ye Ling.

"what to prepare?"

Ye Ling opened his eyes and looked at her, and asked: "We don't have a classroom qualification certificate, and we have never taught students or been teachers. We don't know how to teach. What else should we prepare?"

Zhao Liying was stunned by Ye Ling's series of questions!

"Brother Ye, what do you mean?" Zhang Zifeng asked.


Ye Ling snapped his fingers and said: "If you don't teach them what's in the textbook, you'll save yourself trouble if you teach them the wrong thing later. Anyway, we're just here to replace the afternoon temporarily. We can let them study on their own or play with them for a while." Afternoon games, just make sure they are in school."

"Of course, what I'm talking about doesn't include Teacher He."

Ye Ling turned to look at Teacher He again and said, "Mr. He, you used to be a university teacher. You know how to teach, so just follow your instructions."

"Shit, shit! What does Ye Gou mean? Are you trying to be lazy again?"

"Um...why do I think what Ye Gou said seems pretty good? The four of them don't have teacher qualification certificates and have never taught. If they teach the wrong students, they will be in trouble!"

"I feel the same way. Students of this age have strong learning ability. If they really make a mistake in teaching, it will be difficult to correct them!"

"I won't listen, I won't listen, the bastard is chanting sutras, I won't listen..."


At one o'clock in the afternoon, all the children in the school came to school from home on time and sat on the stools in their classrooms, waiting for class.

"Let's go!"

Ye Ling stood up and walked out of the office without even looking at the textbooks.

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