"Amazing! Xu Qing's song has immersed my whole soul in it!"

"Too crazy, this song is so good, I have to learn it even if my voice is broken!"

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful!"

"It's like my soul is out of my body, wandering in the world created by Xu Qing's song!"

"Xu Qing, my god——!"


The audience at the Kyoto concert was almost generous in their comments on Xu Qing's song!

"Fukua" is really a classic and beautiful song!

Especially with Xu Qing's perfect voice, the picture is fully drawn!

It can be said that Xu Qing doesn't look like a singer at all, and even like a professional music instructor!

The audience in the audience reminisced about Xu Qing's singing of "Fukua".

The strong sense of shock brought them an unspeakable resonance!

At the same time, a short video about Xu Qing's new song "Fukua" appeared on the Internet Weibo!

[You think I am exaggerating, I am exaggerating because I am afraid]

[If I am like wood or stone, will I get attention?]

[Actually, I am afraid of being forgotten, so I will just magnify it and act it out]


It was just a short picture of less than 20 seconds, but it instantly captured the hearts of everyone who saw it!

"Fuck? This song of Xu Qing is too emotional, right?"

"The name "Fukua" sounds good!"

"Why does Xu Qing's song make me want to cry?"

"No, no, why didn't I buy tickets for Xu Qing's concert? I really want to go to the scene to listen to Xu Qing sing this song!"

"I didn't expect Xu Qing to write such a Cantonese song!"


Sure enough, as part of the content of this song "Fukua" was released, everyone on the Internet was extremely looking forward to it!

They even kept refreshing major music apps, urging Jiaxing Entertainment to hurry up?

Didn't they agree that they would upload and release it after Xu Qing's concert?

How can you make money and still be so slow? !

You know, the copyright of Longguo music is very expensive!

One song costs ten yuan!

Although it is a lifetime binding, it is still quite expensive!

However, it is precisely because the price of a song in this world is expensive that the entertainment industry can be promoted more vigorously.

In Blue Star, even the tickets to the cinema are twice as expensive as those on the original Earth!

Of course, there will be many subsidy policies on the official side.

Therefore, in fact, many high-priced entertainment and cultural industries are partially paid for by the powerful Longguo official behind them.

Soon... under the attention of everyone... this song "Fukua" was finally launched!

It took less than a minute for this song to log in to major APPs, and the download volume had exceeded 10 million!

Not to mention other entertainment and cultural companies, even Jiaxing Entertainment Culture itself was stunned!

What the hell?

Is this damn Xu Qing printing money?

This is too exaggerated!

What's more terrifying is that although this song "Fukua" broke through the 10 million level within one minute, the download speed did not slow down at all!

Instead, it is attacking the top ten songs on the new song chart this month at an increasingly faster rate!

Although, the top ten songs are all Xu Qing's own songs...

All the entertainment and cultural companies that are watching tonight are stunned!

The kind of envious tears...

This fucking Xu Qing can more than support a company?

This fucking can support an industrial park!

Look at the money-losing guys in his family...

Why is the gap between people so big?

There is another point that they can't understand at all. With Xu Qing's talent and the quality of his new songs, he can go out and work alone!

Why, he still has to stay in Jiaxing Entertainment Culture?

It's hard not to say that Xu Qing has some purpose!

For example, he has a special hobby likes his boss...

How else to explain it?

They have received a lot of news. Many companies have offered sky-high prices and even invited Xu Qing to come as a partner, but he is unwilling.

He even doesn't give the other party a chance to talk!

Outrageous, too outrageous!

Watching the new song list, this song "Fukua" rose rapidly at the speed of an airplane!

In the blink of an eye, it has already made it into the top three of the new song list!

There are only two songs ahead of it.

The first one is "In the Name of the Father", and the second one is "Mountain and River Map"!

Finally, after reaching the third place, the rise of "Fukua" slowly slowed down.

But the gap with the top two is not much!

However, after all, this song is justIt has just been released, and there may be room for continued growth!

Jiaxing Entertainment Culture is naturally very happy about this result!

The better the performance of Xu Qing's Kyoto concert, the more secure their next action plan will be.

Only when those in power see Xu Qing's talent and the potential of Jiaxing Entertainment, will they naturally come forward...

On the Internet, Weibo is even more explosive!

The song "Fukua" made countless people's eyes red!

Xu Qing's song is really good!

Although he is only 20 years old, he is not immature at all!

Whether in writing lyrics, composing music, or even in the final singing, this song "Fukua" is fully expressed!

#No way, it's 2024 and no one has heard "Fukua"? #

#What? "Fukua" is not the last song of Xu Qing's Kyoto concert? #

#Behind "Fukua", the bitterness of the little people#

#Tonight, let's sing "Fukua" together! #


On Weibo, as the hot searches topped the screen, everyone was happily posting their comments under the major hot searches.

At this moment, the Weibo company in Kyoto was facing a great enemy!

Originally, Xu Qing's Jincheng concert could be said to have witnessed the shameful night of Weibo!

That night, every time Xu Qing released a new song, Weibo was paralyzed!

Netizens laughed at it for half a month!

In order to cope with this Kyoto concert, they had already expanded and optimized!

In order to ensure that they could cope with the crazy increase in the number of visitors to Xu Qing's concert hot searches!

However, with Xu Qing's new songs one after another, the entire Weibo server was still a little overwhelmed!

What's more terrible is...Xu Qing actually has another song!

It's easy to guess that the last song left by Xu Qing is probably the real 'main course' of tonight!

At this moment, all of their technical staff are facing a formidable enemy, and they have only one idea in their mind!

"Weibo, hold on!"

"Don't let netizens laugh at you again!"


In fact, it's not just Weibo that thinks so. There is already a hot discussion on Weibo's hot search about what Xu Qing will sing in his last song!

No matter what Xu Qing will sing, it must be a song of very high quality, there is no doubt about it!

It may even be more terrible than any song Xu Qing has sung so far!

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