
"I'll give you a song called "Never Left"..."

"I hope you like it!"


As Xu Qing started singing on the stage, Deng Ziqi, who had been waiting backstage, became a little nervous.

It wasn't because Xu Qing's song "Never Left" was also a very nice and difficult song.

It's just...

According to the performance plan arranged before, after Xu Qing finished singing this song, it was her turn to perform!

I didn't expect that my first time would be dedicated to Xu Qing...

No, Deng Ziqi blushed slightly,

It should be said that it was my first time to sing on the concert stage.

Especially at the concert in the Bird's Nest...

And in front of so many people...!

How could she not be very excited when she thought that she was about to go on stage and sing "Mountain and River Map" with Xu Qing? !

At this moment...

The audience at the concert naturally didn't know about this. They just exclaimed again after hearing Xu Qing's voice.

"Never Left?"

"Fuck, it's a new song again, right?"

"Numb, numb, numb..."


Although the audience had already expected it, they were still amazed that Xu Qing was not only a lyricist, but also a poet...

Suddenly Xu Qing said that he was going to sing a new song again!

This kind of surprise is simply one wave after another, who can resist it? !

Obviously, this "Never Left" is not in Xu Qing's lyrics book at all,

Because before tonight, Xu Qing did not have a song with this name!

Not surprisingly, even with the strange and beautiful prelude, everyone knew it very well.

This is definitely another new song of Xu Qing!

As the prelude of this song sounded at the concert, everyone fell silent.

They really want to know...

How ingenious is this song!

After all, although Xu Qing has been preventing them from singing together, he never perfunctorily does things.

His songs are always full of surprises!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xu Qing finally spoke, and his voice was heard in the Bird's Nest concert venue!

[I have loved and lost]

[I have tasted the sweetness and bitterness of love]

[Get rid of the tricks of fate]

[I know what I want]

[There is an unspeakable touch]

[Use all emotions to merge]

[Why bother to think in vain]

[What is worthwhile in this world]

[If there is no you]


This time, the lyrics of the new song finally returned to normal!

The fans and audiences in the audience listened to Xu Qing's song with great concentration, and their eyes were on the big screen behind the stage.

Why does this song sound so good? !

They don't understand, it sounds good, and it's different from other people's singing...

If this song is not sung by Xu Qing, there must be no such feeling, why is it? !

These audiences can't figure it out, but Liang Yuan, as a professional music critic, is very clear.

Xu Qing...

Singing this song...

I didn't even breathe!!!

Liang Yuan was about to explode at this moment, his head was buzzing!

He really couldn't figure it out...

How could someone sing without breathing?

Xu Qing, you don't need to breathe when you sing? !

Liang Yuan looked at Xu Qing on the stage in disbelief. After several observations, he was sure of this!

The reason why Xu Qing sang "Never Left" so well at the beginning was because of his unique singing method!

And the secret of this singing method is that Xu Qing didn't breathe at all when singing!

Generally speaking, when singing, singers will secretly breathe in the gap between two lines of lyrics.

After all, only with enough air can a song be sung well and fully!

But breathing often affects the feeling of the whole song...

So many singers have many special research techniques in breathing, in order to minimize the impact of breathing!

As a result, many scientific breathing techniques were born, which are very popular among popular singers!

This is not a secret.

But... the problem is...

Xu Qing... Damn...

He doesn't breathe at all! ! !

What is this operation? !

Liang Yuan was confused for a long time and didn't react.

Are Xu Qing's lungs still the lungs that humans should have?

How can he sing without breathing?

The most important thing is that even if he doesn't breathe, the songs he sings are extremely full and stable!

This is simply... against the sky!

AsAs a professional music critic, he shouldn't be so surprised.

But tonight, Xu Qing is simply a monster!

Singing without taking a breath? It can even be said that it completely changed Liang Yuan's cognition!

Everyone is trying to breathe secretly and reduce breathing...

But Xu Qing is good, he just doesn't breathe!

"You are the only one who can do it, just not breathe?"

"You are so obvious, right?!"

"People like you are not sociable in the singer world!!!"


Also shocked is Hong Xiao, the director of Mango TV's "Singer".

Of course, he also found that when Xu Qing sang this song "Never Left", that fucking...

This song should be called "Lungs Never Left"!

Xu Qing has never taken a breath!

He almost sang the chorus!

Moreover, even looking at the micro-expressions on his face, he looked very relaxed and had no intention of breathing at all!

You are fucking open, right? !

Both Hong Xiao and Liang Yuan were extremely focused at this moment.

Because Xu Qing was going to sing the chorus of "Never Left" next, they really wanted to know.

You can really continue singing the chorus without taking a breath?

I don't believe it! ! !


[I looked at the mountains in the distance]

[But missed the turning intersection]

[Looking back suddenly]

[I realized that you were waiting for me and I had never left]

[I looked for the end of the sea]

[But ignored the winding river]

[When I was sailing against the current]

[You pushed me on my left and right]


Fuck Li!

Even Liang Yuan, who always thought he was very cultured and educated, couldn't live in Bengbu anymore!

He and Hong Xiao, who was not far away, looked at each other, and both of them read the incredible in each other's eyes.

That's right, from the moment Xu Qing sang into the chorus, the two of them kept staring at each other!

However, the result is that...

Xu Qing, damn, actually didn't breathe!!!

Not even a little breath!!!

The two of them were stunned in place. Due to the tension just now, they almost couldn't hold it in and needed to take a deep breath...

But what about Xu Qing? He was like nothing happened!

Could it be that Xu Qing made an artificial iron lung? Is there such technology now? Is it reliable? Is it mature?

Or is Xu Qing actually a robot? !

Yes, that's right, in fact, Xu Qing is not a human at all, he must be an AI robot!

Otherwise, how to explain that he doesn't even need to breathe when singing?

Especially, he doesn't even breathe during the chorus? !

Is this a beaver? !

Grandpa Niu doesn't come out to take care of it? !

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